Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1813: In the next game, Guo Shao will pay

They didn't find Zhang Feng in their minds. He appeared to be cold, and everyone didn't go up to make friends. Brother Robe touched his nose just now.

"Next game!" Brother Robe shouted, and then he stopped.

He said to Zhang Feng: "This friend, can you compete?"

Zhang Feng nodded.

"Okay, everyone has seen it. Does anyone want that car? Anyway, I want it very much. How about you?"

Brother Robe shouted loudly.

"miss you!"

Almost everyone shouted, who doesn't want it.

"Guo Shao, if you don’t want to show it to everyone, I think you are the only one who can take down this car. I want it too, but I know my abilities, so I won’t go to death. Just now you won. You can take advantage of the victory and pursue! Everyone said, right?" Brother Robe shouted.


The people below shouted loudly, the atmosphere reached a height, and everyone wanted to see it.

The moment of excitement has arrived.

Everyone looked at Guo Xingheng, and Bai Jiajia also looked at him.

Guo Xingheng walked over and glanced at Chen Wanru beside Zhang Feng. He was a little disappointed. She was tall, but she didn’t look good. Chen Wanru hid herself well. People who can drive such a car have such a female companion. Guo Xingheng can't be disappointed. His women are much more beautiful than her.

"Friend, want to compete?" Guo Xingheng asked.

Zhang Feng said coldly: "Is it silly? Why am I here without a game? Do you still have to ask such questions?"

"You...haha, you really have a personality!" Guo Xingheng held back, for this car: "Well, I have two cars there, which one do you want?"

Guo Xingheng held two sets of keys in his hand.

One of the keys is tied with a beautiful ornament, that is Bai Jiajia's car.

Zhang Feng took the key.

"Okay!" Brother Robe came over and shouted loudly, "Everyone is a testimony that this friend won. The car that Guo Shao won just now belongs to this friend; if Guo Shao wins, this friend's The car belongs to Guo Shao. The rules are very simple. If you run a lap on this mountain road, whoever comes back to cross this line first will win!"

Zhang Feng nodded to express his understanding.

This is much easier. The two of them rode their own cars and the front wheels pressed on the line.

Seven or eight girls came to the front to dance, and the people around also screamed excitedly, but Bai Jiajia beside her was silent.

Her heart was hit a lot, and her car was ravaged!

From the disgusting Guo Xingheng to this man who appeared suddenly, a valuable global limited-class car.

Will he really be short of this money? Willing to bet on this car.

There are two reasons, one is not short of money, purely for fun; the other is confidence in their own technology.

Otherwise, he would just be full.

The value of their two cars is not equal, but the technology is also not equal, the fight is to pay back this, the bet is the car skills.

This is so exciting.

"Jiajia!" Brother Robe cried.

Bai Jiajia stood between the two cars outside the starting line with the sign in his hand.

At this moment the music stopped and everyone held their breath.

Huh... huh...

The two cars roared, and it was obvious that the one Zhang Feng sat down was even more shocking, and everyone's eyes were focused on this car.

Now wait for the security officer to raise the placard.

Bai Jiajia pointed at Guo Xingheng and nodded to see if he was ready.

Then Bai Jiajia pointed at Zhang Feng, who also nodded.

Then Bai Jiajia pointed at the surrounding crowd, and they howled in excitement, and finally Bai Jiajia held the sign high and put it down quickly.


Two cars swiftly passed by her, the wind curled up her hair.

If she was wearing a skirt, it would be a beautiful sight.

People around were howling excitedly, five or six drones flew out of the sky, and the cameras on the drones had night vision capabilities.

"Wow, too fast, too fast, already on the mountainside, rushed up, too fast!" The boy who remotely controlled the drone exclaimed excitedly.

Many people came to see it.

Now that we have not reached the mountainside, the victory or defeat has been divided.

At this time, Zhang Feng easily reached the top of the mountain, leaving Guo Xingheng far behind. He was just halfway up the mountain now.

The road uphill is twisty, and there are several turns of cliffs hundreds of meters below. I don’t know how many car accidents there are.

The road administration puts a speed limit sign there, but it seems to be of little use.

Guo Xingheng was very careful about the road conditions here, but he still dared not drive more than a hundred, especially when he was cornering, it suddenly dropped to forty. He cherished his life very much.

He didn't expect that the person was so crazy, he didn't even want his life, and rushed up desperately.

Hope he fell to the cliff and died.

No, if he falls below, the car is also damaged, no good.

Now it depends on the speed of the downhill, Guo Xingheng has not lost yet.

When he got to the top of the mountain, he looked down the road, and his car lights were missing. They wouldn't really fall down.

"Haha, let's drop it, don't do it for yourself!" Guo Xingheng drove down the mountain.

The bottom road is much smoother,

When he got down, it was quiet down there, he didn't scream, and he didn't see the car.

"He fell under the cliff. We organized a few people to find him!" Guo Xingheng said.

Behave kindly.

Everyone did not speak, Guo Xingheng said, "What's wrong with you?"

"Guo Shao, you lost!" Brother Robe said regretfully.

Guo Xingheng didn't believe it: "It's impossible, he didn't come down, I came back first!"

"Over there!" Brother Robe pointed over there and said: "He arrived three minutes ago, over there!"

Guo Xingheng only saw the locomotive behind the crowd. The man was sitting in the car and smoking a cigarette. The cigarette **** went out and disappeared.

"Impossible, impossible, I didn't even see him!" Guo Xingheng said, shaking his head.

Brother Robe didn't want to talk anymore, and the people around didn't say anything, watching his jokes.

"Guo Shao, show you!" Brother Robe brought a tablet: "This is the game just now."

Guo Xingheng watched, the man was driving extremely fast, he didn't slow down at the corners, he passed the ground, he was about to fall, but he didn't fall, especially when he went down the mountain, he was almost over one hundred and fifty, which was terrifying. Up!

This is not the reason why the car is good or good, but the car's skills, such as terrifying car skills.

At this time Zhang Feng came over and stood in front of Guo Xingheng, with a cigarette in his mouth and said: "Guo Shao, right? The car, I took it!"

"No, no! Not this time!" Guo Xingheng said angrily.

Zhang Feng sneered: "Hehe, doesn't it count?"

Looking at Brother Robe, the latter did not speak, Zhang Feng understood that Shao Guo's energy was quite large.

"Will you not accept the bet?" Zhang Feng said coldly, revealing a murderous look.

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