Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1759: Zhao Yihan’s changes, atonement for his father

It is indeed a good thing. Men mature through women, which means that only women can teach men to become mature.

Of course, this does not mean that the more women the man has, the more mature he is.

Now Zhao Yihan can develop Jerry.

Zhang Feng didn't ask Zhao Yihan whether he liked Jerry or not, so there was no need to ask, Zhang Feng could see it.

Jerry must have been sent a good guy card.

"Have you practiced fighting and Sanda?" Zhang Feng asked.

Zhao Yihan was surprised that his uncle would say this: "I didn't learn it. I plan to learn Taekwondo again when I go to high school!"

"Very well, I will take you to see the world when I have the opportunity!" Zhang Feng said.

"Thank you, uncle, will you teach me?"

Zhang Feng looked at her and said in a deep voice, "No!"

"Why? Are you unwilling to teach me?"

Zhao Yihan was very disappointed, and her inferiority complex showed up all at once, which was well concealed by her.

The ups and downs of her life have created her character. In fact, her heart is not strong, and she has to cover it up with her appearance.

"No, because all I know are those murderous moves!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yihan said: "What I want to learn is those murderous moves!"

This surprised Zhang Feng, what is she going to do?

"Do you want to do something?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Uncle, I dare not hide it from you, I want to clear the sins committed by my father!" Zhao Yihan's eyes became unusually firm.

Zhang Feng's heart trembled, this little girl is not easy.

"You have to think about it, this is a way of no return!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice, "You can't live like an ordinary person!"

Zhao Yihan looked up at Zhang Feng and said, "Uncle, my destiny is no longer ordinary!?"

Yes, she was right. From the day she was born, she couldn't lead an ordinary life because her father had always been in a special job.

And so does Jerry.

"Don’t worry, as long as you learn well, the country will not treat you badly and I will not treat you badly in the future as a country for the people. I understand your father. If this happens to me, I will also Do it like him!"

"If he didn't do that and just watched you die like that, he would not be a qualified father, and I would look down on him!"

Zhao Yihan said: "Really?"

"Of course, I am also a father!" Zhang Feng said: "And your father's affairs are not all his fault. He was calculated and used by others. First of all, the Wang family, and then those people. Don't go. I’m having trouble with the Wang family, this account has been cleared, understand?"

"Yes, uncle, I won't!"

"That's good!" Zhang Feng responded, "You call him over!"

Zhang Feng looked at Jerry in the stadium, he was sweating profusely and injured everywhere.

"Oh!" Zhao Yihan was not very willing, but he still called.

She yelled: "Jerry, Jerry!"

Her angry voice covered the voices of dozens of people in the audience!

Everyone looked over, Jerry stopped for the first time, and then ran over because he saw Zhao Yihan and Uncle Zhang together.

He ran over and stood in front of Zhao Yihan, and said in not very fluent Chinese: "Zhao, classmate Zhao, you call me? Uncle Zhang!"

Jerry was very happy. She came to see him play just now.

"It's not that I called you, it's this uncle, I didn't expect you to know each other, so I will leave first!

Zhao Yihan said he was about to leave, and Zhang Feng said, "Go over there and wait for me!"

"Okay!" Zhao Yihan responded, thinking that the uncle has something important to tell himself.

Looking at Jerry, who was full of excitement in mud and sweat, Zhang Feng said, "Come on, eat something!"

The two sat down nearby. At this moment, Zhang Feng saw two school security guards not far away. Zhang Feng could see at a glance that the two were here to protect Jerry and were sent by the old beggar.

As for the bullying of him before, they would not interfere with this kind of thing, and be beaten, as long as it is not serious, it still appears in Zhao Yihan.

"Wow, so many delicious!" Jerry was very excited.

He is a carnivore, he likes to eat meat, he likes heavy taste.

Zhang Feng brought him spicy rabbit head, lo-mei and so on.

They are all his favorites, and he can't usually eat them at school.

He has gained a lot of weight and energy in the first half year since he came to China.

"Eat, eat well and practice ball!"

"Thank you Uncle Zhang!" Jerry was very happy, grabbing the rabbit's head and biting it, very enjoyable.

He was very inferior before, but now he doesn't care about others' eyes, he loves to express himself.

"Uncle Zhang, do you know how to practice basketball and make the most progress?" Jerry said while eating.

Zhang Feng shook his head and said: "No, only you work hard. Those so-called methods are others. How can you beat others by using the most powerful methods of others?"

"You have to develop your own set of methods, so that you can beat Invincible Hands!" Zhang Feng said.

Jerry was taken aback, and then responded: "Uncle Zhang, thank you, I know what to do!"

"Are you just practicing basketball?" Zhang Feng asked.

"No, there are taekwondo, swordsmanship, etc.!"

"Well, practice hard. When you reach the height that others can't look up to, you will get everything you want, including the girl you like!" Zhang Feng said.

Jerry said: "Uncle Zhang, I like Classmate Zhao!"

"Then work hard, you must be stronger than her to have a sense of presence in front of her and protect her!" Zhang Feng said this famous saying.

He is very honest!

"I will, I will work hard!"

Zhang Feng stood up and said: "Okay, I'm leaving, you work hard!"

"Okay, thank you Uncle Zhang!"

Zhang Feng went to Zhao Yihan and said to her: "I have a request!"

"Uncle, you say!"

"When necessary, you must protect Jerry so that his life is not in danger. Even if you have sacrificed your life, if it were me, I would have sacrificed my life!" Zhang Feng said solemnly, "Understand? "

This was too serious for a girl, and Zhao Yihan really didn't react for a while.

"Uncle, you, me, I don't quite understand!" Zhao Yihan was scared.

Zhang Feng said: "Let’s tell you this, in order to protect the safety of him and his father, some of our teammates sacrificed, and I was also injured. He will not be absolutely safe here. There are people protecting him now. But the distance between you and him is relatively close, no one can replace it!"

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, Zhao Yihan was inexplicably excited: "Is this my first task?"

"The same can be said!" Zhang Feng responded.

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