Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1807: Catch Zhu Shanmao and get caught

Zhu Shanmao is talking to the leader. He has just done a big thing, donating 10 million to Guzhen Middle School.

Moreover, the secretary was asked to transfer the money to the school account on the spot.

It has arrived.

How fast is it!

"Mr. Zhu!" a police officer walked behind Zhu Shanmao and said softly.

At this moment, Zhu Shanmao's bodyguard came over, trying to drive away the uninvited guest.

The police officer showed his credentials, the bodyguard was taken aback, and then said, "What do you want?"

"We have something to do with Mr. Zhu!" The policeman had a good attitude.

"Wait a minute!"

The bodyguard used to say a few words in Zhu Shanmao's ear, er, Zhu Shanmao's expression remained unchanged.

But he nodded.

The bodyguard walked over to the police officer and said, "You are waiting in the room over there!"

They had to go there and wait.

But after waiting for more than half an hour he hadn't come, Owen became a little impatient and went to ask again.

It took another ten minutes for Zhu Shanmao to come.

"What do you want me to do?" Zhu Shanmao's Chinese is not very good, just like a foreigner who speaks Chinese, so he is a foreigner.

Owen showed his credentials and said, "Mr. Zhu Shanmao, we suspect that you are involved in multiple international crimes. Please come back with us to assist in the investigation!"

"Hehe, I think you made a mistake, I haven't done anything illegal!" Zhu Shanmao was calm and not angry.

Owen said: "Please come back with us to assist in the investigation!"

"I'm sorry, I still have things to do, wait for you to find evidence before you come to me!" Zhu Shanmao said and left.

Several bodyguards at the back immediately came up to **** the boss away.

Very arrogant!

But the door was blocked by someone, Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng said in a deep voice, "Take it away!"

For people like Zhu Shanmao, there is no need to talk to him.

Caldera came up, and Zhu Shanmao's bodyguard also came up. The two sides held each other for a short period of two seconds. Caldera stretched out a long and large hand to grab the head of one of the bodyguards, and then threw it aside.

The sturdy bodyguard with a height of 8.5 meters was thrown aside like he had thrown something, hitting the wall and fainted.

A few more bodyguards came up, and Caldera swept them all at once like a giant robot.

Zhu Shanmao was stunned there.

Then he was picked up by this black tower-like person, wrapped his head in a black bag, and led out.

There was chaos outside, and the two police officers explained to them that Zhang Feng and others took him away.

Zhu Shanmao wanted to struggle, but he knew that it was useless to struggle, and the other party did not follow the rules at all and did not give him any opportunity to argue.

He was careless!

He thought there was a law, and they couldn't do anything until they had no evidence.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly!

Is it just planted like this?

No, his people will save him soon.

Soon Zhu Shanmao discovered that something was wrong, first by car, by plane, then by boat, for several days.

In one room, he knew where he was, Marcia.

Because the last place to stay is the Malaysian language, and the people around you speak the Malaysian language.

There are many people he raises here, so he is not afraid.

But after staying here for a long time, no one came. He didn't know how long it was. It was a long time anyway. It was a closed cell with no light on the day, only a light on the top was always on.

Meals are delivered once a day, and irregularly.

Zhu Shanmao's spirit is about to be destroyed!

That's what he worried about, not seeing anyone.

At first he thought that everything would be easy for his lawyer to come, but he didn't expect to see no one for such a long time.

These days, Zhang Feng has deliberately kept him cold. Not only is he deliberately cold, but there are also three others, Mihaila, Karobuki and Wenatchee.

They all switched on and off, asking nothing, and seeing no one.

After half a month, I finally met them.

The first thing I didn't say at all was to watch a section of monitoring. The content of this section of monitoring was Zhu Shanmao.

The scene of Zhu Shanmao in the room was even more embarrassing than them.

Where is the gentleman in their hearts? It turned out that the husband had been arrested a long time ago.

The three of them collapsed at once.

Then Zhang Feng said to their one-on-one first sentence: "You must be curious, where did Juan Siwu go, is he dead?"

"He is still alive, and he is alive well, why can he live?" Zhang Feng asked them back.

This is still a question. Juan Siwu must have said everything and recruited them all.

"Yes, you are right, he said it all, but I want you to say it yourself!"

Finally, Zhang Feng said: "Give you half an hour! Say, you are alive, don't say, shoot you!"

Then Zhang Feng left.

Zhang Feng said the same thing to each of them, and the effect was the same.

They thought in their empty room.

One thing is certain. It is said to be alive, but it may also be temporarily alive.

If you don’t say that you will die immediately, they have arrested your husband. What is there to worry about.

Karobuki and Mihaila were caught in the sea. For this reason, the Malaysian police also sacrificed three police officers. It can be said to be tragic and there must be an explanation.

The so-called account is still the final decision by the police. Now they have captured nearly 200 suspects, hundreds of accomplices, and more than a dozen tons of criminal evidence. Such a record has shocked the world.

The cost of the Malaysian police for three officers is not a big problem.

But those who understand the whole incident would not think that the Malaysian police did not need to sacrifice the cost of the three police officers at all, because the battle was over when the Malaysian police came over, they just went to the sea to search for the escaped gangsters. .

Without the intervention of Interpol, the Malaysian police would not know how many people would have to be sacrificed to take down the culprits.

Wait, wait, Zhang Feng is waiting outside.

Half an hour passed quickly, but it was very long for the people in the cell...

Owen prepared the camera to be there, starting with Mihaila.

In the room, Zhang Feng said to Karobuki: "I can say it!"


They were all recruited, and even talked about all the bad things they did when they were young, which store they had stolen.

When they go to big cities, they get worse and do all the bad things.

The three of Karobuki did not struggle, did not quibble, and they spoke out directly, revealing more about Zhu Shanmao.

I kept talking for two hours before it was over, and saved all the confessions. These are all evidence for the people to explain.

According to Macia’s law, they could be shot for this crime, but Zhang Feng agreed to them as long as they told the truth.

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