Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1777: Orchard above ground, evil underground production

Even so, Juan Siwu is still worried, he wants to see it in person.

Early the next morning, Juan Siwu went to his base camp, Shuangfeng Island.

Shuangfeng Island, with a radius of 30 kilometers, is named after two peaks on the island. Both mountains are extinct volcanoes that have spewed ash and rocks from the ground for hundreds of millions of years to become natural fertilizer for fruit trees.

The fruits produced are of very good quality, rich in minerals, and are all high-quality fruits.

They are all exported to high-end supermarkets in other countries and so on.

Profits are also high, but they are incomparable with drugs.

In the underground of Shuangfeng Island, Juan Siwu was led by his confidant Bahrain to a huge underground planting workshop.

Rows of iron shelves overlap like dozens of large beds.

The shelves are covered with soil crushed by volcanic mines, and there are blooming poppies planted in the soil, some of which are already bearing fruit.

As a result, one side will be lowered with a machine, and then the cream will be collected manually.

The organisms here use photosynthesis, which is light.

This planting workshop has thousands of square meters. If you count it layer by layer, there are nearly 100,000 square meters of planting area.

This is just a planting workshop.

There are ten such planting workshops, which can hardly be scary.

And he is not only planting poppies here, but also other, anyway, there are all kinds of drugs that are popular in the world.

And the purity of his place is very high, anyone who has used it can not do without, the key is that the price is not high.

Although it is almost fully mechanized here, a lot of workers are needed, such as collecting poppy ointment and so on.

The 200 grassroots employees alone are not counted as the production workshop.

Juan Siwu is now in the production workshop, and he needs to wear a bacterial suit, a mask and so on.

There are seventy or eighty people working on it here.

The same is true for other workshops, each production workshop is a variety, such as blue pill, ice and so on.

"Boss, everything is going well here. Now everyone is working overtime, and all the raw materials that can be used have been used. This time the production capacity is huge!" Bahrain said.

He has not rested since last night until now.

"Very well, thanks for your hard work, let's go and eat!" Juan Siwu was very happy. If it was like this every day, there would be more money.

But Bahrain refused: "Sorry boss, I still have a lot of work, I can't go away, I will take you up!"

A smile appeared on Juan Siwu’s face, and he said: “Bahrain, you are my right-hand man. Without you, there would be no mine. Now, you can’t kill yourself, or it’s over. You have to pay attention. Body, go, don't worry about these for now, go eat!"

"But..." Bahrain had no choice but to say something, so he had to answer: "Alright! Then I'll explain it!"

The boss has invited twice, don't know what is good or bad.

"Go, I'll wait for you!"

Juan Siwu has a way of dealing with his subordinates, letting his subordinates do it with him.

Because he can give those people what they need, what they need, Juan Siwu will give it.

All people need money, so Juan Siwu will give it.

These people are local fishermen. They also know what they are doing. They make dozens of times more money here than before.

At the beginning, they couldn't pass the hurdle in their hearts, but over time they became numb, and once they got stuck in, it was difficult to go because Juan Siwu would not let them leave after knowing the secret here.

After eating, Juan Siwu went to visit the orchard. This is his property. There are also many people working. They are different from those underground workers. Their wages are very low. Fortunately, they are bright.

These fruits are expensive. For example, a kind of fruit that is fried, avocado, cost two to three dollars per avocado, and a fruit tree has hundreds of fruits. This is making money.

But tariffs are also high, and domestic taxes are also high, so it is not very profitable overall.

If just relying on fruit, Juan Siwu wouldn't be enough to support so many people, let alone hand in half to the boss.

After visiting, Juan Siwu settled down on the island, he was going to be in the base camp.

His armed force is the security team on the island. There are only a dozen security guards, but there are actually two hundred people.

People who usually patrol the island are decent security guards.

It was not until the third day that Juan Siwu received a message from insiders saying that the Chinese were here, and all the talents of Interpol were gathered. They will set off soon and are currently working on a combat plan.

"How much information do they know about us?" Juan Siwu asked.

"Still before, they are going to investigate!"

"Then let them check, we have hundreds of islands here, if they find here, let them come back and forth! If there is any situation, report it back immediately!"


After disconnecting from the inside line, Juan Siwu called his brother. They are the Four King Kongs. Although there are some minor frictions between them, they are only minor frictions. There is no problem with mutual cooperation. .

"They are going to act!"

"I just got the news too!"

"The Huaxia people are here, they can really wait, more than 100 people waiting for ten people, it is really funny, they lost the first opportunity, they could have caught us off guard, but let us have a lot of time to prepare!"

"Isn't that better? If you can catch those people, you can still ask for a big ransom, and the people in their country will not ignore it!"

"This is still risky, and the husband does not allow us to make this matter bigger. The more low-key, the safer we are!"

"Who doesn't understand this truth, but now they are all at our doorstep, if they don't know how good we are, they think we are a bully!"

"It's wrong for you to say that. No wonder your husband always tells you not to be stupid."

"I know, you don't need to speak!"

"Well, you guys, go and prepare!"

Several people dispersed.


On Ladi Island, the dilapidated ship of the Kirin hired mercenary team was parked at the island’s wharf.

Hades led the team to meet the captain Owen, and Owen didn't say anything, just asked why he didn't come quickly.

He said that when the boat was halfway, it was found that the yacht was out of order, so he stopped for repairs.

This repair took four or five days to complete it, and only after it was repaired did it come over.

The reason is far-fetched, Owen can naturally hear it, and he angrily said: "Why, why can't you come earlier? Yachts are often out of the ordinary? Do you know that we have lived here for many days in order to wait for you!?"

Today Owen really couldn't calm down, because these people were crooked, among them were tall black men and a few thin men.

No equipment, not even a gun.

It really makes people feel that they are here for a vacation.

How can I keep Owen from getting angry?

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