Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1779: Be at home with knives and cook safely

"You..." Li Jian wanted to go up and beat him, but he was pulled back by the king.

Yan Wang said coldly: "No hurry, just logistics. It depends on how they will end up."

"They still look down on you Chinese people!"

Silgava came back coldly.

Then added another sentence: "They will pay a heavy price for this!"

"Silgarva, I love to hear what you say! Let people listen comfortably, so you don't care about them!" Li Jian smiled: "Logistics is logistics, eat and drink in the logistics!"

In fact, Silgarva looked down on Huaxia before he met Zhang Feng, and for this he paid the price of almost dying, and completely surrendered to Zhang Feng's force.

In Zhang Feng Zhang Feng's place, he found the meaning of survival.

The meaning of survival is not the reason for the brainless poisonous chicken soup.

It's that he found a sense of belonging and the meaning of alive here in Zhang Feng. He exists for the sake of fighting.

There will be a battle following Zhang Feng.

A general is a small soldier before he becomes a general.

He is now a general under Zhang Feng.

Now that they were laughed at by more than a hundred people, they left for logistics.

A big ship, a big ship that can accommodate hundreds of people. They are in charge of food, transporting ammunition and so on. There are already helicopters, and ground crews carry ammunition onto the helicopter.

Responsible for food!

They entered the kitchen, a large kitchen, a western-style kitchen, and all kinds of ingredients in the cold storage, most of which were high-end ingredients and high-end wines.

Zhang Feng suddenly discovered that these people would enjoy it very much, and the materials inside were estimated to be no less than half a million dollars.

Where does this funding come from?

"Haha, good guys, we enjoyed it on this boat. They were shot in front, we ate and drank in the back kitchen, wait, what kind of wine is this? Oh my god, it turned out to be Lafite in 80 years, this How much is it worth? Is it true? Or two pieces!" Li Jian saw a lot of wine in the place where the wine was hidden, and immediately took out a bottle to taste.

Where did he taste it, it was irrigated, just like the second brother eating immortal fruit.

"It's astringent, and it's a bit bitter. It doesn't taste good. It's not as good as our white wine. This thing is right as a drink. I really don't understand how people like this kind of thing. It's expensive. Yes, am I very earthy..."

Li Jian took a big sip and put it back.

Someone is here now, wearing a white chef outfit.

"What are you doing? You can move this wine too?" The man said unceremoniously when he came, in an unfriendly tone.

Li Jian said, "This gentleman, we were arranged to help in the kitchen!"

"Oh, so you are the unicorn team, what can you do? Sweep the floor!" The man despised them: "Your name is Chef Ryan, and I am a three-star Michelin chef!"

Everyone wanted to laugh, the chef was a bit rough, his white clothes were a bit dirty, and his beard was full.

"Chef Ryan!"

Then give him face.

"Hurry up and do things, Captain Owen wants to eat, food for more than 100 people!"

The choreographer swore to enter the kitchen this time in his life, the first and last time.

And Silgarva, who was at a loss as to what to do, standing in the kitchen really didn't know what to do.

"Hurry up, wash the vegetables, don't you understand how to cut them?" Ryan shouted.

Zhang Feng wondered if he was the only one who was responsible for the food for more than a hundred people. It was really amazing.

They moved, washed vegetables, chopped vegetables or something.

"Well, Chef Ryan, how do you cut this meat?" Li Jian asked.

Ryan said, "That's right, if you don't understand, you have to ask, this meat can be cut as thin as it can be!"

"Good!" Li Jian picked up the knife on the case and began to show his knife skills.


A loud bang was the first to catch people's eyes, attracting the attention of the surrounding people.

A dozen kilograms of beef on the case jumped into the air, and the knife in Li Jian's hand was cut.

Dazzling, swords and swords.

Pieces of paper-thin beef slices fell on the case steadily, and Ryan stared blankly.

Zhang Feng and the others shook their heads helplessly. They knew Li Jian's sword skills best. To say that they had the most powerful sword skills, no one dared to win first place with Zhang Feng.

"Good sword technique!" Ryan exclaimed.

After so many times, all a piece of meat was cut into pieces, Li Jian put the knife to finish work, and then said: "Small!"

"Sir, where did you learn the sword technique?" Ryan asked modestly.

Li Jian said: "China!"

"Oh, Huaxia, how many good swords are there like you?"

Ryan was very curious, why did they come to the back kitchen? With such skill.

"That's too much. As long as you have the strength to hold a knife, you will have this kind of knife technique. You also know that our Huaxia has a long history of five thousand years, and there are too many things passed down. Just my knife technique. Our ten-year-olds will do it, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

Blow, brag!

Zhang Feng and others were silent.

"Great, great!" Ryan sighed.

Ryan said: "Then let's start making delicious food. For me, if you do, I can't do it alone!"

"No problem!" Li Jian responded happily. He thought it would be nice to be in the kitchen.

After an hour, many meals were prepared, all cooked according to Ryan's requirements.

After the food was served, Zhang Feng said, "Head Chef Ryan, can we cook some of our own dishes?"

"Of course! I look forward to what you cook!" Ryan said.

People all over the world know that Huaxia people are the best cooks.

"Thank you so much!" Zhang Feng said.


Ryan stood watching. He was very interested. In other words, he is also a chef.

Everyone like Zhang Feng and others have begun to show their cooking skills. There are a lot of ingredients here, such as grilled meats, skewers, and so on. The sirloin can be used for stewed potatoes, as well as fried rice with eggs, noodles made of flour, and oil. Splash noodles and so on...

Ryan looked dazzled, the smell permeated the kitchen.

After more than half an hour, all their dishes have been prepared, and then they were taken out to eat. These dishes are theirs.

The more than one hundred people in the restaurant had almost eaten, and they were silent when they saw so many delicious dishes.

Only then did they realize that these are Chinese people, the most capable people in the world.

"Chef Ryan, come here, you didn't eat, come together!"

Li Jian waved to Ryan, and Li Jian talked with Ryan, and they all said everything.

"Alright, I want to taste it too!" Ryan walked over.

That is a long table in the corner.

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