Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1805: A century of dialogue, back to Shuiquan City

Yan Wang's voice appeared behind him, and the other members of the Qilin team were sitting there. They did not come up to talk to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Yeah!"

"Where is Zhu Shanmao?" Yan Wang asked.

For Zhu Shanmao, Yan Wang didn't want to let him go, this kind of scum!

"Go to Shuiquan City to solve him!" Zhang Feng said.

Hem Wang said: "Owen is not expected to go, and he will be a great help!"

"No, King Yan, I just want to mobilize the people. Juan Siwu has already told Zhu Shanmao that he is now we are going to look for him. With the sign of Interpol, the intensity will be much greater, and Shuiquan City will not be able to interfere."

Zhang Feng thought more completely and farther.

"it is good!"


Water Spring City.

Yun Qian got up early and took Haohao to send breakfast to the hospital for his grandmother.

After a week of treatment and recovery, the old grandma's spirit has improved a lot, and she can talk to Haohao.

Moreover, after speaking with Haohao, his condition recovered quickly, perhaps this was mental power.

A conversation spanning a century can sparkle.

"Haohao, come, come to Grandma!"

The old man on the hospital bed raised his skinny hand and waved to Hao Hao who had just entered the door.

Hao Hao trot over in a hurry, and shouted sweetly: "Grandma, good morning!"

"Well, Haohao good morning, **** ho ho!" The old man smiled happily.

Hao Hao said, "Grandma, I dreamed of you last night!"

"Hey, I dreamt of grandma, haha, come and tell grandma, how is the dream..."

"Dreaming that grandma is very small, as small as me, not as tall as me!" Hao Hao said.

"Ho **** ho, yes, grandma also had a childhood..." The old man's tears came out, and she was happy.

"Oh, grandma also had a childhood!"

"Yes, I didn't grow as big as you at that time!"

"It turns out there is truth in dreams too!"

"Yes, it is……"

Yun Qian sat there and watched quietly. This scene was very warm and happy. The tears came down when she watched her.

There is little time like this, and it will be less and less in the future. Grandma can't live forever, she will leave one day.

What kind of scene will it be when that day comes?

At this moment, the attending doctor is here, and it is a routine round, which is like this every morning, recording everything about the patient.

The conversation between the old and the young had to be interrupted.

Although there is Yun Qian, and he controls all the treatments, he still needs the attending doctor of the hospital to conduct examination records, because this is a procedure, and it is inevitable.

The doctor came to take notes, asked a few questions, and then left. Yun Qian took the porridge he cooked with his own hands to the old man to eat.

"Haohao, can you give it to grandma to eat?" Yun Qian cried.

"Good!" Haohao said sweetly.

He took the spoon and shook the porridge to the old man's mouth. The old man ate and was very happy.

It's kind.

After the old man took a few bites, he ate it by himself. With Haohao here, the old man's appetite is very good.

Haohao is the best medicine.

"Qingming will be here soon, Qian, I'm going to pay homage to your grandpa!" the old man said.

"Yes, I haven't offered incense to my grandfather for several years." Yun Qian said, "My dad went to participate in the revolutionary monument activity in the city. It was very grand. An overseas Chinese returned home to worship his ancestors and donated a lot of money!"

"It's a good thing!" said the old man.

"Yes, if there are more such people, this society will be much better!"

The old man did not speak and ate the porridge.

Ling Ling...

Yun Qian's cell phone rang, and she was surprised when she took out her cell phone to look at it: "It's Zhang Feng!"

The old man stopped the spoon in his hand and looked expectantly. Obviously she was also looking forward to seeing Zhang Feng.

"You are already in Shuiquan City, great! Come here, grandma wants to see you!" Yun Qian was very happy.

Then he hung up the phone and said to the old man, "Grandma, Zhang Feng will be here soon!"

"Good, good!" The old man was very happy and in good spirits.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng came and brought the Qilin team and one more person, Irving.

As soon as Zhang Feng entered the door, he went straight to the hospital bed with a bunch of carnations in his hand, and shouted, "Grandma!"

Put the flower down and hold the old man's hand.

"Well, you are Zhang Feng!" The old man smiled.

"Yes, grandma, this is Zhang Feng!" Zhang Feng said.

The old man nodded. He was very satisfied with Zhang Feng. After ten seconds, Zhang Feng waved to the outside and they came in.

One by one shouted: "Grandma, grandma..."

In the end it was Irving, who yelled with them, although it was a bit blunt, but it would be nice to yell.

"Grandma, they are all my comrades-in-arms, the foreigner is the captain of the Interpol, and he made a special trip to see you!" Zhang Feng said.

The old man's eyes were sharp and his eyesight was very good. She saw that these people were all extraordinary, not waiting for idlers, and the old man realized Zhang Feng's soldiers.

Yes, he is a soldier. The old man looked at Zhang Feng seriously, very satisfied, really satisfied!

Moreover, the old man could see that this foreigner, the captain of the Interpol, was obedient in front of Zhang Feng, and he could see how strong Zhang Feng was.

The old man is an old revolutionary, a hero of the founding of the country. He has seen too many life and death, participated in too many battles, life and death!

From Zhang Feng and his subordinates, we can see the bloodiness, the bloodiness of soldiers!

The old man shifted his gaze and looked at Hao Hao, who was standing behind and holding the child, thinking to himself, this granddaughter's vision is really poisonous.

"Okay, thank you for coming, thank you!" said the old man.

"Grandma, I hope you get better soon!"

Hades stepped forward and said.

"Yes, it will!" the old man said.

"Grandma, let's go outside!"

Speaking of Hades, he led the team out.

"Haohao, you can come over!" Zhang Feng smiled at Haohao.

Haohao immediately struggling to jump off his mother and ran into Zhang Feng's arms.


Haohao screamed happily. He was very well-behaved just now. He can't talk when the adults handle affairs.

"Did you talk to grandma Haohao? Are you good?" Zhang Feng asked.

Haohao sat on Zhang Feng's arm and said, "Yes, grandma is very good, tell me a story!"

"That's good, you have to stay with your grandma!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay!" Haohao responded, "Dad, how many bad guys did you hit this time?"

"Many, many bad guys, none of them are Dad's opponents!" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Dad is so amazing!" Hao Hao cried happily, "I want to be so amazing too!"

"Well, if you want your father to be so good, you have to grow up first, eat well, sleep well, listen to your mother, and do this first!! Zhang Feng said.

"it is good!"

This is the best example. Standing on Zhang Feng's shoulders, Hao Hao will take off. He will start higher than other children, fly far and fast!

The old man saw this scene in her eyes, and she felt that the Yun family and Zhang family were about to bow.

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