Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1778: A group of ruffians, logistics staff

Facing Owen’s questioning, Yan Wang didn’t speak, but Li Jian was angry and said: "I think you are scared? You have to wait for us, do you want us to be cannon fodder?"


This has touched Owen's bottom line, saying he is afraid of death? Why wait for you? It's not because you want to unite, and you are late, so you still say this.

"Don't think you are a captain, you yell at me, we don't pee you!" Li Jian said angrily.

"Sure enough, you are really rascals. It's a shame that Huaxia invited you to come here without knowing why!" Owen said.

Li Jian pointed at Owen and said angrily: "That's our boss, my parents. If you say this, I will be rude to you!"

"Humph!" Owen turned angrily and left. He went over there and shouted, "Meeting!"

Irving was extremely disappointed with the people from Kylin Security. What can they do? Are you here to make money?

They will be the first to run away in danger!

The captains of the special forces sent by each country to join Interpol went to a meeting to make a combat plan, but no one came to invite the Kirin team.

They had fun in a small bar on the island.

Caldera doesn't care about that much, eating and drinking there, as well as Zhang Feng.

After a while, Yan Wang said: "Our task is to find the boss behind the four kings, the boss of the Tuan Group, Tuanweisi, I heard that he is an overseas Chinese named Zhu Shanmao, and his ancestral home is Shuiquan City!"

"What? Shuiquan City?" Zhang Feng was a little surprised.

Yan Wang curiously said: "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

"Haha, nothing, Yun Qian's hometown is in Shuiquan City!" Zhang Feng smiled helplessly.

This also surprised everyone, I really didn't expect it.

"Is the information reliable?" Zhang Feng asked.

Yan Wang said: "Reliable, I found their genealogy, this is Zhu Shanmao, he has never come back!"

"What's the use, he won't go back, where are we going to find him!?"

Jackal has reached the point. If he does not go back, he will not be caught, and there is not enough evidence. A person like him must have a lot of energy and high IQ.

It is really hard to play catching cats with people with high IQ, and maybe he was caught.

"If it doesn't work, we will first knock out his four little King Kong, see if he can't come out!" Zhang Feng said.

"Now there is only this way. Have the positions of these four people been determined?" Hell asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Laika has said almost everything, you see, there are only four islands!"

Speaking, Zhang Feng drew a picture on the menu on the table.

A little bit.

"This is Ladi Island, Twin Peaks Island, Guanmian Island, Nanfeng Island, and Uz Harbor. As long as the Karobuki in Uz Harbor is on the mainland of Malaysia, the rest are on islands thousands of miles away! "

This information is very precious. Irving did not get such detailed information last time. He only talked about Gumian Island and was almost made dumplings. If the Malaysian military arrived in time, they would be wiped out. The police quickly took control of Guamian Island and searched on Guamian Island, but nothing was found. Those who attacked the Interpol were the evil forces on the island, that is, a small group of several people, and the police arrested them. .

Within half a month, Karobuki's business resumed.

In other words, nothing was gained from the last action.

"I don't know what information they got!" Li Jian said.

Chai Chong said: "I don't know, they didn't tell us anything, should we share information with them?"

"Don't, this is the information that our Caldera exchanged for the body, can't give them, otherwise I'm sorry Caldera! Hey..."

Li Jian laughed as he talked. He looked at Caldera over there and said calmly: "That's a task, it's just a task!"

In fact, it was very aggrieved, that is, he only used the method of selling his body to exchange information, and that was Caldera's first time.

It's weird if you don't feel wronged.

"Haha..." Chai Chong and Judge Li Jian both laughed.

The choreographer was thinking about the problem. In fact, he didn't know what degree the action was going to achieve, whether to kill all those people, or what it was like.

But Silgarva was like a boring gourd, he rarely spoke, he just followed Zhang Feng, and others couldn't move him, even the King of Hades.

But this kid talks very little, so it's better to be less provoked.

Therefore, his presence among the people is relatively low, his skill is better than that of the dancer, and his shots are fierce. Only Zhang Feng can subdue him.

I think he was in Area 52 at the beginning, but he was the same SS-level physical talent as Zhang Feng. Later, Zhang Feng was promoted to SSS.

"What's so funny, you go next time, hum!" Caldera said angrily.


They laughed more happily.

"Let's go back!" Hades said.

Everyone got up and went back. After arriving at your place, Owen had finished the meeting. Everyone who was standing there looked at them as if they were watching a clown, and made some unpleasant sounds from time to time.

"Are they here to be funny?"

"I think they are performing, right?"

"Are they fighters? Have you seen blood?"

"I should have seen it, it's chicken blood, haha..."

"No, I think they will faint when they see chicken blood!"


They became clowns, objects of mockery.

Because they had just returned from drinking, they still smelled of alcohol, their clothes were not neat and uniform, and the personnel looked crooked, and the black man looked very big and had muscles, but he looked like a candle. The tip of the gun.

Zhang Feng looked confused and paralyzed, and brought out the actor's special design.

"Haha..." The group left with a big laugh.

They are all assigned tasks, how to attack and so on have been arranged, only this unicorn team.

This will make Owen come over and watch these people frown and say, "Did you go drinking?"

The king nodded and said, "Yes, Captain, what else can you do without drinking!"

"Don't you guys know that there is a meeting? Are you here on holiday? I want to talk to your boss and let him replace him!"

Owen’s words made people irritated. Li Jian was the first to stand up, pointing at Owen and angrily: "The meeting, did you ask us to have a meeting? You just look down on us, huh, I'll see how you go to die!"

There is nothing wrong with Li Jian's words, they are going to die.

Because I know from Lycra's mouth that those people are ready, or like last time, they have already put their pockets into them.

"Just like you, can you qualify for the meeting? You are in charge of logistics!" Owen left a word and left.

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