Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1784: Dying struggling, captive

As he said, escape into the mountains, who can find him? Besides, this area is too sensitive.

"Venatchee, do you know what you are doing? You are sending yourself to a dead end!" Owen struggled.

He hinted that his staff would ask for support, but he said in a low voice: "Captain, they blocked the signal, what should we do?"

Owen's heart was cold, and it seemed that they were extremely prepared!

"Let's put down your weapons!" Owen said frustratedly and dropped the gun in his hand to the ground.

Surrendering so quickly really surprised the people behind, thinking how good he was, but I didn't expect to surrender so quickly.

Someone jumped out and disagreed: "You can't surrender, shoot them!"

A few people came out from behind, and they quickly fired at the gangster in front of them, and the slightly charged bullets slid out, and suddenly a large swath fell across.

But the opponent was not afraid of death, and the reaction was quick. Wenatchee shouted: "Kill them!"

Da da……

There are no bunker stones or the like here. The few people who jumped out were all dead, and the other side paid the price of more than a dozen people. This made Wenatchi very annoyed. These people who died were all to be sympathized. Golden.

"Tie them up!" Wenatchee said angrily.

A group of people went up to disarm Owen and more than a hundred people and tied them up, and then Wenatchi took a gun and shot at the corpse.


After Wenatchi's vent, he felt much better, and said to Owen with a smile: "It's better for you to know each other, go!"


Wenatchee closed his eyes to calm himself down. He couldn't think that he would end up like this. This was just the beginning, what should I do?


Those evidences that were finally obtained were taken back by them, and they will definitely be destroyed. In other words, not only did they get nothing and became prisoners this time, they also lost a few people. They are the most bloody, but They are very **** at the wrong time.

It quickly became quiet here.

With a smile on his face, Wenatchee drove the sports car back to his villa. He usually drove by himself, because only by driving himself can he appreciate the pride and extravagance of this car.

Just like a woman, how can it be opened to others.

After arriving at the villa, he called the boss impatiently and asked for credit.

"Sir, to disturb you so late, it's the situation on my side. It's like this. I caught all the Interpol. Five of them resisted and killed more than a dozen of us. I killed these five. Now, that Owen surrendered himself!" Wenatchee said all at once.

He understands that his boss is a person who hates nonsense. For example, when he hates chatting with others, he typed two words: Hello! Or is it? There is no more text; when others have time to reply, I have to ask, yes, is there anything?

I hate this kind of thing the most, isn't it good to just say: Hello! Something...

Isn't that great?

"Good job, ensure their safety, let them go in a few days!" the boss said.

"Yes!" Wenatchee said, "Boss, what shall I do next?"

"Keep doing business!"


Owen and his gang are being separated. They have underground warehouses, and the prisoners are the best.

All clothes were changed in case there was any monitoring equipment on their clothes and their hair was also shaved.

Some people resisted, but were beaten so badly that they had to give in one by one.


"Boss, where is the maritime police boat outside the port? There should be people on it!" his subordinates said to Wenatchee.

After Venatchee called the boss just now, he called their brother to behave in a prestigious manner.

This is a question, I forgot to ask the boss just now, but if you have to ask the boss about this trivial matter, what do you want him to do.

So he made his own claim and said, "What did our insiders say?"

"The chef said that besides him, there are ten mercenaries assigned to logistics. It is not worth mentioning. Seven of them are Chinese!" said his subordinates.

Wenatchi was puzzled, Chinese mercenary?

"How are their combat effectiveness?" Wenatchee asked.

"It's just cooking!"

"Haha, that's right, they are the best at cooking. I caught them and cook for us. I also want to taste their craftsmanship, haha..."


The subordinates were excited to make arrangements. There were only ten people on the other side, and there was an internal response. It was not difficult to press the coast guard boat.

First they sent a message to the chef that the Interpol has been settled and they are now going to take over the ship.

When the time comes, the chef will cooperate.

In order to improve the success rate, Wenatchee dispatched fifty people, rowing a wooden boat close to the coast guard boat in the dark.

The maritime police boat is easy to identify, and there is a lighted boat moored outside the port.

The distance is no more than ten nautical miles.


At this time, Zhang Feng and others on the boat were still drinking wine and eating meat. They had been drinking for nearly four hours. It was near midnight and had a lot of food. There were many empty beer bottles on the deck.

The chef is not drunk and goes to the bathroom from time to time.

He went again now.

Zhang Feng glanced at the port and sneered: "They are here, ha ha, it is estimated that Owen and others have been arrested, and the gunshots were shot for a while!"

"How?" Hades asked softly.

Zhang Feng said: "Throw them into the sea to feed the fish!"

"Okay!" Hell answered softly.

Li Jian went to the kitchen to get some leftovers, and the bloody, fishy meat scattered into the sea.

It smells of blood, and sharks a few kilometers away can smell it.

When they approached here, the shark almost arrived.

Chef Ryan came out now, and he complained a little: "People are peeing a lot when they are old!"

"I think the kidney is not very good. Come and eat some of this to make up!" Li Jian was holding a bunch of meat. In fact, it wasn't pig or cow, it was meat. .

Ryan took it and took a bite. He also had a drink today and ate a lot of delicious food.

"Chef Ryan, you said you are a chef with three Michelin stars?" Li Jian asked.

"Of course, don't you think I am?"

"Yes, of course!" Li Jian responded: "Then you said that the more delicious the chefs make, the better they can be ranked higher?"

"In theory, this is the case, but there are actually many rules!" Chef Ryan doesn't know what to say, he just knows that.

"Then you say my skewers are delicious?"

"It's delicious, this is the best meat I have ever eaten. I really don't understand how you did it. I have watched it for a few hours, and I still can't learn it!"

Li Jian proudly said: "Hey, no matter how long you look at it, you won't be able to learn it. Only our Huaxia talents will!"

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