Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1768: Leading out the big fish, the task is arduous

Wait, wait, waited for half an hour when they came over, Caldera swam over, and Mina was sitting on Caldera's back.

This is too strong!

Only Caldera has such power.

"Wow, you caught a lot of fish!" Mina said in surprise when he got on the boat, "There is also a bluefin tuna, although it is not big, it is more than 100 catties, but how did you catch it!"

"It was caught by Mr. Su just now, he chased it far away!" said a security guard.

Mina only noticed Zhang Feng, an inconspicuous person, so powerful? Catch tuna with bare hands!

"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Su is a diving master!" Mina laughed.

Zhang Feng didn't have much sense of existence in front of her, similar to passerby, not as good as Li Jian.

"Passed the prize, this fish has been injured!" Zhang Feng said, "So it is easy to catch him!"

"So it's like this!" Mina just responded.

Now the fish was motionless on the boat, and there was a wound on his back, which seemed to be really injured.

"Let's go back now!" Mina continued.

When everyone returned to the island, the three chefs began to make seafood, especially the tuna, which was the best sashimi.

If this fish is bought out, a few thousand dollars is fine.

While eating, Zhang Feng said: “When I saw this fish, I didn’t want to catch it, but its stomach got water. It will live soon. If I don’t catch it, it will be eaten by other fish. It's better to eat it for us!"

"Yeah!" Mina replied. She put a piece of sashimi in her mouth and ate another piece to Caldera.

The two seem to have made a public relationship, and they are very affectionate.

There is a well-known book that studies male psychology. The name is "What Can Men Except Sex?" 》

When the people opened the book, there were more than two hundred pages blank.

Yes, in the heart of a man, there is nothing but sex.

This can also be applied to women like Mina.

Zhang Ailing didn’t mean that what leads to women’s psychology is...

Caldera enjoys this tenderness at the moment, all of this is fake.

It will soon be torn apart, and this woman will cruel Caldera, and now he doesn't know what the boss will do to Mina next.

In fact, men care about the first time, even the girl in the shampoo room on the street.

"Yes, this fish has water in its stomach, it will die soon, and it will be wasted if you don't eat it!" Li Jian said.

Everyone understood this, but Mina didn't hear it. She is now on Caldera with all her heart and her IQ is zero.

In the afternoon, a tour group came. There were dozens of people, including men, women and children. Mina got busy and went to Caldera, but Caldera went to help. All he could do was work hard and help. The guest’s luggage or something.

When the guests saw him with a big smile on his face, he felt a lot more settled, and he would be much safer on this island.

Mina was naturally very happy. When there were two people alone, Mina posted it, even when Caldera went to the bathroom, she would wear it in, and then the two did not come out for a long time.

Zhang Feng and others have been paying attention to this tour group. So far, they have not found anything suspicious. There are more than a dozen men, all of whom look like family men.

But still have to stare at them, there can be no variables.

In the evening, Mina organized a bonfire event for all the guests, singing and dancing at the beach, drinking and eating meat, and having fun. Caldera could recognize the big guy standing in the crowd.

"You said, did we come with Caldera on our trip this time?" Chai Chong said while drinking a dull wine.

The elders of them are sitting here, everyone has a bottle of wine in his hand, and Zhang Feng has cigarettes in his hand.

One hand is wine and the other hand is cigarette!

This is also a possibility, if Yun Qian is there, you can't let him do this.

"I also think so, this kid has forgotten us all because of his tall stature and strong ability!" Li Jian's tone was sour, Mina was the only woman on the island, so let's just keep the two clean.

Hell said in a deep voice, "Let Caldera entangle Mina tonight!"

Everyone nodded.

Yesterday Mina didn't go to pick up the goods. I definitely want to go tonight. The goods are not safe in the water for a long time, and the quantity is huge. If Mina doesn't go to pick them up, they will definitely be in a hurry.

To find them, it is better to let them jump out on their own, which is much easier.

They will jump out the day after tomorrow at the latest, as long as they control Mina.

This is Caldera.

Hades continued: "Give him the order in a moment to make Mina forget about it for a while."

Zhang Feng added: "No matter what method Caldera uses, I can't let Mina do other things tonight!"

"I'm worried that Mina will **** him up?" Li Jian said cheaply.

Jackal said: "It shouldn't be. In the past two days, he ate a lot of sea urchins, sea cucumbers, oysters and other great tonics. One night shouldn't be a big problem!

"More than one night, it has been for these two days!" said the student.

"If I face a woman like Mina, I can't take it anymore. Caldera is the most suitable for this task. If there are such tasks in the future, it will be him!" Chai Chong said.

"I also think that no one is more suitable than him!"


These few people went far away as they talked, speaking seriously about topics that made women blush and heartbeat.

After half an hour, Li Jian found a chance.

He communicated with Caldera the orders of Hades and Zhang Feng.

"Mission, you are going to Mina to go to heaven tonight, don't remind her of going to fish for goods, remember? Do you know how to do it?" Li Jian said.

Caldera looked blank.

"Speak!" Li Jian angrily said: "Let's do it, give her the whole medicine, let her want you this night, your boss can say, if you disarm tonight and give her a chance to breathe, be careful of your boss Pack you up!"

Caldera was still blank.

"Why don't you understand, tell me!" Li Jian asked.

"Where is the medicine? If she finds out, will it be exposed?" Caldera said.

Li Jian said angrily: "Donkey brain, too, where is the medicine? It's a problem! Wait a minute, I will ask the students, he understands!"

The amount of knowledge of the student is amazing, not to mention the knowledge of astronomy and geography, but he can use everything he can encounter in life to the extreme, maybe he can make this medicine.

"Well, let me think about it. I'll give it to you in half an hour, but how much medicine is needed?" the student asked.

Li Jian said: "You must be as fierce as you are! As long as you don't die."


Students are getting busy, knowledge is power.

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