Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1760: Bring Zhao Yihan to the world, Huangquan temporary base

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"However, no matter what you do, you must first protect yourself. If the task cannot be completed, then retreat immediately. If you can complete the task only by sacrificing yourself, then sacrifice!"

This is cruel, Zhang Feng said it.

"Yes, I remember it!"

Zhao Yihan's face sank.

"You have to keep getting stronger and breaking through yourself!" Zhang Feng said: "I will teach you when I have time. Now that you have embarked on this path, you have no choice!"


Zhang Feng said: "You go ask for a leave, I will take you a place!"

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng took Zhao Yihan out of the campus, who had changed his school uniform and put on sportswear.

The place Zhang Feng took her to was Huang Quan’s temporary training place outside of Kyoto.

In a ravine dozens of kilometers away from Kyoto, the conditions are simple.

This area is a military base, which is used by the Kyoto garrison for training.

Zhang Feng was here for the first time. They didn't know Zhang Feng was coming, and they all went out for training.

Only some staff members were there, and they received Zhang Feng.

Someone stood guard when they were outside at the mountain pass. Fortunately, they knew Zhang Feng.

As for why Zhang Feng brought this little girl here, they didn't ask. People who can come here are not easy, and this girl is also very difficult.

Let Zhang Feng go in, and the people Zhang Feng brought can also go in.

"This is a training base!"

Once inside, Zhang Feng told her the destination of the trip.

Zhao Yihan is very curious about here.

"Uncle, do you want me to train here?" Zhao Yihan was a little excited.

Zhang Feng found that fighting blood was flowing in her blood.

"No, you are not qualified enough. Bringing you here is to let you see the world, expand your horizons, and your horizons determine your height!" Zhang Feng said.

"Yes!" Zhao Yihan nodded.

Everything here is very novel, completely different from the ones on TV. The ones on TV are too ideal, especially the so-called special training programs that are obviously done, which are just children.

Two hours later, Yan Wang and his team returned from training. It was a surprise and a pleasant surprise to see Zhang Fenglai.

"The actor is back! Haha..." Li Jian was about to come up to a bear hug when he saw Zhang Feng.

But after being kicked by Zhang Feng, Li Jian reacted quickly to avoid the kick. Zhang Feng didn't let him go and deceive him.

The two fought together.

With two moves, Li Jian retreated steadily. He shouted: "I'm early, you can't come up yet!"


When he was talking, Zhang Feng kicked over. Li Jian couldn't avoid it, but could only block the fierce kick with his hands crossed, and forced him back two meters, almost unable to stand steady.

Just when Zhang Feng was about to go up, Yan Wang jumped out, and the two fought fiercely together. With two moves, Yan Wang retreated.

"Go together!" He ordered.

All those who returned from training unloaded their weights and joined the battle group.

Zhao Yihan, who was by the side, was stunned for a while, fisted to the flesh, making a killing move.

The first time she saw such a battle, it was not of the same magnitude as on TV.



Zhao Yihan advocates force in her bones, and she enjoys watching it.

After watching for a while, when she took out her mobile phone to take a photo, the camera was covered by a big brother behind.

Then he smiled and shook his head to her, Zhao Yihan immediately understood, and hurriedly put the phone away with an awkward smile.

At this time, the fighting was raging, Zhang Feng singled out a dozen of them, but they still didn't get anything cheap, but Zhang Feng injured a few people, and one of the **** guys was the most conspicuous.

He absorbed most of Zhang Feng's strength like a solid iron tower.

It is the frontal force, and then out of the gap to other teammates to attack Zhang Feng.

They constantly change their offensive plans and cooperate very tacitly. So far, Zhang Feng has tied with them.

"A group of three, drain him!" Hades shouted.

This is interesting.

They quickly formed a team, a group of three, to attack Zhang Feng.

The three formed a ‘Pin’ shape and attacked step by step.

One group is tired, retreat to one side to rest, and the next group goes up, repeating this way, fighting on wheels, exhausting Zhang Feng.

After half an hour, still failed to treat Zhang Feng.

Hades shouted again: "One in front and one back, two groups!"

A group came from behind, Zhang Feng was attacked on his back!

"Uncle, come on!" Zhao Yihan shouted from the side.

At the beginning, Zhao Yihan felt unfair for Zhang Feng because so many people beat him. Now it seems that it is completely unnecessary. Zhang Feng can fight the heroes!

It was shocking. Every one of them was a master class. Caldera was a monster. Regardless of his size, he was not slow and very flexible.

There is also a lean foreigner who specializes in sneak attacks with deadly moves.

There is also the leading Hades, his moves are very decent, even Zhao Yihan can see that he uses some of the moves on the TV.

The fighting lasted for more than two hours, until the logistician shouted: "If you don't come to eat again, the meal will be eaten by bugs!"

Only then did they stop, and from the beginning to the end, they drew a tie, and no one made a profit.

Enough to see how strong Zhang Feng's power is!

But Zhang Feng was also injured, all with minor injuries.

"Haha, little girl, you are welcome to come here, go, brother will take you to dinner!"

Jackal came over and said to Zhao Yihan grinning.

"Okay, thank you elder brother!" Zhao Yihan's clear and beautiful voice made people comfortable.

The student over there smiled and said, "Little sister, you have to be careful, don't be fooled by him!"

"This brother, why did he lie to me!?" Zhao Yihan asked.

The student said: "Do you know what he is?"

"What is it? Isn't it a human?"

"Huh? How do you know? He is a wolf!"

"Hey, I like wolves, and I admire wolves the most. They are better than lions and tigers!" Zhao Yihan said.

"Uh..." The student was choked and really didn't know how to refute it.

The jackal smiled and said, "Haha, little sister, let me take you to eat delicious food!"


A group of people went to the creek to wash, and went into the empty big shed under the tree.

There is a simple long table inside, nailed up with wooden boards. The wooden boards are rough or even not polished. The stools on which they sit are wooden piles.

Everything here is messy, it looks very dirty, but there are no mosquitoes and flies.

There were a few big-faced dishes on the long table, Zhao Yihan randomly found a place to sit down, and her uncle sat there.

"Come, eat!" The elder brother who didn't let her take pictures just put the bowl and chopsticks in front of her.

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