Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1780: A plate of fried rice with eggs, one punch to set the world

Ryan ate the egg fried rice first, and after taking a bite, tears came out when she stood up and swallowed.

The people in the hall looked at him curiously. What's the matter?

"This, this, it's so delicious, this is the best meal I have ever eaten, how is it done?" Chef Ryan finally spoke.


Everyone was relieved.

This is expected, but is it too exaggerated?

Some people don’t believe in evil, and the great chef has never had such a delicious meal? Is there any mistake.

He walked up and took a bite with a small spoon very impolitely. When he put it in his mouth, his expression was frozen, just like Ryan had just done.

Then he continued to eat, looking refreshed.

"Hey, hey, we can't eat anymore, we still have to eat!" The jackal quickly took it and couldn't feed him.

This person said, "It’s so delicious, it’s so delicious. What was it that I ate there just now? It’s shit, my goodness, I’ve been eating **** for more than 20 years. This is what Can you give me more of what people eat?"



"Get out!" The Jackal said angrily.

"You, you... we come out to single out!" the man said.

The jackal took a piece of meat with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth, stood up and said, "Okay, I will accept your challenge! But..."

"You said..." the man said, "Oh, yes, my name is William, what is your name?"

"Well, you call me number three!"

"Number Three?"

"Yes, it's number three!"

"Okay, Mr. Three, but what?"

"Since it is a battle, there is always a lot of money, you want my egg fried rice, what can you bring!"

William thought for a while, took out a small knife, and said, "This is what I captured the enemy back then. I have been following me. This knife has already killed two gangsters. Give it to you if you can!"

When he said that, he threw the knife out and nailed it to the wooden cabinet with a ding sound.

"it is good!"

A dish of egg fried rice is worth a knife! Although it's a bit shorter than Zhang Feng's, but listening to the sound, it can be seen that it is a good knife.

"How do you compare?" Number Three asked.

"Knock me down!" William said.

Everyone came and gave up the center of the hall. Owen didn't speak. This is a good thing, fighting, bloody, so that it can be combat effective.

So he also stood by and watched.

He also wanted to see if these Chinese people could only cook.

"You do it first!" said Number Three.

William said: "No, you first, otherwise others will say that I am not a gentleman!"

"Good!" Li Jian shot.

Li Jian's best skills are combined punches and chained legs, which can seamlessly combine up and down to give melee enemies a fatal blow, and the force is very fierce.

However, at the beginning of the game, Li Jian's ordinary straight fist attack, first to probe the reality of this kid.


A straight punch passed, and William sneered. He dodged sideways, and then kicked Li Jian on the chest. Originally, Li Jian wanted to dodge, but he didn’t hide, so he abruptly took his kick to his chest. It was a bit stuffy, but it was fine after two breaths, and Li Jian's resistance to fight was still acceptable.

"Hehe, Mr. Three, I think it's fine, you give up, so as not to hurt you seriously, you Chinese people will cook delicious food, and you will all be in the kitchen in the future. Don't care about front-line matters. , Leave it to us!" William sneered.

His words angered Li Jian, and also angered Yan Wang and the others behind, but they were silent. This William was dead, and it was Li Jian's stage now. Let him solve it.

"Really?" Li Jian said in a cold tone. He was really angry. This is not to humiliate him alone, but the entire Huaxia. This person is going to be abolished.

It turned out that William was unkind.

William smiled and said, "Isn't it? Come on!"

William beckoned to him, what a contempt of this.

"Then go home!" Li Jian said coldly and wandered up.

William also went up a few steps and waited for Li Jian to come over.

But when Li Jian arrived in front of him, he stopped. William took advantage of this opportunity and punched Li Jian in the face. Li Jian's head retracted, and his punch was empty, and Li Jian also shot. Up.

Oh, no, it was a punch. A punch hit William in the stomach. The powerful force sent him a few meters away and hit the people behind. They didn't hold William, but let him fall to the ground.

William wanted to support his body, his stomach was rolling, painful, and he vomited out all the things he had eaten in his stomach.


There is a beach on the ground.

Before he finished vomiting, his eyes went dark, and the whole person fell down, his face was lying on the thing he vomited, his body was still cramping, and something came out of his mouth.

"Help!" someone shouted.

The two went up and helped him up to prevent the contents of his stomach from entering the trachea.

"Huh..." Li Jian snorted coldly, and pulled out the dagger.

After making a few gestures in his hand, he was dissatisfied, threw the knife out and nailed it to the floor of the steel plate.

Everyone was astonished. Someone went to pull it up, but he couldn't pull it up no matter how hard he tried.

This steel plate is so thick that it can be submerged. How much strength is needed and the angle needs to be controlled. It is very difficult. He can't believe his eyes!

At this time, Mr. 3 had already returned to the table to eat her egg fried rice.

No one else at the table moved, as if nothing happened.

The scene was a bit weird, because these Chinese people were regarded as useless by them, but now they were able to knock that guy into the air with a punch, with a dagger inserted into the steel plate.

This makes it difficult for them to accept, because none of them can do this.

The man temporarily lost his combat effectiveness and was sent back ashore in a motorboat.

Owen was very complicated. He was sitting in his own office, the captain's office.

He asked Huaxia for the files of these people, but he didn’t know that, because he was hired unilaterally by overseas Chinese. Fortunately, he provided the contact information of the overseas Chinese. The other party was also very cooperative and provided Owen with Zhang Feng and others. People's information.

The information is very simple. Retired from the army, there is no achievement in the army, a very ordinary group of people.

Two other foreigners were recruited.

These are not pieces of information, at most simple personal information, Owen glanced at it and didn't look at it.

Maybe that Mr. Three is just stronger.

Owen sneered, didn't take this seriously, and went to rest.

The first stop of this trip is Nanfeng Island, where is the base camp of the Mira Sea, we have to go to the island to check and make surprise checks to see if we can find out what, if we find out, immediately arrest them for questioning.

There is another target, Uz Port, which is a port for most smuggling, which is very rampant.

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