Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1787: Eighteen luxury cars were frozen in the cold storage

"It should be!" Yan Wang said, "Should I let Owen and the others now?"

Just now when he was on the boat, Wenatchee had already said that people like Owen had been locked up.

"Hehe, no hurry, this kind of person needs to wake up quietly inside!" Zhang Feng said.

He said: "Then we will find a place to sleep!"

"That's right!" Zhang Feng smiled.

It was a lesson for them to cool Irving's gang in the cold basement.

Perhaps their lessons have been profound enough.

The best place here is the villa in Wenatchee, hundreds of meters from the port.

It is a three-storey small building, decorated with magnificent splendor. There are more than a dozen luxury cars in the garage below.

"Sell all the valuable things here!" Zhang Feng said.

Hades and the others have no opinion. These are all ill-gotten gains. They come here for a small amount of travel expenses. They did it while it was dark.

Just leave the work to Jackal. He only needs a phone call. Of course, this call is to Zhai Qiang. Jackal said: "I have a batch of goods here. You can ask someone to take it away!"

"What level?"

"Private goods! Eighteen." said the jackal.

"Send a position!"

Zhai Qiang spoke very loudly, as if he could handle every part of the world. The jackal gave him a position. Zhai Qiang said, "What about the time?"

"I'm in Marcia, I'll take it away before dawn!"

"Okay!" Zhai Qiang said.

I'm done talking about money, but I have to say something else.

"How is the situation with you?" Zhai Qiang asked.

The jackal said: "Cooperating with Interpol to suppress the bandits, it is going well now. The bandits have been dealt with. Where are you?"

"Of course it went well, and I made money back!" Zhai Qiang said proudly.

This is great. You must know that Zhang Feng gave him a lot of money last year, and he made it back in only one year. He really has a business acumen.

"That's not bad!" said the jackal.

"Necessary, what else?"

"Do you want a maritime police boat?"

"Farewell, this thing is hot!"


The two hung up the phone, and Zhai Qiang over there began to call. After ten minutes, he finally got the answer.

Three hours later, three huge trailers appeared outside the villa. The jackal came to negotiate. Seven or eight people came. They drove the car in the garage onto the trailer and then drove away. The whole process only took forty minutes. A car, an average of 500,000 U.S. dollars, is really a considerable income.

After these cars are shipped, the money will go to Zhai Qiang's account. Of course, the money will not go to him for unknown reasons, and it will be washed.

If Zhai Qiang couldn't do this, then he should go back to his mother in Kyoto.

It's too simple for him.

There is nothing Zhang Feng can admire in the villa. Women's jewelry and the like are all small, so keep it.

As for the cars in the garage, Jackal had another operator. He went to get seven or eight cars nearby and put them in the garage.

Tomorrow morning, Interpol’s people will come to check, as well as the Malaysian police, who will always behave, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

At night, the atmosphere in the port was very strange. There were many people watching the excitement, but they did not dare to make noise. There were two gunshots, in the customs building and on the sea outside the port.

Several police cars were parked on the side of the road ten kilometers behind Uz Port. This is the Malaysian police. They were watching here, waiting for the movement in the port, but after a few hours passed, there was still no news. Owen called once and asked them to enter Hong Kong first. How could this be possible?

If it's okay to say, usually there is still income after going through a cutscene in the past, but it is not possible now, and I have to die.

So they are waiting.

"Captain Kama, shall we enter the port now?" a police officer asked.

Captain Kama, who was smoking and hesitant, said, "Wait, wait!"

This mission was sent from the top to cooperate with Interpol, but it was not clear how to cooperate, and it gave Captain Kama a lot of room for development.

Captain Kama knew that many people above had been fed by Wenatchee, including himself as a small person.

A very obvious signal, the above wants Wenatchee to be here.

With Wenatchi, many people are full, and if anyone touches their cake, that person will have a hard time.

Captain Kama doesn't want to be this ghost. In these years, the so-called justice and conscience are luxury items, and he is an ordinary person.

This is the thinking of Captain Kama now. He just wants to survive, to live a little better, just a little better. Is this wrong?

Who can say he was wrong?

Let’s talk about the angle from which to stand.

"Captain Kama, shall we go back?" the subordinate said again.

"and many more!"

Captain Kama said in a deep voice, his opponent's attitude has always been better.

He wants to cross over to the top, how can it be done?

There is too much knowledge here.

The subordinates stopped talking.


In the warehouse, Owen couldn't sleep. He was locked in the cold storage. He was locked here together with the captains, including eleven of him.

Now my body is completely frozen and my teeth are shaking. Although I usually train regularly, I only need a set of clothes on my body when I stay in such a cold place.

"Ou, Owen, Captain... We are going to freeze to death here, what should we do?"

The cold storage can only be opened from the outside, and they are locked.

"Ninjutsu, let's do some exercise to make the body burn!" Irving said, moving his body.

But the body has been frozen stiff, where can I move?

If you exercise, you should exercise more than an hour ago.

The cold consumes energy in their bodies extremely quickly. The more exercise, the faster the energy is consumed. After a few minutes, Owen is dead, falling to the ground and shaking.

No one cares about him, they can't protect themselves.

"Difficult, am I, am I going to die here?" Owen murmured.

Although he couldn't move his body, he still had the strength to speak.

One of his men said, "Captain, where are those Chinese people? Will they come to save us?"

"They? Forget it, I guess they have run away now, those pirates won't let them go!" said another.

"I think they also have some skills!"

"Really? They are just some people who sell martial arts on the street. No matter how high your skill is, you can do it with one shot. There are hundreds of pirates. Can they beat it?"

"That Mr. No. 3 punched William crippled. I don't even have such a punch!"

"That's because William is too weak to prove anything, they won't come!"

Owen said: "They are gone, let us ask God to forgive us!"

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