Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1815: Zhang Feng's magical skills, Bai Jiajia shocked

Their car was parked on the side of the road hundreds of meters away and drove in a few minutes.

Bai Jiajia took it away, but she did not resist, did anyone stand up?


Bai Jiajia's tears came down, and she looked at Zhang Feng for the last time.

Zhang Feng was waiting for this moment, and he said: "Wait!"

"It's you kid again!" Guo Xingheng was angry, and he was about to succeed. This kid is still coming to make trouble, and he can't let him go bad.

He asked the bodyguard to go up, and didn't talk too much nonsense with him.

The bodyguard reached out to Zhang Feng to catch Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng also shot, and slapped him.


With a crisp sound, the bodyguard fell, and Zhang Feng's slap was quick and hard.

No one saw him make a move.

Only then did Chen Wanru know the meaning of Zhang Feng's words.

At this moment, another bodyguard came up. He took a baseball bat from the car and rushed towards Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng saw that the two of them had exercisers from the gym, and kicked them cleverly.

"Ah..." The bodyguard screamed, and flew three or four meters behind, unable to get up on the ground.

Except Chen Wanru, everyone was dumbfounded, and so was Guo Xingheng.

This was fighting, the scene was out of control, oh no, it should be that Guo Xingheng's scene was out of control.

And Zhang Feng has controlled all the scenes.

The bodyguard took out the baseball bat from the car, indicating that they often beat people.

Zhang Feng did not soften the bodyguard, but kicked very hard. He was already seriously injured.

"You, you..." Guo Xing was so angry that he couldn't speak.

I didn't expect this person to be able to fight so well, a bodyguard would solve it with half a stroke, but they were hired at a high price, and there was a lot of medical expenses.

Bai Jiajia had already struggled out of Guo Xingheng's arms, she ran behind Zhang Feng, because she knew Zhang Feng would protect herself.

She had heard something about Guo Xingheng and was very scared.

At this time, Bai Jiajia’s noble heart no longer exists, she is seeking protection, and this person’s appearance has always been cool, a car with bright blind eyes, amazing car skills, and final powerful skills. It is convincing.

Bai Jiajia has no reason not to come behind Zhang Feng.

Isn't such a man her favorite? Although there is already a woman following him, she looks a bit like an uncle, but isn't the uncle more attractive?

She had thought about the kind of people she liked before, and she was definitely not a person like Guo Xingheng.

That's a mature, stable and capable man like Uncle.

I wonder if he is married yet?

"Apologize to this girl, and then you leave. You can't come here from now on!" Zhang Feng said domineeringly.

When Zhang Feng said this, he seemed to have found the scorn of the year, fighting for the street and the site.

Zhang Feng had done this too, so he fought against it.

Now that this feeling was regained, Guo Xingheng felt a little scared when Zhang Feng released the scorn on him.

Fighting on the street, horizontally afraid of death.

Now Zhang Feng has the kind of aura that is not afraid of death.

But Guo Xingheng is not easy to provoke, even if he is dead, he still has a way to settle, not afraid at all.

What's afraid is that he will hit himself, but he doesn't want to be injured, it's not worth it.

But how does it end now?

Do you want to apologize to Bai Jiajia? If that were the case, then she would really look down on herself.

Don't let yourself come to this place? What right does he have to say so.

"Robe?" Guo Xingheng asked the robe brother over there.

Brother Robe did not speak.

This can be regarded as acquiescence to Zhang Feng's right to speak here.

"Very good, very good, you all wait for me!" Guo Xingheng turned and left.

The two bodyguards on the ground had already woke up, and the slapped bodyguard helped the seriously injured one. His face was pale and his whole face was distorted with pain.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Zhang Feng looked at the baseball bat on the ground, stepped forward and lifted it up with his foot. When the baseball bat flew 1.5 meters above the ground, Zhang Feng lifted his foot and kicked it.

The baseball bat flew over like a rocket and hit Guo Xingheng's back knee. He screamed, and his body fell forward. The bodyguard could not hold him, and a dog **** came from his mouth and the ground.

Zhang Feng wears battle boots on his feet. The toe of the shoe is a steel plate inside. This Zhang Feng can easily kick through a 20 cm red brick wall.

Kicking this baseball bat is too easy.

The people around were shocked. I was dazzled just now, too strong, right? Is this okay?

Anyway, Bai Jiajia was surprised, she was behind Zhang Feng and she could see clearly.

If it is to lift a rock or a football, it is understandable.

A baseball bat is facing Guo Xingheng's hind leg when it is lifted up, and it can still be kicked, ruthless and accurate.

This difficulty is too high, and it is almost impossible for a normal person to achieve it. How did he do it?

Guo Xingheng's foot was dislocated, and the pain was so painful that he could not scream when he fell to the ground. He had never been beaten like this before.

He is a young man!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Guo Xingheng screamed, arching his arms around his injured knee.

"I said, apologize!" Zhang Feng walked up.

Bai Jiajia instinctively wanted to hold Zhang Feng. She felt that this happened because of her. If something serious happened because of this, the gain would not be worth the loss.

But she stretched out her hand but couldn't grasp Zhang Feng's hand, and the girl who was much taller than her walked up and took her hand and said softly, "It's okay!"

The smell of this girl is very good. It is a killer of men. Even she smells good, and her voice smells very good.

Bai Jiajia didn't panic at once.

"Apologize?" Zhang Feng went up and stood beside him, looking at him from high down.

"You, you, I won't let you go!" Guo Xingheng was full of cold sweat, panting and whispering, still letting go.

The two bodyguards over there did not dare to come over, they were very self-aware.

"Really?" Zhang Feng raised his foot and stepped on his knee.


Guo Xingheng screamed louder.

"Give you another chance, or your other foot will also be scrapped! You will be a wheelchair for the rest of your life!" Zhang Feng said.

Ruthless, when it comes to ruthlessness, no one can compare to Zhang Feng.

Bai Jiajia at the back wanted to come up, but was held by Chen Wanru. She threw away Chen Wanru's hand, ran up and said to Zhang Feng, "This brother, forget it, forget it, don't fight..."

Bai Jiajia's heart was shocked. Although she was in some places and watched many fights, every time she was just an audience.

This time she is the protagonist.

Naturally it is different.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Zhang Feng said coldly.

Bai Jiajia was taken aback, how could this not have anything to do with me? Don’t you apologize to me?

She doesn't understand, this person's thinking is very strange.

Chen Wan at the back smiled helplessly, she had to admire Zhang Feng's knowledge of teasing.

Is Zhang Feng taking down this bad girl tonight?

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