Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1757: Reached an agreement to enable Huangquan

They discussed again, Luo Zhengliang didn't speak, and he didn't need to speak anymore. What he said before was his opinion.

After more than an hour, everyone was a little tired. After so long, there was still no good plan. They looked at Luo Zhengliang.

Luo Zhengliang stood up and said, "Dear leaders, I still think the Huangquan team is more appropriate!"

A person who specializes in foreign affairs said: "They have served as mercenaries and asked them to represent our country. If we let others know, what is our face?"

Luo Zhengliang looked at this man, his eyes narrowed, but he was really pedantic!

Luo Zhengliang didn't know how to answer him, and no one else spoke about this question.

In the end, the man sitting in the front had the final word: "Okay, let's do it this way. I have to inform Gusu about this matter. Now Huangquan team is under the control of his 01 Intelligence Base, which is his combat intelligence department. Those who use him, tell him!"

"Before I came, I had already told him, he had no objection!" Luo Zhengliang said.

"Haha, Luo, you have everything ready! Very good, let's talk about your plan! Specific plan!"

"Yes!" Luo Zhengliang began to say: "They can't join Interpol under the name of Huangquan Squad. They just join as our armed police, and their names will change. As for how they change, they decide by themselves. We need the cooperation of the armed police department!"

"This is simple, I will do it myself!" a man from the armed police said readily.

The man in the first seat nodded and said, "Well, then we will assign tasks. If they need any help, all departments must cooperate well. If anyone loses the chain, I will ask him to settle the account!"


Everyone responded.

Then they will have a meeting to discuss.


At this time, Zhang Feng had landed at the Kyoto Airport after a two-hour flight. He went back to the Military Commission compound and saw that Mei Huizi was cleaning the yard. He hadn't seen him for a few days, and the yard had been completely new.

Yun Qian had also made it very clean before, but it was not exquisite, and she didn't have the thoughts, and her thoughts were all on Haohao.

"Sir, you are back!"

Emiko came over to catch the things in Zhang Feng's hand, but it was nothing but a bit of food.

"Well, I'm back, where is Chao Yun?" Zhang Feng asked.

Entering the house with Emiko, Emiko knelt at the door and changed Zhang Feng's shoes.

"Miss Zhuo has gone home!" Emiko said.

Zhang Feng nodded, he was back to Zhuo's house, her home is in Kyoto.

The Zhuo family knows about her relationship with Zhang Feng. Now the Zhuo family runs Wanda's gold mine. The family's wealth has skyrocketed in the past few years, driving other businesses.

As for whether Zhang Feng has other women, they don't care, their family has no secular concept, as long as Zhuo Chaoyun is willing.

Zhang Feng has brought huge wealth to their family, and they will not want such a good thing.

"Are you used to living here?"

Zhang Feng did not refuse her to do so, but accepted it calmly.

Sitting on the sofa, Emiko brought a glass of warm water: "Thank you, sir, for your concern. I live here very well and feel at ease!"

"Your Chinese literature is very fast!" Zhang Feng said.

"Thank you Mr. Compliment!"

Emiko smiled faintly. She already knew Chinese before she met Zhang Feng, but she was not very familiar with it. She had been learning every day since she came here.

A master like her is very capable of learning and has a very high understanding.

Zhang Feng looked at her, and the scene of the battle in Shengdian that day appeared in her mind. She was dressed in black and armed with a spear, which was the most attractive.

And she is gentle and elegant now, like a housemaid, who would have thought of her skill, her lethality.

Now she is wearing a scarf around her chest and kneeling on the floor next to the sofa. Fortunately, there is a wool carpet on the floor.

Shuangzai placed it in the crotch, lowered his head slightly, waiting for the next command from the owner.

"Help me loose my shoulders!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, sir, would you like to take a shower?"

"No, I'll have something to do in a while, so be it!"

Zhang Feng lay on the sofa, Emiko got up and massaged his back.

This is already Zhang Feng's habit, because Emiko's hands seem to have magical powers, and her body is relieved after a few strokes.

In the past few days when he went to the Yun's house, Zhang Feng had not taken a good rest. He drank a lot of wine yesterday and the day before, and he was still a little tired.

Now relax, Zhang Feng took a nap.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng got up, took Emiko's hand and said, "Emiko, thank you!"

"Sir, don't say that, this is what I should do!" Emiko became a little nervous.

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Well, I won't say, you did a good job!"

The current Emiko, if she comes here without conspiracy, and if she does these things willingly, then there is a kind of servility in her bones. This may be one of the reasons why the Chinese like the women of the country, just like their country’s small movies, to satisfy men All fantasy.

In reality, Japanese women can satisfy men's desire to conquer.

"Thank you sir! I will continue to work hard!"

In fact, Zhang Feng didn't know, she was not sure when she would massage Zhang Feng on the heart of his back when Zhang Feng was completely unprepared.

But Zhang Feng couldn't be without any defense. When Zhang Feng decided to keep her, Zhang Feng was on guard.

But since it was to be guarded, why did she keep her in the first place.

Zhang Feng himself couldn't explain this clearly.

If there is, there is a reason, that is, when Emiko approaches Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng wants to know her purpose, what she wants to do, and what the people behind her want to do.

Then Zhang Feng picked them out.

Emiko is a master assassin, much better than Zhang Feng's dark blood team.

It is much safer to let her here than to let her play black hands in the dark.

Under certain circumstances, the closer the enemy is, the safer it is because it can be detected in the shortest time.

It can be observed from the enemy's usual actions.

At present, Emiko has not shown anything wrong with Zhang Feng and the people around him.

Zhang Feng's intuition is that Emiko's identity is good, and that she must have difficulties.

With her skill, how could she commit herself to Fujitaichi as a servant for no reason?

Zhang Feng didn't ask about this, nor would she say it.

This kind of relationship is also quite good, I hope she will be like this all her life.

Maybe she had a big secret hidden in her heart, but Zhang Feng liked her by his side anyway.

Zhang Feng didn't tell her that one day you would stabb me in the back.

"Sir, do you want to eat? I will prepare it for you!" Emiko said softly.

"No, come back to eat at night, you can get some delicious!" Zhang Feng said.


Emiko knelt at the door to send Zhang Feng away, and said, "Sir, you have worked hard!"

Zhang Feng turned his head and smiled.

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