Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1786: Catch Wenatchee alive and enter the port

They are here to die!

All killed them herself, Lilika was suffering.

Soon they arrived, Lilika wanted to shout to let them go, but Lilika had no courage, which meant death.

He is comforting himself, even if he yells, can they live? unable.

So I stopped shouting.

Several fishing boats arrived, the kind that can carry a little cargo.

There are only a dozen people in total.

"Lilica, Lilica..." the man on the fishing boat shouted: "Why are there so many sharks?"

They spoke the local language, and Zhang Feng could only understand the name of Lilika.

"I killed those people and threw them down. We have killed a few brothers!" Lilika spoke at Li Jian's hint.

The people below were chasing the sharks and continued to approach the coast guard boat.

"What good equipment do you have?" the man on the fishing boat asked.

"All are the most advanced weapons, the boss will be very happy, come on!" Lilika said.

Li Jian asked Lilika to translate what they said.

Immediately after that, all the dozen people came up, and they were dealt with by Silgarva in the corner. All of them were left alive, and one body was thrown into the sea.

The sea was churning again.

The fighting time was less than one minute, and they didn't make any sound, and they didn't know how they died.

Lilika shivered.

Li Jian said, "If you call them again, you will say that you can't hold things, and there is still meat and wine on board!"

"This...I'm afraid they won't believe it!" Lilika said.

"You come with me!"

Li Jian took him to the warehouse to see that there were indeed many things here.

"You take a photo and send it to Wenatchee!" Li Jian said.

"Yes Yes!"

Lilika complied and called after posting pictures, saying that he would send dozens of people.

On the phone, Wenatchee was very happy and said he would call someone right away.

"It's well done, I will give you a barbecue."

When he came to the deck, Li Jian gave him a bunch to eat.

Lilika ate it calmly, once raw and cooked again, he seemed to be used to it.

That's how people are. You can do bad things in one minute, but good things take a lifetime.

Habits are scary. Some people are used to laziness, good habits, learning, exercise, habit...

This time their speed was very fast, ten minutes there, dozens of people arrived, they were killed as soon as they boarded the boat, and the battle was quickly resolved.

Lilika was eating there.

The most free is Zhang Feng. He sits there smoking and drinking without doing anything.

The speed of smoking and drinking is very slow. Most of the time, cigarettes are burned out by themselves, and alcohol is also drunk little by little. He drinks only after the body is digested.

He simply lay on the deck and looked at the stars. Today's night is still okay.

The family should be asleep at this time, and I don't know how Yun Qian's grandma is doing.

It is probably not a big problem, Yun Qian must have a solution.

There were people coming from the port, and nearly two hundred people had died. Wenatchee called and asked how many things were there. Lilika said that there were many, and they couldn't finish moving until dawn.

Wenatchee said: "Bring the coast guard boat to the port."

"The ship's engine was blown up, it couldn't move, and it was already dew, it will soon be silent."

"Okay, I'll come right away, it's ours to refit this ship!"

"The boss is wise!" Lilika said.

This time it was Wenatchee who came in person, and it was estimated that he would not bring anyone there.

His speed was much slower, and he didn't show up until half an hour later. He sent a tugboat to tow the coast guard boat back for modification.

This is also arrogant enough.

After he got on the boat, the men behind him were also taken care of, and some people were on the boat. The judge's sniper rifle shot them one by one.

"Boss, I, I, I'm sorry for you!"

Wenatchi came here with Caldera pinched, and Lilika said guiltily.

But none of this worked. Wenatchee was also dumbfounded. What happened just now? Why was he arrested?

He reacted to Lilika's cry, pointing at Lilika furiously: "Traitor, traitor..."

"Boss, I don't want to die, otherwise they will throw me into the sea to feed the fish!" Lilika cried.

It can be said that Wenatchee is Lilika's benefactor. A few years ago, Lilika was a lazy man in the village. He had nothing, and developed after following Wenatchee.

Now Lilika betrayed him to survive.

Caldera's hands are very big, and the big palms are like iron rings around Wenatchee's neck. There is no pressure on his neck, so he can talk.

"Traitor!" Wenatchee angered again.

All he can say now is this.

At this moment, Zhang Feng walked up to Wenatchee and said, "You are Wenatchee, right? You surrender, be lenient, and you can not die!"

"Haha, tell me to surrender? Dream it! You kill me!" Wenatchi knew his crimes very well. According to the criminal law, it is not enough to shoot him many times in any country.

It's all a death, it's better to die now.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!" Hell walked over and said.

Yama's English is still okay.

Wenatchi was silent, he didn't want to die, there was a little luck in his heart.

The Hades waved his hand, and Caldera let him go. He dared not dive in this boat.

There is no need to tie him up.

But Caldera went to lift Lilika up, and stuck his neck tightly, Lilika struggled.

"You promised me not to kill me, you, you... Titicaca..." Lilika could still speak.

Li Jian said: "Yes, I didn't kill you!"

Caldera tightened her hand, Lilica was speechless, and his throat worried about the sound of Titicaca.

You know that Lilika has nearly one hundred and seventy catties. Caldera is so easy to lift him like a frog, and then put him out of the boat.

Lilika's mouth was bleeding, dripping into the sea, and the sharks below were boiling, and some even jumped up.

Caldera let go, and went down with a plop. The shark went crazy, and Lilika's more than one hundred and seventy catties of meat disappeared instantly.

"Enter the port!" Hell Wang said.

The students have gone to sail, and the speed of the maritime police boat is still acceptable.

Soon the coast guard boat docked, and there were dozens of gangsters on the shore. Caldera and the others quickly solved them. They were thrown directly into the sea and the fish would be dealt with. These scumbags finally have some effect. They can feed the fish. Think of it as accumulating a little yin virtue.

The people on both sides of the port have been dealt with by the judge, and it can be resolved when the maritime police ship enters the port. The judge's scope has night vision.

Several people on the mountains on both sides were shot headshots.

"This port is still very good, but unfortunately it has become a malignant tumor. I think those poisons and people should also be able to pass through!" Zhang Feng said.

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