Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1772: Feeling hurt, I am not a bad person!

"There are four more under this criminal group, like my boss. We specialize in drugs and they are gamblers."

Laika is very afraid of death because he has seen too many deaths and he has a lot of money. If he dies, he will have nothing.

So, he is surviving.

When people are surviving, even a straw will hold on tightly.

This person is right, it is better to live than anything else.

"To be clear, which four?" Zhang Feng asked.

This is a very critical piece of information. The previous Interpol and 01 information could not be found, but now there are four!

"I don't know the specifics. We haven't had any contact before. I also heard our boss say by chance again."

Zhang Feng was upset, and said with a cold face: "Lycra, at this time, do you still have to hide yourself? IQ is not that low, are you?"

"No, no, sir, I really don't know!" Lycra almost cried excitedly.

Zhang Feng looked into his eyes, not like lying, and believed him.

"Tell everything you know about them!" Zhang Feng said.

Laika said: "Sir, I really don't know what they did, because we can't communicate with each other, otherwise we will be in capital punishment!"

The so-called capital punishment is the death penalty.

"Then you rest, you can tell me what you think of right away!" Zhang Feng said.

"Yes, sir!"


Seeing Zhang Feng going out, Laika exhaled a long breath. Being stared at by this person was like a sharp sword pierced through his heart. He couldn't hide anything. It was terrifying, this person.

Based on intuition, Laika can tell that this person must have crawled out of the dead and killed many people.

Negotiating with such a person is scary, because he is not afraid of death.

Lycra also killed a lot of people, but they only killed people when there was a great disparity in power, and there was no mission danger at all.

When Zhang Feng turned to leave, Laika said, "Sir!"

Zhang Feng stopped and said, "What do you think of?"

"Although I don't know them, I know my boss, and my boss knows them!" Lycra said.

"Say it!"

"In Gaya City, the capital of Malaysia, there is a club called Orchid. There is nothing to do, he will usually be there!" Laika said.

"Very good, any more?"

Laika said, "That's what I know!"

"Then you rest!"

Zhang Feng went out, he was going to confirm this important information.

"Student, let our people confirm this information now!"

Zhang Feng said outside.


Then the student started to call. The phone he used was a satellite phone, which was very high-level and military-level.

There will be signals no matter where they are on the earth.

"Caldera is taking care of Mina over there!" Li Jian said.

Zhang Feng asked: "How is he?"

"It's probably a bit sad!" Li Jian said.

Zhang Feng said: "This woman is not bad, let her continue to guard this island!"

"It's a way, Caldera can come here often to play too!" Li Jian said.

This will make Hades come over, and he said, "The Interpol call us over!"

"Then go!" Zhang Feng said.

Li Jian said, "What about Lycra?"

"Wait for the news from Gaya City, we are going to catch Juan Siwu!" Zhang Feng said.

The King of Hades said, "Then we have to assemble first before going to Gaya City."

"it is good!"

"Leave in half an hour!"


Caldera is still taking care of Mina in the room, her emotions are still very excited, her whole body is shaking.

"Hold it up!" Caldera was applying potion to him.

The pain made Mina tremble even more, her teeth biting the quilt.

After a while, Li Jian called Caldera outside, and then he came back and said to Mina: "Mina, I'm leaving, take care of yourself, and I will come back to see you!"

"Can you tell me who you are?" Mina asked softly.

From the scene where Caldera severely injured Lycra with a punch, Mina didn't know that Caldera was not easy.

Caldera said: "I'm not a bad guy!"

He can only say that, this is the best answer for Mina.

"Do you really like me?" Mina asked again.

"I don't know, but I will miss you and see you!" Caldera said.

Mina didn't speak anymore, Caldera came over and kissed her teary face, salty, Caldera turned and left, Mina didn't grab his hand and didn't ask for anything.

She was lamenting that her destiny was arranged by others after all. When she was poor before, she was arranged by heaven, but now it is arranged by everyone.

Bad fate!

The people at the bottom cannot get huge wealth through struggle, they cannot hold back, and they will eventually be beaten back to their original form.

The current Mina has been beaten back to her original form, but she met Caldera, and Caldera helped her protect the industry, which will belong to her in the future.

This was only known to her later.

He took Laika away, as well as several bodyguards he brought. One of the bodyguards had been killed by Caldera, and they were secretly sent aboard the big yacht.

This luxurious yacht belongs to Lycra himself.

Now it becomes the private property of the Kirin team, it can't be too luxurious.

"This kid will really enjoy it. How can this yacht cost more than ten million dollars." Jackal smiled.

In addition to the resources of their Huangquan team, there is one that was allocated by 01. These are very limited, basically just equipment.

And this is astronomical for the average army, and the equipment of the Huangquan team is the best and the most advanced.

In fact, the biggest source of resources comes from their own seizures. For example, if this yacht cannot be used, they will sell it.

At this time, the Lycra was locked under the yacht. Below is a good place where you can see the seabed scene, with two thick tempered glass in the middle.

You can swim in the sea from here.

The cruise ship arrived at a shark deep water area, and Lycra and a few seriously injured bodyguards were taken below, slashing each of them and bleeding out.

Then he put them on the second glass, and Lycra shouted: "Why, why, didn't you say not to kill me? You, you, it's you, it's you..."

"Spare, spare..." Several bodyguards also shouted.

Zhang Feng said: "I didn't kill you, they killed you, it has nothing to do with me!"


Lycra himself was fooled, he regretted it!

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Your destiny is like this, how can you believe the drug dealers? Haha!"

Laika didn't speak, he didn't struggle, he was waiting for death.

He waved his hand, the bottom glass opened, and several people fell.

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