Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1769: It's about success or failure, knowledge is power

After only 20 minutes, the student put a glass of water like boiled water into Li Jian's hand and said: "Drink it all at once, make sure she wants to sit on it when she sees the stick!"

"I'll go, can Caldera survive?" Li Jian was shocked.

The student spread his hands and said, "I don't know about it!"

"I think he should be able to do it, he is so strong, otherwise why would Mina like him!" Li Jian thought for a while and said, "Oh, yes, is there any medicine for Caldera?"

The student said: "There is no one at the moment, and there is no time to make it. Time is too short!

"Let's do it, the success or failure of the action depends on Caldera's kidney!" Li Jian said.

"I like your words!"


Li Jian took the medicine, found an opportunity to give Caldera, and said to him: "Just this, let Mina drink, and then she can't leave you tonight, and you don't want her to leave tonight The room or even the phone cannot be allowed to make her call, even if you complete the task, otherwise you will not be able to complete the task. If you can't complete the task, tell your boss yourself!"

Caldera and Silgarva are not under the control of Huangquan team, nor can they be managed, only Zhang Feng can control them.

"I must complete the task!" Caldera said excitedly.

After speaking, he asked doubtfully: "I am worried that she will not drink this potion, or she will see something!"

"Don't worry, it's colorless and tasteless, just like boiled water. Just tell her, didn't you drink a lot of alcohol? Give her some water to care about her! Understand? Oh, what did I tell you about this? Use your own brain!" Li Jian's face was stern: "Your mission is about the success or failure of this operation, it's up to you!"

"Yes! Brother Li Jian!"

"Don't call my name!" Li Jian turned and left.

Caldera was stunned for a moment with the cup in his hand. He didn't think that his task was so important. The boss gave himself the most important task, he valued himself and trusted himself.

"Carl, why are you here? I have been looking for you for a long time. Come here, let's dance together!"

At this moment Mina came, and Caldera almost dropped the cup in his shaking hand.

He turned around and smiled: "I didn't want to find a glass of boiling water for you. It took a long time to find it. You just drank so much wine and you were very thirsty. This water!"

Seeing Mina smiling, Caldera said, "Oh, don't you drink, then..."

Mina will drink without taking it over, and then smiled: "Carl, I love you so much! I really want to love you now..."

Then she came over and hung on Caldera and kissed.

Then they continued to dance and drink. After an hour, Mina couldn't stand it anymore, and took Caldera to the room.

A night of speechlessness was the one between Caldera and Mina. He moved her mobile phone while Mina rolled her eyes, making her mobile phone silent and vibrating, and turned it over, even if it did. There was no movement at all.

Caldera worked hard, and used all his unique skills. Although he didn't have any unique skills, he learned from the movies they watched. Now he can use it, but it is not in vain.

So, learning a lot is useful. No matter what you learn, it will always be useful when you have a lot of skills.

Zhang Feng and others were not idle this night. Everyone on the island was watched by them, especially several employees of Mina.

They are peaceful and quiet.

The next morning they got up to find something to eat, but Mina and Caldera didn't wake up until noon. Mina was so sore that she couldn't get out of bed.

Caldera is okay. He can move freely, but his body is a little weak. He ate a lot of food at breakfast, and even took breakfast for Mina himself.

At this time, Mina seemed to have been lazily curling up there. Caldera took something to her mouth. Mina said: "Um, I haven't brushed my teeth yet, it smells!"

"It's okay, mine smells too, eat, you're all hungry!" Caldera said softly.

Mina opened her mouth and ate, it was very sweet and sweet.

The scene is so warm, but it's a pity that everything is fake, Mina takes this as real.

After eating some food, Mina became more energetic. She said: "Why were you so powerful last night? You see my whole body hurts, especially..."

"You can't blame me!" Caldera said.

"Don't blame you, who else can you blame?"

"I just blame you for being so pretty, I couldn't hold it back!"

Caldera suddenly realized that it was so easy to deceive. He really didn't want to deceive, but it was also to complete the task.

"Hey, my mouth is so sweet!"

Mina was very happy, eyes full of love, came up to kiss Caldera, Caldera quickly let go of her and said: "Mina, if you do this again, I can't stand it!"

Mina stretched out her hand to probe, yelled, and quickly withdrew her hand. She begged for mercy and said, "Carl, you, you, I can't do it, no more, or I will find two women for you ,very beautiful!"

"I don't want anyone but you!" Caldera said and told her to push her down.

Mina's heart and body had been melted, as if fighting power had come again.

Half an hour later, Mina took a breath and said, "Carl, what time is it now?"

Caldera did not respond to her and continued to move. Mina said, "Carl, wait!"

She reached out to find her mobile phone, and Caldera moved harder, and he wanted to overfulfill the task.

But she still got her own phone, looked at it, and screamed: "Yeah..."

Mina's body tightened suddenly, Caldera couldn't stand it, that's it.

"What's the matter?" Caldera asked.

He is also the end of the other.

"It turns out it's so late now, it's almost noon, how can this work, many of my guests!" Mina said and was about to get up: "You can do it, great!"

"Oh, then get up!"

At this time, Caldera really had no choice but to complete the task.

Mina braced her body and gritted her teeth.

"Mina, how are you?" Caldera cared.

"Hmph, it's not all you!" Mina gave him a blank look.

Caldera said in a self-blaming manner: "Then, then I won't try so hard next time!"

"No, my dear, you can use as much force as you can!" Mina's face immediately became charming.

"But you..."

Mina likes to see his immature appearance, she feels she has conquered this strong man

This man is too strong, no matter where he is, she will never find such a strong man again.

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