Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1802: The sniper shows off

The judge held a large-caliber 10-type sniper rifle made in his hand, with an effective range of 1,500 meters and 12.7 mm bullets.

Although the effective range is only 1,500 meters, this gun often hits targets two kilometers away in the hands of the judge, which requires the sniper's ultra-high sniper ability.

In addition to the basic abilities of a sniper, it also needs the field, wind direction, wind speed, sound, and humidity.

These factors can be used to the extreme to maximize the distance.


When the gunfire sounded, the maritime police boat shook a bit. They went to look at the binoculars and saw a gangster lying there on the beach.

It can be seen in the high-powered binoculars that the culprit was headshot by a shot, and the 12.7mm bullet can easily explode the culprit's brain.


Then came the second shot, and another gangster fell.


After several shots in a row, all shots were clear, a culprit fell, and the people watching on the deck boiled with enthusiasm, too strong!

A smile appeared on Owen's face.

In this way, there is no need to attack, only need the sniper to keep attacking to kill all the bandits on the island.

At this moment, the gangsters on the island reacted, and did not dare to appear again.

The gunfire stopped.

But the gangsters can't stay still, and their fortifications are very simple, they can only crawl if they want to leave, and they will be lost in seconds as long as they stand up.

"Move to the side!" the judge said.

Owen sailed the boat himself and moved the position.


The gunfire sounded again, killing more than a dozen gangsters in a row, and all the gangsters on the beach and on the simple cannons had been killed.

"RPG!" someone shouted.

Seeing a missile flew out of a bush, Owen hurriedly started the ship, but it was too slow. The missile's flight speed was very fast, and it would arrive in no time when the hull was already moving.


The gunfire sounded, and almost at the same time it exploded on the surface of the sea two hundred meters away from the maritime police boat.

Everyone was in a cold sweat and admired Mr. Five deeply! He saved everyone.

"Who made you move the ship?" Zhang Feng appeared in the driver's cab, standing behind Owen.

Owen looked blank, he was also trying to save everyone.

"Get out!" Zhang Feng said angrily.

Owen was so frightened that he slipped away.

Now everyone looked at him differently, and he felt wronged.

"I..." Irving wanted to say something, but he still didn't say anything, and went to stand aside.

Yan Wang said: "From now on, no one can act without authorization, otherwise they will be treated as collegiality!"

Hell’s voice was harsh and domineering, and everyone hadn’t seen him so angry. It seemed that Owen had made a serious mistake.

An RPG can sink the coast guard ship, and then they will launch a second and third.

Everyone is done!

Hades believed that the judge would be able to intercept the missile, but there should be no interference. Fortunately, it was fine.

Then, sure enough, a second one will come.


There was another explosion on the sea.

Bang Bang...Three gunshots.

In the telescope, everyone saw that three people fell down in the bush, and there was a shoulder-mounted launcher on the ground.

It's quiet, a brief silence.

The people on the island really didn't dare to take their heads. There are still many bandits on the beach, and they cannot attack.

No one moved. Those with telescopes kept watching the movement on the island.

Time passed by minute by minute, and there had been no shots for half an hour. Everyone was waiting for a change of position, but Mr. One did not speak, and everyone did not dare to say.


At this time, the island is in chaos.

Because there are two bosses!

Mihella and Karobucci, although the two are not rivals, they have different opinions at this critical moment.

Dozens of men have been lost. Interpol has a very powerful sniper who can intercept their heavy weapon RPG.

"Before I said I would all go a little farther, you just came here, is it useful? Is it useful?" Mr. Karobuqi said angrily.

Mihaila said, "Don't you agree? Go a little bit farther? You said it easy. Can we take so many assets and so many brothers?"

"That's better than now, we will be nailed to the beach one by one by that sniper!" Karobuki said dejectedly.

Mihaila said: "As long as we stay still and hide in the house, the sniper can't do anything to them!"

"How long can we last? There is not much fresh water on the island, two days or three days? And I think they will go to the island with the cooperation of snipers! What shall we do then?"

"Hostages, we are hostages!"

"This is our last escape!"

"It's no use saying anything now. If it doesn't work, we will threaten them with hostages and leave!"

"Yes, but now we must prevent them from going to the island and hit them at night! I think that sniper can't see us at night!"

"Just do it, you and I will have half of you!"

"it is good!"


At night, the lights on the island were extinguished as long as they could be extinguished, and people started to walk around as the sky darkened.

At this time, the judge did not shoot, but let them relax first.

The sniper rifle in the judge's hand was equipped with a spot sight with night vision function, but the distance of night vision did not reach one kilometer, only six or seven hundred meters.

So the judge asked the ship to slowly approach the island and stop when it was 700 meters away.

At a distance of three hundred meters, it was night again, and they didn't notice it. This gave the judge a chance.

He saw standing upright on the beach, and the judge could see a man in the middle carrying a launch tube on his shoulder. Before they loaded the missile and launched it, the judge fired.

The target is not a person but a launch tube.


The beach exploded, breaking the calm.

It is still very real to solve three people with one bullet, and the judge really hopes to have more of this.

But soon a missile flew over. It flew out from the bunker. The flame was dragging behind the missile. It was the best target at night.

The judge almost intercepted without much aiming.

All the lights on the coast guard boat are off, but the moonlight is very bright, so a boat can still be seen from the island when it stops on the sea.


On the island!

"What to do? What to do? This sniper is too strong, he intercepted our shells, how did he do it!" Mihaila was anxious.

He has nothing to do now.

Karobucci said: "As soon as the sky lights up, they will attack and run!"

Bang bang...

There was a violent explosion outside, and Mihella furiously said: "Who is it, who is launching RPG"

A little brother came in from outside: "Two bosses, our boat on the shore was blown up!"

"What?" Mihaila was surprised, that was the ship they used to escape.

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