Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1762: Change your status and obey orders

Another point is that the outsiders of the Huangquan team don't know it, so it's not easy to play.

But the key is that Hades agreed to go.

Luo Zhengliang thought for a while, and said: "This is what I proposed to the above, and the above is also approved. It depends on your opinions!"

This is a euphemistic order.

"That's still an order, I obey the order!" Hell Wang said.

Luo Zhengliang knew what Yan Wanghui said: "Zhang Feng, how about you?"

"Hell Wang is the captain, where he points to where I play!" Zhang Feng said: "But can I have a suggestion?"

"Say!" Luo Zhengliang looked forward to it.

He knows that Zhang Feng's suggestion is very important. Maybe this mission will follow his suggestion.

"Uncle Luo, just now you said that we joined the bandit suppression operation at the request of Interpol, and our Huang Quan is not easy to show up. Why don't we invite others?" Zhang Feng said.

"Who please? Right now you are the most suitable!" Luo Zhengliang still did not understand Zhang Feng's meaning.

Hades was also blank.

"Mercenaries, have you ever thought about mercenaries?"

Luo Zhengliang immediately shook his head: "No, no, mercenaries cannot represent us!"

"I know!"

Having said that, the king of Yan understood: "We joined as a mercenary, even if we are not with the Interpol, but the purpose is the same, the big deal is to do it alone!"

Luo Zhengliang didn't say anything. He felt that this still needs to be considered. After all, this matter is all staring at it, maybe there will be trouble, and there can be no more risks.

"Yes, go as a mercenary. Of course, this still needs to be manipulated. I think there are a lot of mercenary identities among the Interpol. They will not send their own elites. Why are we not doing this? ?"

"The specific operation can be like this. There is a child of a wealthy overseas Chinese businessman who was persecuted by them. The rich businessman wants to avenge Xue Xue. He also knew about the operation of the Interpol, and then asked to join. I think the Interpol will definitely agree. As for this mercenary. What is the nature? As long as the criminal group can be killed, it doesn't matter!"

Zhang Feng looked at Uncle Luo.

"So do we still have to come forward and talk to Interpol?" Luo Zhengliang asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Yes, of course, just say we don't send anyone! Didn't we still reply to them?"


Luo Zhengliang hesitated. This is a matter of face. Didn't people say that they were scared and persuaded?

"Uncle Luo, let's forget about the issue of face, face is not given by others, but by yourself, don't care what others say!" Zhang Feng said.

Who doesn't know this truth, so Zhang Feng dared to tell Luo Zhengliang.

"I think it is!" Yan Wang said.

Luo Zhengliang thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll make a call!"

Speaking of Luo Zhengliang, he went to the other side to call, and he wanted to ask for instructions.

The matter is very simple. If you change your identity, this identity can well circumvent the identity of Huangquan Team.

More than ten minutes later, Luo Zhengliang sat back and said, "Then do it, anyway, you have experience in this area, but there is one thing, don't let people see it, otherwise it will be unsightly."

Luo Zhengliang was already very euphemistic when he said this. If it is seen by others, it is not just that it is not pretty.

"We know that we will not embarrass Uncle Luo!" Zhang Feng said.

Luo Zhengliang nodded.

"When will we leave?" Hades asked again.

"awaiting notice!"

The speed of Interpol is relatively slow, and they can only start unanimously in multinational organizations.

"Then we will go abroad now!" Zhang Feng said.

Luo Zhengliang nodded: "You go and prepare."

Said Luo Zhengliang and left.


Somewhere in a country to the west.

In the large office, a group of men with decent faces in camouflage uniforms were discussing.

"We have to send people. How many people did we lose last time? We still don’t know how to explain to the families of our sacrificed comrades, how much pension is required? These bandits are not here to commit crimes, so why should we go? ?"

A man was very angry.

"Dores, don’t be angry. Let’s not say that we have sacrificed our comrades in arms and have to pay a lot of pensions. Just say that we have a quota in the United Nations. They organized the Interpol. If we don’t go, how should we look at us? In the future, if they have any good things, they will not call us again. We must understand this, and we must take revenge, not let them sacrifice in vain!"

Dores was silent, sat down and felt bored.

Another said: "Then what do you say? Always send someone out!"

A square-faced man stood up and said, "Let the Irish Marines go! Choose twenty!"

"Harms, do you lead the team?" Dores asked him.

"Yes, I'm leading the team!" Harms said coldly. He looked down on these people and was not bloody.

"That's good, Harms, you go!"

Harms got up and left, he didn't bother to care about these people.

And the people he walked here were relieved. To a certain extent, they were shown to Harms just now. No one is more suitable than him.

Just let him bring it up by himself. Now they can complete the task, and he will be responsible for everything that happens.

If he has anything to do, he can do his best to cooperate.

Hams is the instructor of the Irish Marines, with more than a thousand people.

He selected twenty people, brought his own equipment, and went to the assembly point.

The meeting point was somewhere in the Eastern Pacific. After two days and two nights of hard work, there was no one after he got there. After contacting him, he knew that they hadn't set off yet, and he was the first one to come.

This makes him very angry, because a week has passed and it is too slow.

The originating country did not come either.

I couldn't go back now, so I had to live here first, but fortunately, the conditions in this place are fine.

Recharge your energy and wait for them to come.


He took Huangquan's team abroad and went to Southeast Asia to detect intelligence. Currently, there is too little intelligence that can be fed back.

They must take the initiative.

As for their identities, they come from a security company that is not very well-known. That company was founded by a Chinese person and was for Chen Wanru's people. This is the best thing to do.

This company is called Shengqilin Security Company, and their employee badge is also a unicorn.

Clothes are very common. Geely clothes are the most suitable for field operations.

Their team is also called "Kirin".

And their code names have also changed, becoming number one, number two, number three...

Hades is naturally No. 1, followed by Zhang Feng, and so on.

Calderka and Siljava, as well as the dancers, will also bring them.

With them, this group of talents are like mercenaries, and Chinese people are rarely seen as mercenaries in the world.

Originally, when Zhang Feng was in Kyoto, after visiting Jerry, he wanted to see Dr. Loves Frank, oh, it was Dr. Rowan's, but there are tasks, so let's go next time!

His work there is very smooth, there are special people to protect his safety.

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