Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1788: Windfall

"Captain, what if they come?" one of the team members said, "And kill all the pirates."

"Impossible!" Irving said without even thinking about it.

"I mean if!"

"If they are, then they are my saviors, and I will kneel to them and loyal to them!" Owen said.

"me too!"

Where do they think so much now, the so-called shame and face are nothing in front of life.

"Impossible, now they don't know where they are going!" Owen said dejectedly.

The subordinate said, "Should we just wait for death?" He was very unconvinced, too useless.

"Stop talking, can't we live now?"

Owen knew that his subordinates were dissatisfied, and to blame the enemy for being too cunning, too strong, and too many people.

"Alive? I will be frozen to death soon, right? It's better to be killed by them, so refreshing! Can still criticize the martyrs, what is this now? Slowly freeze to death, more torment!" said the subordinate.

"Bray, stop talking!"


Let's not talk about it. This Bray is very angry, but he can't do anything about it. When Captain Irving surrendered before, he also surrendered with him, but he didn't expect it to end like this.

"Let God save us!" Owen closed his eyes and said, originally he wanted to sign a cross, but his hands lost strength.

Bray was speechless for a while.

It's cold, it's too cold!


At this time Zhang Feng was sleeping on the soft big bed. He always felt that something was missing. Well, it was a woman. It would be perfect if there was a woman lying beside him.

Wenatchee's bed is very high-end, and it cost him hundreds of thousands. Zhang Feng doesn't care how many women Wenatchee has rolled over here, he can sleep as long as he can, whatever he can do.

Is there a virus? Will not.

Hell and the others went to the guest room to sleep. They were very calm and could sleep as soon as they lay down.

The next morning, Zhang Feng got up early, looked for food in Wenatchee's kitchen, and made breakfast, which he could eat when the brothers got up.

After eating breakfast, I went to see Wenatchee. He looked very decadent. He looked like a boss, just a street bum, and he changed too quickly.

"Wenatch, would you like something to eat?" Zhang Feng asked him.

Wenatchi looked up at Zhang Feng. He was not very afraid of this person. He was afraid of Li Jian. Li Jian killed many people in front of him.

"How much will it cost you to let me go?" Wenatchi said pretendingly.

"You have a lot of money?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Yes, I have money, let me go, I will give you money!"

In Wenatchi's view, money is omnipotent, money can buy anything he wants, including his own life.

"You give money first!" Zhang Feng said.

Wenatchi said: "You let me go first, and then I tell you where the money is!"

"You speak first!" Zhang Feng was very patient.

How could Wenatchee believe him? Then he said: "Let go of me!"

"Just forget it!" Zhang Feng turned around and left.

What choice does Wenatchee have at this time? He knew that they would hand himself over to Interpol, and he would be shot or imprisoned for life.

There is still a chance now, although it is very slim.

"Okay, I say!"

This will make the choreography come and stand silently behind.

"In my room, behind the bathroom mirror!" Wenatchee said.

Zhang Feng nodded to the dancer behind, who went.

Not long after, the dancer came over with a suitcase, oh, he was pushing it. The suitcase had wheels. It was a suitcase that Wenatchee bought for tens of thousands of dollars.

It contains all US dollars and a dozen bars of gold.

Zhang Feng took a look and said to him: "That's it, do you think such a small amount of money is enough to buy your life?"

"This, it's already a lot, there are two million dollars in it, and gold bars!" Wenatchi was a little speechless. How could this person have such a big appetite, wouldn't it be enough for so much money?

These are what he has saved for two or three years.

"If you only have a little money, then forget it, I will put the money back!" Zhang Feng said.

The choreographer in the back knows, pulls up the suitcase and leaves.

How could it be, how could Zhang Feng put this back?

He didn't believe that Wenatchee only had such a small amount of money. In fact, Wenatchee already had a lot of money. He controlled the entire port and earned astronomical amounts of money every day.

Therefore, it is still very objective.

"Don't, don't, I still have, and..." Wenatchi had no choice.

Zhang Feng sneered: "Let's talk!"

"Behind the body painting in my room!" Wenatchee said.

Originally, if he could use it after he was alive, he didn't expect that so much money could not feed them.

The gigolo put down his suitcase and went.

After a while, he came carrying something wrapped in a bed sheet, with his back behind.

I collapsed this thing on the ground, and it was all money inside. It was really not British pounds. They were all in large denominations. There were millions of pounds in it.

"That's it!" Wenatchee slumped to the ground as if he had been boned, and all his savings over the years were here.

Even if I can live, I don’t have anything, but at least I can live, right? I believe that with his ability, this little money can be earned back soon.

"Very well, I plan to let you go!" Zhang Feng said.

"thanks, thanks……"

Zhang Feng went up and untied him. He couldn't believe it. Is it so refreshing? Did you finally feed him full?

"Why don't you leave?" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice, as he was packing up the money.

Money is indeed very tempting. Although Zhang Feng has handled more money, it is the first time that he has so much cash in front of him.

"Yes..." Wenatchee hurried out, but was stopped by a big guy as soon as he walked out of the gate.

"First, sir, please let me..." Wenatchi whispered, "That gentleman let me go."

Caldera stepped away. Wenatchi thought he could leave, but there were still a few others, the square-faced man among them said: "He let you go, I won't let go!"

"This..." Wenatchi realized something suddenly.

He walked back and asked Zhang Feng: "Sir, didn't you say to let it go? Why didn't you let me go?"

"Yeah, I let you go. I personally loosened you. As for them to let you go, it doesn't matter to me!" Zhang Feng said.


Now Wenatchi knew everything, and they wouldn't let themselves go.

Zhang Feng had already collected the money and looked very proud.

"I, I killed you..." Wenatchi was going to hit Zhang Feng in a hurry, but with his body, Zhang Feng could easily kick him out a long way by lifting his foot. He lay on the ground and endured painfully. .

Zhang Feng took the money out, wrapped the sheets in his hands while holding the suitcase. When he reached the door, he handed it to Caldera and said, "Put it in the car!"

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