Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1803: Two escape plans, two offensive routes

Mihella roared: "What's the matter?"

The subordinate said: "They swam over to blow up!"

"Trash, trash, they swim over, won't you kill them with your gun?" Mihella roared.

The men said: "They came quietly, we don't know! And we don't dare to go to the beach!"


"Alright!" Karobuki waved his opponent's hand to let him out.

Then he said to Mihaila: "Brother, we are now ants on the same rope. There is no way out. There are two ways."

"One is to fight with them, and the other is to surrender."

Karobucci looked at Mihella, who said, "Fight!"

"Okay, gather the brothers together!"

Ten minutes later, nearly four hundred gangsters on the island gathered in the wide area in the middle of the island. Karobuki stood in a car and was mobilizing before the war.

"Brothers, everyone has seen that we have now retreated, and we can only survive if we fight to the end!"

"Some people just think about it, they can surrender, yes, they can surrender, but have you ever thought about it? Who are we? What did you do? You know best for yourself, can they send you off after surrendering? It was shot, it was spent in jail for a lifetime, do you want this?"

"Anyway, I don't want to. We have already enjoyed the glory and wealth. We are worth it in this life. What do we care about?"

"Your family has already got the money they can't spend their entire lives. What are you worried about?"

"Fighting to the end may eliminate them, and then we will go away to a corner of the world, stay incognito for a few years and then come back again, who will remember us then?"

"If you want to surrender, you can swim over now, I won't stop you!"

Karobucci said and scanned the crowd, no one moved below.


I don't know who shouted such a sentence.

Then many people shouted: "Fight..."



All the people shouted, they were so angry, they regarded death as home, holding guns in their hands.

Karobucci was very satisfied with this situation, and exchanged glances with Mihaila, the latter understood.

This is a group of desperadoes and a group of mobs, depending on how their boss leads.

It was obvious that Karobucci was a qualified general, letting everyone work for them.

Will the two of them sit still? impossible!

They will run at the last moment, and Karobuki is hiding an escape boat somewhere on the island.

And it's still a speedboat, a fast one.

Karobucci raised his hand to calm down the people below. He said: "Since everyone has decided, but we can't do it hard, we can't die, now listen to my arrangements!"

"The opponent has a sniper. We must lower our body when we act, and we cannot be hit by him..."

After Karobuch arranged the combat mission, they went to their positions. No one raised any objections, and all agreed with Karobuch's arrangement.

As for the hostages, the more than one hundred children, don't need to worry about them, have been locked up and can't die.

After all of his men were gone, Karobucci said to Mihella: "Mihella, we can't die here!"

"Do you have any idea?" Mihaila felt that there was something in his words, there must be something hidden.

"We will leave!"

"What about them?"

"Give them to God, and God will bless them!"

"Can't we hold it?"

"No, we can't keep it, just their sniper can kill us one by one, don't we stay in the room for days and nights and not go out?"

"But he can't be blinded for days and nights?"

"Don't you know how good those snipers are? They can lie in one place without eating or drinking for days and nights!"

"Is he that good?"

"He was able to intercept our RPG, do you think it's great?"

Mihella was silent.

"And they will attack. They will attack under the cover of snipers. Once they get to the island, we will have no chance!"

Mihella didn't speak, as if thinking of what Karobuki wanted to do, he wanted to leave his brothers and run by himself.

In fact, Mihaila wanted to do the same, but now she can't go even if she wants to go. Without a boat, can it be swimming?

"Mihaila, we followed the husband together back then, let me go together, I prepared two plans, one is me and a speedboat; the other is a diving suit!"

Mihaila was surprised a lot, and where is there a speedboat? Why didn't you see it? The diving suit is understandable, there are many diving suits on the island.

"Diving suit! I think the diving suit is good!" Mihaila said.

Karobucci said, "Okay, just do it!"

"When are you leaving?" Mihaila looked a little impatient.

Karobucci said: "When they can't hold on!"

"it is good!"

A thief is a thief, who always thinks about himself.


At sea, the coast guard ship.

The judge continued to look at him. He hadn't closed his eyes for ten hours. This was commonplace for him. Zhang Feng brought him an empty bottle and a bottle of water.

The empty bottle is for urine, and the water is used to replenish body moisture.

"How? Let me try it?"


The judge gave Zhang Feng the position, and then went to eat and take a break. Now it is not a time to be nervous, so you don't have to work hard.

Just pay attention to RPG.

Zhang Feng lay there, under the action of the night vision scope, he could see everything on the island clearly.

As soon as the target appeared, Zhang Feng shot.

A headshot!

Zhang Feng can still do it. Although the technology cannot keep up with the judge, Zhang Feng's consciousness is high. At a distance of one kilometer, now the sea breeze is calm, Zhang Feng can still hit the target.

Towards midnight, the king said to everyone: "There are more than one hundred children on the island. We want to rescue them. I plan to organize a surprise operation. Captain Irving, what do you think?"

"I also think this is feasible!" Irving said.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements!" Yan Wang said: "It is divided into two teams, one team is frontal attack, attracting enemy firepower, and the other team is going to save the children!"

"Number two, you are the first team, I will lead the second team!" Yan Wang said to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng nodded.

"The first team will attack, the second team will save people!" Yan Wang said: "The second team needs fifty people, detour to the east of the island and swim over! The first team will attack from the front, and the snipers will cooperate!"

"Do you understand everything?" Yan Wang looked at everyone with a serious expression.


"People with good water quality come to my side, I want fifty people! Come to my side consciously."

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