Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1771: Beat Mina, Lycra compromises

Seeing Mina like this, Caldera was very angry. This was his first woman. Although she didn't like it, she was allowed to be beaten up like this, and she was still like Lycra.

At this point, Caldera still needs to perform a scene, that is, the hero saves the United States.

Caldera was all involved, because he was really angry and really wanted to save Mina.

At this moment, he hit his chest with a punch and heard the sound of several bones breaking. Laika's body flew back, hit the wall, fell off, couldn't move, and his body was cramping.

"Mina!" Caldera went over to hug Mina.


Mina shrank in fright, Caldera said softly, "It's me..."

"It's you, woo, he hit me!" Mina's tears came down, and she hugged Caldera tightly.

"It's okay, it's okay, he won't be able to beat you anymore!" Caldera said, wrapping her in a bed sheet.

Soon a few employees of Mina came over. When they saw this scene and wanted to make a call, a few people came back to control them all at once, and seized all their mobile phones. It was those strong ones. the man.

"You guys, what do you want to do?"

Li Jian didn't grind them up, he tied them all up and locked them in the room.

As for the Lycra, he was seriously injured and could not die temporarily.

"Who are you?" Lycra looked calm, his face pale.

Zhang Feng said: "We are from the New Golden Triangle. You have robbed my market. I will kill you, or surrender to us, and we will make money together!"

"Don't think about it!" Lycra said without thinking.

It turned out to be black and black, so he doesn't need to worry, as long as he is not Interpol.

"You are too greedy and crush us to life. If you don’t destroy them, we will die. We need you to provide us with more information, but if you don’t say that we will know We will also get information in two or three days. Before that, we will kill you, and then after finding your boss, we will say that you betrayed them. Anyway, you said that you also betrayed your boss, no Say that you betrayed your boss!"

"However, if you say it now, I will let you go. I don't like killing people, I like making money!"

"Speak, the police in most countries in the world are looking for you. As long as I call you, you will also arrest you. Think about it for yourself!"

Zhang Feng said and went out.

"Wait!" Lycra said solemnly.

Zhang Feng could hear the compromise in his tone.

Zhang Feng stopped to look at him, waiting for him to speak.

"How did you find me? Is it Mina?" Lycra asked.

"Mina? Haha, you look at her too high, she doesn't understand anything, just a woman, your goods have been scattered from here for so many years, you want to not be known, you think too much." Zhang Feng Said.

Lycra closed her eyes and said after a while: "I need a doctor!"

"Already waiting!" Zhang Feng shouted to the outside: "Come in!"

A white lab coat came in, wearing glasses and masks, which looked like this.

"Let's talk, and the doctor will take you to treat immediately!" Zhang Feng said.

Laika said: "I want to get treatment first!"

"Are you negotiating with me?" Zhang Feng sneered: "Hehe, Mr. Lycra, I don't want to repeat what I said just now. My time is very precious. If you don't say it, I will check it right away. Maybe it will be found in a long time. , Your mobile phone and some of your subordinates I think are good clues, oh, yes, I also wired people with Interpol, but I bought it at a big price, I think Interpol There will be a lot of news I want!"

Laika has closed his eyes. He wants to live and earn money. He has already made almost the same amount. He can't spend the rest of his life. If he dies, the money will belong to someone else. He has no family and no fixed income. woman.

Now he was thinking of finding a place to stay incognito for the rest of his life.

These people came prepared and calculated by them. Lycra is the same kind of people as them. He knew very well that they would use no means to achieve their goals.

"Okay, I tell you!" Lycra said.

A smile appeared on Zhang Feng's face.


The so-called doctor is actually a jackal. He knows a lot of medical skills. If anyone in the team is injured, he can treat him immediately.

He was indeed treated by Calle, and Lycra was not so painful.

When Lycra was not in pain, he told his boss all about it.

His boss is a man named Juan Siwu, a small island on an island hundreds of kilometers away.

Raw materials are produced on that island and finished products are processed.

Speaking of which, Lycra will not say anything.

But Zhang Feng said: "Juan Siwu? I think he is just being worked by someone, right?"

Lycra's face changed drastically, and she said tremblingly: "Who are you on earth?"

"Me? Haha, you don't need to know my name, because it's useless, what I want is to eat all your properties!" Zhang Feng said sharply.

"No, it's impossible, you can't do it, no one can do it!"

Lycra’s words have shown that there is a boss above his boss.

"Then just watch, all you have to do now is to speak out!" Zhang Feng said.

"No, no, I will die!" Lycra said, shaking his head.

As his body was shaking with fear and in severe pain, Caldera broke a few ribs with that punch.

The injury is serious.

Zhang Feng said coldly: "If you don't say anything, you will die now; what you say may die someday, or you can live to grow old! This world is so big, you can find a place to hide it, you can For the rest of my life, let’s talk about it. I will kill these people when the time comes, and then no one will come to you to settle the bill. Don’t worry, I’m not interested in you."

"After you tell me everything you know, your use value is gone, I don't even bother to kill you!"

"Furthermore, I killed you and destroyed your body, but I still trust the police. The police will find me when the time comes. This is not worth the gain, don't you think?"

Laika was silent, Zhang Feng's words left him speechless, and he couldn't find any words to say.

"I said, say it all!" Lycra said.

Zhang Feng said solemnly: "Don't be nervous, speak slowly, we have time."

"He is an overseas Chinese, a native of China, who inherited the family's industry, but he did not follow the right path and used the family resources to create a company called Tuan Group. It is said to be a foreign trade company, but it is a drunk group. I did it all. I only met him once, a few years ago, when I was about forty years old, wearing sunglasses, I don’t remember what he looked like!"

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