Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1770: Mina’s lover, the big snake comes out

"No, Carl, women are like this, you have to understand!" Mina said.

"Oh!" Caldera seemed to understand.

In fact, he really doesn't understand, the creature of woman is too troublesome, too difficult to understand.

"Go!" Mina Jiao exclaimed.

She walked out with difficulty.

When he got outside, he pulled Caldera away and ran to the bathroom before returning the call. Last night, her lover and boss man made dozens of calls and text messages.

But Mina seems to have forgotten that this bathroom is for mixed men and women, which is the bathroom in the dining room.

There is already a man in it.

"Lycra, it's me, I'm sorry, I, I'm sorry, I slept so badly last night that I forgot!"

Mina is scared, she knows the methods of this lover and can do anything.

If anyone prevents him from making a fortune, he will kill him.

"I'm almost on the island!" Lycra heard a deep voice.

"Lycra, me, me, I didn't mean it, please give me another chance..."


When the other party hung up, Mina's heart suddenly became tense. The more she thought about it, the more scared she became, because Lycra wouldn't let her go so easily.

Where can she go on this small island, even on the mainland, she can't get out of Lycra's palm.

This is how to do?

Go out first and think of a way. At most, you will get beaten up a few times. After two days, you can't make this mistake again.

She is comforting herself!

I saw Caldera when I walked outside, and he seemed to be looking for something.

"Mina, I finally found you, where did you go!" Caldera said anxiously.

Mina smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

"I miss you!" Caldera said.


Mina smiled again, forgetting the unhappiness that had just happened, and walked out instead of Caldera's hand.

Several employees outside opened their eyes wide, this is to be fair!

It is simply beauty and beast!

Caldera is like a gorilla. It's big and has explosive muscles, which makes people feel very oppressive.

The two went to the beach chairs by the sea to lie down on the sun. Mina wore a chiffon skirt. When they got there, she took off the remaining pieces of fabric and asked Caldera to help him with sunscreen.

Ten o'clock in the morning is when the sun is the best.

Mina enjoys such a scene, there is no such thing as Lycra in her mind.

But within half an hour, a yacht approached the island, and Mina's men hurried over to report.

Mina's face changed drastically, and she left before she could get dressed.

He didn't say anything to Caldera, leaving him at a loss.

At this moment Li Jian came over and said to him: "The snake is dispatched, you have accomplished this task very well."

"Huh..." Caldera finally relaxed, but he was too nervous, worried about bad things.

"Next, you have to act in a scene. This big snake probably won't let Mina go. You will go to stage a hero saving the beauty. Let us catch this big snake and become famous!" Li Jian said.

The one who was squatting in the bathroom just now was Li Jian. He really went to the bathroom and squatted because his stomach was not very comfortable. For the past two days, he ate seafood. He ate a lot, and it was all alcohol. But the problem is not big, just pull it, their physical fitness is very good.

At this time, Mina hurriedly reached the door of a guest room and saw two strong bodyguards standing at the door.

"Miss Mina, please go in, the boss is waiting for you!" a bodyguard said and opened them.

Mina nodded and walked in.

A man in a suit sat on a chair in the room, and a box was on the ground, and water came out of the box.

"Lika, you finally came, I miss you so much!" Mina pretended to be surprised, walking over, taking off her clothes, and walking up.

But Lycra looked gloomy.

"My dear, I miss you so much!" Mina twisted her body.

At this time she was already bald, and Lycra found some problems. Mina's buttocks were very red, and her skin was very white, and the redness there was very conspicuous.

Lycra didn't think too much, grabbed her with one hand, untied her belt with the other, and pressed it down.

Then the sound of coughing coughing.

Mina wanted to struggle but there was nothing she could do. She was out of strength, tears burst, and she was beaten and beaten roughly by him.

In pain, she did not beg for mercy or shout, letting him be rude.

Perhaps he will forgive Mina when he is happy, and the injury will heal in a few days.

Yes, it is so, so Mina endured it!

In less than twenty minutes, Laika was lying on her stomach, and Mina was half dead, trembling all over. She had never been tortured like this before. There were blood stains on her white skin, which was beaten by him with a belt. Livestock.

A minute later, Lycra slowed down, grabbed her hair and slapped her.


"Ah..." Mina screamed, her body being knocked down to the corner of the wall, curled up there, shaky and shaking.

Lycra took the belt and went up to beating. He had a lot of strength and strength.

Pop...A blood stain appeared on Mina's body.

"Ah..." Mina screamed, it was so painful that she couldn't bear it.

"Scream, I'll let you call!" Lycra angrily: "Do you know how much I lost? Do you know how much credit I lost? Do you know how much I will lose in the future?"


As Lycra yelled, the belt hit her on the body.

And Mina screamed again.

And the more Mina screamed, the more fierce Lycra played, and all her strength was used.

As you can imagine! ?

Fortunately, he didn't use a leather belt, otherwise Mina wouldn't have been injured.

Mina curled up, covering her face with her hands, unable to slap her face.

Laika was very angry. His loss was indeed huge, estimated to be hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not only the loss of this product, but also the line that was not easy to raise, others did not believe him much.

He came before the sky was up today, and the ship called people to pick up the goods without turning on the lights, but unexpectedly there was a water leak and the goods inside were gone.

It's all because of this woman, I gave her a chance yesterday!

How can I not make him angry?

This woman!


Suddenly the door was hit, and two people who came in flew in and hit the ground heavily, his two bodyguards.

Lycra looked over and saw a tall, dark-skinned black man standing by the door, and he was coming quickly.

Lycra's reaction speed is also fast, he angrily said: "Who are you? Get out, there is nothing for you here."

He said that he stepped forward and waved his belt at the black man, but the black man grabbed his belt and pulled him over, hitting his chest with a big fist.

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