Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1782: Captain Kama, enter the port

They suffered here last time, this time they must have come prepared, so be careful.

Wenatchee was lying on the sofa with a woman pressing his feet nearby.

His mind was thinking about things.


In fact, the situation on the coast guard ship at this time was not as complicated as Wenatchee thought it was that a group of people could not form a unified opinion.

Some people think they should enter Hong Kong after dawn.

Some felt that they should go in for surprise inspections now, and they were immediately arrested when they found illegal behavior, and offenders were shot.

Some people think it's dangerous to go in now because they all have weapons.

Some people think that someone should be sent in to find out what's going on inside.

In the hall, more than a dozen team captains were arguing endlessly, and everyone wanted their opinions to be approved by everyone.

Irving sat on the side and did not speak.

He knew that the lawbreakers in the harbor might already be preparing, because the maritime police ship appeared here, and if they entered now, they might be anxious and repeat the situation.

There can be no more losses, otherwise he, the captain, will quit and retire early.

Under the circumstance of ensuring safety, we must eliminate the lawless inside.

However, he is not without any support, and the Malaysian police are cooperating.

The Macia police are now close to the port.

"Has Captain Kama entered the port?" Owen asked his men.

"Captain, they waited outside the port and didn't enter the port. They seemed to be waiting for us to enter!" the subordinate said.

Owen frowned: "It's been so long, how come they haven't got in yet!"

"I don't think they dare to go in. Last time they sacrificed a player!"

"This is their country, is it that scary?"

Irving didn't understand why it became such a situation. Is it so complicated and simple?

The subordinate did not speak.

"I want to talk to Captain Kama!" Owen said coldly.


The subordinates began to call Captain Kama and they were connected soon.

Owen held the phone in his hand and said, "Captain Kama, why haven't you acted yet? Now is the best time!"

"Captain Owen, the goal is too big for us to go in. They will put down shots. I don't dare to put my people in danger!" Kama's English is not very good, but fortunately he can express clearly.

Irving was annoyed: "Captain Kama, what do you mean by that? This is your country's territory. You have a lot of illegal actions here that have endangered the world. We are here now. Shouldn't you be exploring the way ahead?"

"Captain Owen, if you say that, then I will take the team back now, and you don't care about this, you go home, you don't need you, huh..."

Captain Kama has a quick temper, it's no good to push his nose up, Owen irritated him.

"Hey, hello..."


The other party just has a busy tone.


Owen was so angry that he dropped the phone and said angrily: "Let our people come in!"

"Are you all?" the subordinate asked.

"Yes, all, I did not dare to do anything to us if I measured them!" Owen said.

"Yes!" The subordinates led away.

Owen put on his body armor, pistol and the like.

When he came out, more than a hundred people were already standing on the splint. They were all ready to go, armed with micro punches, explosion-proof helmets, tactical glasses and more.

This is a special operations mission.

A few people on the bow are sitting here smoking cigarettes, they are Zhang Feng, King Li Jian and them.

"Would you like to gamble?" Li Jian said, "They can't get any of them in."

The jackal said, "Is it still going to bet? They don't look at where this is. Golden corners. Several countries are hard to control. Owen just came here to carry it. Can you please?"

"Okay, I'm thinking, will they kill Owen all over a hundred people!!"

"Not yet, if that's the case, other countries would have reason to send troops and wipe out them in one fell swoop, but..."

The student followed up: "However, if that time comes, this place will become a regional war, multinational forces enter, and the world police will come. The surrounding countries will not be peaceful, and they will continue to ferment at that time!"

"A place of war has been formed!" Li Jian said.

"Does Wenatchee worry about this? I think he would like this to happen!"

"No, he is most afraid of this situation. When it comes to that situation, he is the first to die!" Zhang Feng finally said: "So Owen and the others are not life-threatening, at most they will be warned!"

"The madman makes sense!" Hell said.

The jackal said, "Would you like to go for supper all night?"

"Yes, get more Wagyu beef and grill it on the plywood. I'll get beer!" Li Jian said and left.

Zhang Feng was smoking a cigarette to watch Owen's advice!

"Two tasks, one is to search for smuggled goods, and all detained and related personnel have been found. The second is to strike at Wenatchee Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.!

"set off!"

Under Owen's order, ten motorboats with more than one hundred people set off.

What made Zhang Feng want to laugh was that they turned on the headlights and went in openly.

"Haha!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Hell said, "That Ryan is a ghost!"

"Yes, he has a ghost. Wenatchee will know every move here, and the boss of the Tuan Group will know too!"

"Would you like to move him?" Hades asked.

"Whatever, an irrelevant person, with or without intelligence, the result is the same, this boss is not easy!"

"That's right! At least we can still chat with him now!"

Da da……

With the sound of footsteps, they brought something. They took a shelf with charcoal in it. Ryan also uses charcoal to make western food, and the quality of charcoal is very good.

"Gentlemen, what are you doing with this thing? There is not much beef!" Ryan followed.

He is in charge of everything in the kitchen. These Chinese people use so many things without asking him. Besides, it's the big night now, do you still eat?

"Barbecue, come on, Chef Ryan, sit here!" Li Jian went over and pulled him over.

Ryan said in a puzzled manner: "Barbecue? Are you here?"

"Yeah, it's the best here. The sea is beautiful. I also took a few fishing rods for fishing."

Li Jian went to get a fishing rod as he said, he used beef to fish extravagantly!

"There must be a big fish caught the bait!" Li Jian smiled.

The ten motorboats on the other side of the port have entered the port, and the lights can still be seen vaguely.

"Are you Chinese people grilling like this? It's too simple, right? Can it be delicious?" Ryan wondered.

He didn't even look at the port, he didn't seem to see the same.

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