Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1761: Want to become stronger, Uncle Luo gives an order

Zhao Yihan looked up and smiled: "Thank you, big brother!"

"Hehe, you can eat by yourself, you can make whatever you want!"

"Okay thank you!"

Zhao Yihan took the big iron bowl to serve the rice, and they were already eating it. There was a lot of rice. In a huge pot, the amount of white flowers was estimated to be 70 or 80 jin.

The big bowl is a small basin, which is about the same size as the one Zhao Yihan used in school anyway.

The rice is very fragrant, much better than at school.

And the dishes on the table are delicious!

Although it doesn't look good when it is installed in a large bowl, it is delicious and appetizing. The cooking skills are comparable to a chef!

"It's delicious, did you make Big Brother?" Zhao Yihan said while eating.

"I did it!"

"It's so delicious!"

"Then eat more and take care of it!"


The chefs invited by Huangquan team are not ordinary, they are in charge of the army.

They eat very fast, but Zhao Yihan has seen it, they are desperately putting food into their stomachs, and they are not afraid of indigestion.

Also, it is impossible for them to have indigestion, because they have a lot of training every day, and these things will quickly become energy in the body and be used up.

After the meal, they rested for fifteen minutes, then took a nap for fifteen minutes, and started training.

There is an obstacle in the valley, there are a dozen meters high wall, rope, single tree, mud pit, arrow pit and so on!

It's all desperate training, if you accidentally jump down, you will die!

They also need speed. This time they have added dummy training. The dummy has a gun and will shoot as soon as it appears, and it is still a real bullet.

They also have guns in their hands, and they can pass only by hitting the dummy's eyebrows during high-speed operations.

If it is slow, it will be hit by the dummy. If it fails to hit the eyebrows, the dummy will still shoot if it is not dead.

This is desperate high-intensity training!

Zhao Yihan really opened his eyes, this is called training!

What Zhao Yihan did not expect was that Zhang Feng did not join the training, he walked around with Zhao Yihan.

"What do you think?" Zhang Feng asked.

Zhao Yihan said: "I want to do this kind of training too!"


Her answer surprised Zhang Feng, because it was a **** training that would kill people.

"I want to become stronger!" Zhao Yihan said.

"Wait for you to graduate!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhao Yihan nodded silently.

After a while, Zhao Yihan asked: "Uncle, I can ask a question!"

"Yes, today you can ask a lot of questions, if you can let you know, I will say!"

Zhao Yihan said: "Are they special forces?"

"The same can be said, but they are more powerful than the soldiers!"

"Then do they usually perform tasks?"

"Of course, have you forgotten? When you care about the country!"

"I remember!"

"Remember, we are a hidden knife of the motherland. We are ready to sacrifice at any time. We can give the enemy a fatal blow that is caught off guard at any time. We have no name and no one will know if we die. There is no honor, no halo, and Ma Ge does not The Shroud..."

"Huh!" Zhao Yihan responded softly.

She understood silently in her heart.

"I will send you back to school!" Zhang Feng said.


What she saw and heard this time touched Zhao Yihan a lot, making her work harder!


When sending her back to school, Zhang Feng received a call from Luo Zhengliang, and she came on time!

"Uncle Luo!" Zhang Feng said.

"I'm at Xingyuan Teahouse!" Luo Zhengliang just said and hung up.

Zhang Feng drove over immediately.

This is a very quiet teahouse by the lake.

There was also a pavilion outside, and Luo Zhengliang sat there waiting for Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng called there and sat down: "Uncle Luo!"

Strictly speaking, it was Luo Zhengliang who changed Zhang Feng's fate, although the old beggar had already arranged it.

But he was Zhang Feng's guide, leading Zhang Feng to Huangquan.

And at the beginning, no one recognized Zhang Feng's strength, he believed in Zhang Feng.

At this point, he was kind to Zhang Feng.

So Zhang Feng is very respectful to him no matter what.

"Come on, take a sip of tea!" Luo Zhengliang poured a cup for Zhang Feng and drank it himself.

The tea here is good.

Drinking tea and alcohol can almost do things, but in fact, only those who can drink tea together can do things well.

Those things that are done at the wine table will have sequelae. The so-called brothers after a glass of wine, brothers and brothers screaming, are in fact all scenes. After drinking three rounds and leaving the wine table, things are another matter. .

"Uncle Luo, have you encountered a problem?"

Zhang Feng knew about the mission this time, but he didn't know the details yet.

"Actually, I don't want you to run around. If you run more often, you can't hide, but there is no way. Hell will come later, we will wait!"

Half an hour later, he came here in plain clothes. He was strong and full of strength, giving a strong sense of oppression.

"Uncle Luo!" Hades shouted.

Luo Zhengliang nodded and took out the teacup to pour tea.

The three of them were sitting here drinking tea and saying this in a low voice. Others thought they were spending their time here leisurely. Who would have known that they were discussing a major event that shocked the world.

"The situation is not very clear yet, let me tell you by the way!" Luo Zhengliang said.

The two nodded and listened respectfully.

"Let’s talk about this matter in Southwest City. Zhang Feng, you did well in Southwest City. You knocked out one of their dens. Two children died in the subsequent treatment. Nothing else was lost. It was a nationwide sweep, which cleared out dozens of their dens in our country!"

"But the roots have not yet been eliminated. They have reappeared in the past half a year, so they must eliminate the roots. The last time Interpol organized a surprise operation, it failed. They are more powerful and complicated than we thought!"

"This time, Interpol intends to increase its strength to cut off this cancerous tumor, and invites us again. This time I intend to let you go to Huangquan, not to promote our national prestige, but how powerful we are. No need, but you are based at the grassroots level. The identity of the armed police should be low-key! There is only one purpose, to eradicate them!"

Luo Zhengliang took a sip of tea after he finished talking, so that he had finished talking.

Just wait for Hades to nod.

"Uncle Luo, is this an order, or is it?" Hades asked.

Hades got the idea, he said this sentence since he came over, and the words were amazing.

This made Luo Zhengliang wonder how to answer it.

It didn't take long for the Huangquan team to be rebuilt now. Although the Huangquan team is not organized, there is a list of them on it, enjoying the best equipment benefits.

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