Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1814: Two rascals? Zhang Feng shot

Guo Xingheng's heart was stunned, wondering why this person's eyes were so terrifying, because the eyes were so cold that they made the whole body cold.

In his heart, 10,000 people were unwilling to lose to this person just like that, losing unclearly.

In other words, it was a terrible loss.

It is difficult for him to accept this fact, and he is still in front of the girl he likes.

Originally, he wanted to find a good excuse to return the car to Bai Jiajia after winning the car, but he didn't expect such an enchanting person to come out.

He looked at the people around him, they were all looking at Guo Xingheng, they didn't expect that the dignified Guo Shao would fall back.

No, this car is dispensable to Guo Shao, and should not afford to lose.

It seems that what he can't afford to lose is face. Everyone knows that he likes Bai Jiajia. Now he loses face in front of Bai Jiajia, and he lost Bai Jiajia's car.

This is indeed difficult for him to accept.

"Do it again!" Guo Xingheng said.

Zhang Feng sneered: "Brother Robe, right? Do you have this rule? Or I will lose once after a while, and then I say do it again?"

Brother Robe's face was ugly, he didn't know what to say.

It doesn't work anyway, with Shao Guo?

If you follow Guo Shao, then his robe brother's personal settings accumulated over the past few years will soon collapse.

And even if he did what he wanted, he wouldn't necessarily sell his robe brother because of his temperament, which was trivial.

So Brother Robe decided that he would not use his future to stick Guo Shao's cold ass.

"Guo Shao, look again, if you don't believe it, there is still a drone that recorded it." Brother Robe held the tablet in his hand.

Guo Xingheng looked at Brother Robe ferociously, and said coldly: "Roe deer, do you think about it?"

Brother Robe was a little embarrassed. He didn't like others calling him a roe deer. Brother Robe could call him. This was his name in the world.

"Guo Shao, everyone is watching, I can't help but ask everyone!" said Brother Robe.

Said that Brother Robe was about to shout.

Guo Xingheng said angrily: "Okay, roe deer, you remember it for me!"

Brother Robe was helpless.

"Let's go!" Guo Xingheng left with two attendants.

"and many more!"

Zhang Feng called.

"What? What else do you want? The key has been given to you, what else do you want?" Guo Xingheng said uncomfortably: "Boy, don't be too arrogant. How about your good driving skills?"

These words are very interesting, he is speaking harshly.

"Really?" Zhang Feng looked at him.

"Boy, you be careful for me!" Guo Xingheng said harshly again: "Let's go!"

The two younger brothers behind him followed, and they also had two locomotives of very low grade, worth 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

"Did I let you go?"

"Why? Do you still want to keep me here?" Guo Xingheng sneered. He wanted to find a reason to fix this kid. There was no reason just now that he wanted to find someone to fix him later.

Now that he is alone, don't blame others.

The two subordinates came up without the boss's greeting, standing behind the boss, as long as the boss gave an order, they rushed up to subdue him, beat him up, and let him know the price of offending the boss.

"Both of them, calm down, if you have something to say, please say!" Brother Robe came over to persuade him, after all, this is his place.

But his face is not enough.

"Nothing to do with you!" Guo Xingheng said angrily.

Brother Robe touched his gray nose and stood aside without speaking.

Now there must be a good show to watch. Everyone walked up to watch the excitement. Fortunately, no one took out their mobile phones to film. They came here without mobile phones, just to have fun.

Bai Jiajia also stood watching. When she got here, there seemed to be nothing wrong with her. Although it was caused by her car, she was just watching the excitement.

Sad reminder!

Bai Jiajia thought to herself.

"Want to keep me here?" Guo Xingheng asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your chrysanthemum, you will stay away from that girl in the future!"

"What?" Guo Xingheng didn't seem to have heard it wrong, Ju? My chrysanthemum? And want me to stay away from Bai Jiajia?

Did you make a mistake?

"I don't want to repeat it a second time!" Zhang Feng said.

Bai Jiajia over there is a little confused, for her own sake? Isn't it? Or do you like yourself?

No, doesn't he have a girlfriend?

"Boy, you're looking for death, you dare to take care of my affairs!" Guo Xingheng said angrily: "I just like her, what can you do? It has something to do with you? She will definitely be my person, what about me and her Yes, it doesn't matter?"

Speaking of Guo Xingheng, he walked over and took Bai Jiajia's hand to prove to everyone that this girl belongs to me.

"Guo Xingheng, what do you mean? I'm not yours, don't talk nonsense!" Bai Jiajia was unhappy: "Let me go!"

"I will make you my person!" Guo Xingheng was very confident.

"Rogue!" Bai Jiajia struggled.

Guo Xingheng let go of her, and was not happy about her scolding herself as a hooligan, and then said: "I am a hooligan? Haha, well, I really have a hooligan!"

Speaking to grab Bai Jiajia’s hand again, Bai Jiajia hurried back, a bodyguard behind him blocked Bai Jiajia’s retreat. Guo Xingheng took advantage of this opportunity to take a step forward and grabbed Bai Jiajia’s wrist and pulled her into his arms. .

"Let go of me, let me go!" Bai Jiajia yelled strugglingly, but couldn't get out of it anyway, Guo Xingheng was not a slapstick.

Bai Jiajia was assaulted by him, and no one around dared to step forward.

But Zhang Feng is still very calm, but Chen Wanru doesn't understand what Zhang Feng is doing. Shouldn't it be time for a hero to save the beauty? When are you still waiting?

And Guo Xingheng's hands were not honest, taking this opportunity to wipe oil on a large scale.

"Smelly hooligan, let me go, let me go!" Bai Jiajia shouted loudly. No one has dared to do something to himself like this. Bai Jiajia suddenly forgot how to resist, and he knew how to shout.

She begged Guo Xingheng to let her go, how could the people around him be so indifferent?

Bai Jiajia looked around coldly, she was frustrated, what happened to this group of people? Don’t you usually play well? Bai Jiajia gave up her heart.

They were afraid of Guo Xingheng, worried about his revenge, and offended him for their own sake. It was indeed not a wise move.

Bai Jiajia stopped shouting and let Guo Xingheng's hands come and go.

"Hehe, kid, I'm dealing with you back!" Guo Xingheng was happy, and it turned out that Bai Jiajia was a girl like this. She thought how strong she was. It's nice to let him go at this point. He said to a bodyguard: Go and drive the car!"

"Yes, boss!" The bodyguard responded. He knew what his boss was going to do. They didn't do this kind of thing too much, and they could sometimes drink some soup.

They are also very happy to do it.

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