Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1806: It’s nice to be young; go to the ancient town

Outside the corridor, Zhang Feng and Yun Qian greasy and crooked for a while, and then they still felt uncomfortable. When Yun Qian went to the bathroom, Zhang Feng slid in and put the ‘cleaning’ sign at the bathroom door before entering.

When he entered, Yun Qian was frightened, and he cried out in a deep voice: "Zhang Feng, you, don't, you are bad, someone will come in!"


Zhang Feng's rapid breathing showed his determination. Yun Qian knew that he couldn't refuse, so he had to follow him.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Feng stopped and whispered: "Someone is coming!"

Yun Qian suddenly became nervous, causing Zhang Feng to frown. Yun Qian said nervously, "I'll just say, here, what should I do now?"

"It's okay! I'm standing on it, you are sitting!" Zhang Feng said.

A few seconds later, someone came in. It was the cleaning aunt at the hospital. She was muttering: "Who is so troublesome and throwing signs indiscriminately, I haven't come to clean yet!"

In the compartment, Yun Qian looked at Zhang Feng bitterly, but Yun Qian could not speak.

"There are still people here!" the aunt said again.

"Uh!" Yun Qian made a voice, agreeing to her aunt, letting her know that there is someone inside.

After a while, the aunt said again: "Oh, it's nice to be young!"

Said the aunt and went out, and put a reminder sign.

After a long time, Zhang Feng sneaked out, no one saw him, because if there were anyone, he would hear footsteps, and his hearing was extraordinary.

Then Yun Qian came out, blushing and walking a little strange.

She didn't dare to go back right away, but went downstairs and walked. It took ten minutes to return to her grandma's ward. Haohao and grandma were talking.

She went to wash her face to prevent her grandma from seeing it.

"Mom, where did you go just now? Where did Dad go?" Haohao asked.

Yun Qian pretended to be calm: "Just now, Mom and Dad went to talk!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Said Dad is going to beat the bad guys!"

"Oh, Dad is going to beat bad guys again!"


Zhang Feng did talk to Yun Qian just now, not just about doing things, but about Zhu Shanmao.

Yun Qian said to the old man, "Grandma, how much do you know about Zhujia Village, Guzhen?"

"Zhujiacun?" The old man was puzzled.

"Yes, Zhujia Village, the ritual ceremony in the city was held in Zhujia Village! That overseas Chinese is from Zhujia Village!"

"People in Zhujiacun, haha, their ancestors are traitors, and there are many uncles who persecuted you back then. Later, they went abroad and became overseas Chinese, and now they want to come back. Do they want to atone for their sins? Their sins are endless. Yes!" The old man thought of what happened back then, with an agitated expression on his face.

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder!" Yun Qian nodded and said, "They are dogs who can't change their shit, huh!"

"what happened?"

Yun Qian said: "This Zhu Shanmao is a big evil, Zhang Feng and the others are here to clean him up!"

The old man's body shook, his eyes sharpened and he said in a deep voice, "This matter is difficult to handle!"

"Grandma, Zhang Feng is ready, there is Interpol, he has no resistance!" Yun Qian said: "Furthermore, Zhang Feng has cut all his wings and rescued a hundred from a small island in Southeast Asia. Of the children, one of them is a child who disappeared a year ago in Shuiquan City!"

The old man sat up and murmured, "Retribution, retribution is coming!"

"Grandma, what's the matter?" Yun Qian felt the strangeness of grandma.

The old man smiled and said, "It's okay! Don't participate in this matter!"

"I see, grandma!" Yun Qian saw that grandma was on her mind, and said: "Grandma, take a good rest, I'm out, and I will see you in the afternoon!"

The old man said: "Let your dad come back, don't participate in this! Just say that I said it!"


Yun Qian went out with her baby.

From the glass on the door of the ward, Yun Qian saw her grandma leaning against the pillow, thinking about things.

The grievances of the older generation do not need to be implicated in future generations, otherwise when the grievances are reported, what should be settled is already over.

Yun Qian didn't know these, the old man wanted to bring these into the coffin.


Zhang Feng came out of the hospital, and a group of people waited for him. They waited a long time before coming down.

"Go, go to the ancient town!" Zhang Feng said.

Most people got on the car and headed straight for the ancient town.

The ancient town is called the ancient town. As the name suggests, the ancient town is a place with a thousand years of culture. There are buildings that have been preserved for 700 to 800 years, and the cultural heritage is very profound.

There are many celebrities and bad celebrities, such as Zhu Shanmao's ancestor.

The halo on Zhu Shanmao's head was dazzling at this time, and no one thought of the mistakes his ancestors committed to the locals.

Did someone forget it? No, it is recorded in the county annals, but he is now paying back to the village, which can be regarded as atonement.

This is a good thing!

Even if it is an atonement, the mistakes committed in the past cannot be erased.

"Mr. Zhu, did your grandfather surrender to the foreign enemy? Is your coming back this time for atonement?"

There are dozens of bodyguards to protect Zhu Shanmao on his trip.

Naturally, many reporters followed. Although these reporters have been asked what questions they can and cannot ask, some reporters risked their deaths to ask. This is professionalism.

The reporter was quickly taken away. He would not be beaten. Instead, he was forbidden to approach him. Someone stared at him.

Even so, many people have paid attention to this issue.

They made a fuss about this issue, saying half-truths and half-truths, but they quickly disappeared, and there were no storms.

They are all promoting Zhu Shanmao's positive articles and advertisements, which are very high-profile.

In the ancient town, he enjoyed high-standard treatment.

Living in an exquisite ancient building, it is said that it was the house where the former high officials lived.

He has lived here for ten days, and he will attend many activities every day, accompanied by two secretaries with beautiful looks, and live in this big house together.

When Zhang Feng and others came to the ancient town, he happened to be attending an event and giving a speech.

"Or, wait a minute?" Yan Wang said to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng said: "Okay, just wait for him!"

Before coming here, Yan Wang and others had already gone to Shuiquan City Public Security Bureau, and they took the missing child. After entering, Owen revealed his identity, and Yan Wang also revealed his identity. , The police from Kyoto.

The police took it seriously and called the top to confirm their identities, and then sent someone to cooperate with them.

Just came to the ancient town all the way.

A few of them were waiting below. On the stage, Zhu Shanmao had already noticed these people and felt strange, but he still resisted not calling a bodyguard, and insisted on coming down after speaking. Then he received a lot of applause.

"Owen, it's up to you!" Yan Wang said.

Owen nodded, followed by two policemen from the Shuiquan Public Security Bureau, dressed in plain clothes.

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