Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1758: Goodbye Zhao Yihan, the daughter of Zhao Dasheng

He is like a man in the family, going out to work to make money, and his wife said this to him.

Zhang Feng went out with the small bag in his hand and drove to the No. 1 High School Affiliated to Kyoto University.

There were two students who knew each other, and one of them was Hart.

He went to school there less than half a month after he came to Huaxia, and Zhang Feng hadn't visited him yet.

After arriving at the school, I went to his classroom. Before I saw him, I saw someone I haven't seen for a long time, Zhao Yihan!

This little girl, Zhao Dasheng's daughter, has changed a lot.

After she returned to China, she was arranged to study here. She had no other family members, she was an orphan, and the guardian was an old beggar.

When I saw her, Zhang Feng was a little surprised, because before Zhao Yihan looked very weak, but now, his body looks much stronger, not fatter, but more inside, from her eyes Zhang Feng saw perseverance, which was not in line with the look she should have at her age, and it was even more different from other classmates.

The most obvious thing is that the skin is a bit darker, not the ink-colored black, but the wheatish color. Before, she was a white and tender rich little princess.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Zhao Yihan was very happy and surprised to see Zhang Feng.

"I'll see you, and Hart, oh Roger!" Zhang Feng said.

"He? He is going to practice playing!" Zhao Yihan said.

"Playing?" Zhang Feng was a little surprised.

Jerry is a relatively weak and introverted child, which has something to do with his growing up environment. His father is busy with research and doesn't pay much attention to him.

Now Zhao Yihan says he is going to learn to play, Zhang Feng is very surprised.

"Ignore him first, are you hungry? I brought you something, the spicy strips you like to eat!" Zhang Feng said as he took out a packet of spicy strips, Wei Long's.

Little girls like it.

Zhao Yihan was very happy, and took it over and said, "Thank you, uncle, but I haven't eaten these things for a long time, so I don't eat them!"

"Oh?" Zhang Feng was surprised again.

It's not easy for a girl who likes to eat these things. What should be the reason? Physical reasons?

She looks healthy.

"I have been exercising for a long time, so I can't eat these things!" Zhao Yihan said.

After saying that, Zhang Feng will understand that she wants to exercise, and it is really rare for girls now.

And she has a very high face value, she is only seventeen years old, and her height has reached 1.7 meters.

"Yihan, is this your father?" a classmate came over and exclaimed happily.

Zhao Yihan smiled and said, "No, this is my uncle!"

"Hello Uncle!"

"Hello there!"

After the classmates left, Zhang Feng said, "Well, you can exercise, and your uncle will support you! But do what you can, especially since you are now in the stage of physical development!"

"Uncle, I know, I have read a lot of books about exercise!" Zhao Yihan said.

"That's good, take me to find him!" Zhang Feng said.


Zhao Yihan is very sunny, wearing ordinary sportswear, but in good health, looks youthful and beautiful, she is considered a colonel here.

"How is your study now?"

Zhang Feng cared while walking.

"I was number one last semester, and the mathematics competition organized by the Kyoto Youth Development Center for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, I also took first place!" Zhao Yihan downplayed.

"Awesome!" Zhang Feng was very happy. This girl is simply a scholar: "Uncle is proud of you!"

"Really?" Zhao Yihan was also very happy, it seems that Zhang Feng's must be more happy than the results she got.

"Of course it is true!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Great, thank you uncle!"

When the two came to the playground together, they saw a series of laughter, but the laughter was a bit wrong. When they walked in, they found that a gray-headed young man couldn't get the ball.

He was knocked over, but he quickly stood up and continued running.


This is a mocking voice.

"How long has he been like this?" Zhang Feng asked.

Zhao Yihan said: "It's been two months, I used to learn volleyball football."

Jerry is indeed very different from before, a lot stronger, Zhang Feng smiled.

"He has to practice like this for nothing?"

Zhang Feng felt very strange that Jerry's momentum was wrong, not ordinary practice, but desperate practice.

What can make him so desperate?

"He, he, how did I know!" Zhao Yihan looked a little nervous, and his face was a little red.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Feng knew there was a problem.

"Aren't you going to talk to me?" Zhang Feng said softly.

This seems to be a request, and it seems to be an order, anyway, people cannot refuse.

"He, he said he wants to beat me!" Zhao Yihan whispered.

When Zhao Yihan appeared just now, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, especially the boys, especially the boys in the middle of the court. They worked harder and seemed to have to perform well.

And Zhao Yihan stood like a standout.

"Why do you want to beat you? Could it be that you bullied him? This is not good!" Zhang Feng said.

On the way here just now, Zhao Yihan said that she was learning taekwondo, learning swordsmanship, and also learning archery.

It's omnipotent. These are all extracurricular. She didn't go to study until the weekend, and Zhang Feng looked at her hand. It looked like a girl's hand. It was very rough and had calluses. The back of the hand was very good.

Based on this, Zhang Feng believes that she has learned so much.

What Zhang Feng doesn't understand is why she has to learn so much. If she is self-defense, taekwondo is enough.

"No, no, I didn't bully him, he came to provoke me!" Zhao Yihan's voice lowered.

what is this? The shyness of a girl, why is she shy?

There is a big problem!

"I think she should not be able to beat you, how could she come to provoke you!" Zhang Feng said suspiciously.

And Zhang Feng belongs to Zhang Feng, and Jerry is like a girl, very shy, how could he go to provoke others.

"Uncle, don't ask!" Zhao Yihan said embarrassedly.

Zhang Feng realized that it was impolite, and then said: "Oh, sorry, I don't ask, I just care about you, since you don't want to say, then don't say it, it's okay!"

Zhao Yihan stopped talking and lowered her head slightly. She was thinking about things or deciding something, but instead of twisting the corners of her clothes, her feet were drawn in circles on the ground.

"Uncle, there is actually nothing I can't say!" Zhao Yihan looked at Zhang Feng with big bright and enlightened eyes: "That day, he was bullied outside the school. I happened to be passing by to see if he was a student or a companion in the school. Classmate, I helped him and beat those people. After that, those people didn't dare to bully him again, and then he said that he liked me..."

Having said that, he didn't say anything.

Zhang Feng understands that this is the bridge section of the old routine! Good thing.

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