Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1783: Get the evidence on the boat

The barbecue rack is very simple, an iron basin with a piece of wire mesh on it.

"Chef Ryan, you'll know after a while!" Zhang Feng smiled.

Ryan was watching.

There are many spices in the kitchen, and there are common spices, such as cumin, etc. These are also used in western food.

How could barbecue lack these?

The skewers were set, and the fire became red. Zhang Feng put the skewers on it, making a sneer, and then there was oily smoke.

Ryan frowned. Is this edible?

In less than thirty seconds, Zhang Feng continued to sprinkle those spices on the string.

And the aroma came out, and then topped with beer, it was the aroma of meat and wine. No one could refuse it.

Soon these strings were set up, Zhang Feng smiled and put it in his mouth, then put one in front of Ryan and said: "Chef Ryan, try it!"

"This?" Ryan hesitated, because he hadn't eaten it before, and it looked so unclean. Will he have a stomachache after eating it?

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "It's delicious, try it!"

The aroma was lingering, Ryan couldn't stand the temptation after all, and ate.

As this went on, his eyes widened. Isn't this delicious?

How can such a simple operation make such a delicious thing? He was watching it just now.

He did not understand.

"How about Chef Ryan?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Very good!" Ryan said calmly.

"It's more delicious with beer!" Zhang Feng brought a bottle of beer over.

This beer is an original malt beer, very authentic.

"Yeah..." Ryan took a sip of beer, not too cool.

His heart let go all at once.

"Some more!"

Jackal took over Zhang Feng's job and grilled there. Everyone in their Huangquan team was a master of grilling.

After a while, Ryan said: "You Chinese people are really amazing!"

"Haha!" Zhang Feng smiled without saying a word.

Sitting on the bow, holding skewers in his hand, cigarettes in his hand, and a bottle of beer with an open lid under his feet.

Looking at the port.

It's still very quiet over there.


Owen led people into the port. It was very quiet, with lights lit on the shore and the shore.

At this moment all work has been suspended, and the sailors, captain, and dock workers have all gone back to rest.

But many people have not rested.

Irving knows that, according to previous intelligence, there are still many ships busy at this time, but why is it so quiet now?

"Be careful everyone!" Irving said.

Ten motorboats lined up, and the strong light from the motorboats illuminates the pier, almost illuminating the pier.

The team members clenched their guns. Some of them had been there last time, and they had a gunfight last time, so they were a little nervous.

Soon they docked. According to the previous arrangement, each team went up to occupy an important position. Owen headed towards the customs building. There was only a two-story customs house. Now they are off work and there is no one inside.

Owen broke in, and a bunch of people rushed in.

He wants to check the files inside.

This is a long process.

Half of the people went to the warehouse. They found a lot of smuggled items in the warehouse. When they wanted to call Owen, they found that the communication equipment had no signal.

They had to run to the customs to tell Owen.

Owen said: "Seize immediately!"

He also didn't think about why there was no signal, and he didn't think about why he couldn't see anyone who resisted, and he thought they were afraid.


They went as excited as if they had done a great job.

After another two hours, some team members reported that all their motorboats were damaged and the motorboats had become watercraft.

Only then did Owen realize the bad news. Most of the customs documents here are forged, and a lot of evidence has been obtained.

In this way, people can be arrested, but the motorboat is damaged.

As they walked out of the customs building, many people suddenly appeared outside to surround them.

These people have weapons in their hands.

Irving stood up without fear at all and said loudly in English: "I am Interpol. I have obtained evidence of your illegality. You will be arrested. Now you lay down your arms and surrender. I can handle it with leniency!"

If Zhang Feng heard him talking like this, he could only say two words helplessly: idiot.

He is surrounded by people, not surrounded by others.


There was a discordant voice at this moment.

The people outside let go, a red super ran over and stopped there, and a man came down.

"Owen, oh, you should be called Captain Owen, why don't you have a long memory?" the man laughed.

Owen looked over, the light was not so good, and the lights of the sports car shone on them.

"Who are you?" Owen asked.

The man said, "Aren't you looking for me? I'm here. I didn't expect that you are also called Interpol. It's ridiculous!"

"Are you Wenatchee?" Owen was surprised, this man was so arrogant that he appeared at this time and surrounded him.

Isn't he afraid of international sanctions?

"Haha, it turns out that Captain Owen knows me, so it's easy!" Wenatchi said, "That's easy to say, I'll give you a chance. I'll get out of it now. The matter here is not your turn to Interpol. No matter, otherwise I will feed all the fish!"

"Venatchee, dare you!" Owen said angrily. He was just right. The first half of the purpose of this trip has been achieved. The evidence has been obtained. Then there is arrest. The first person to arrest is this person. Come out, that's the best.

A lot of cars came outside, with the sound of footsteps, Owen knew that it was their people who came, many people, estimated to be more than 300 people.

"Haha, Captain Owen, do you dare to say I dare? You are forcing me to a dead end, wanting to catch me, and don't see if you have this strength!" Wenatchee laughed loudly.

He didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. He caught them alive all at once. It didn't take a shot or a bullet. The husband would definitely reward him.

Owen angrily said: "Venatche, the evidence for your crime is conclusive. Last time we had no evidence, this time we will be able to arrest you if we get the evidence!"

"Really? The so-called evidence? Haha!" With a wave of Wenatchee, two people rushed in.

The scene was tense, and the two sides pointed guns at each other.

"Owen, if you want to have a dead fish, you can try it. What if you kill you? If your army comes and I hide in the mountain, can you find me? Haha, it's your precious one. Fate, and, you are now my captive!" Wenatchee sneered.

Owen was silent. There were at least three hundred guns outside, and they didn't know that these guns should have heavy weapons. The pickup trucks outside had heavy weapons. If there was a war, they would be destroyed within a minute.

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