Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1817: Get together at a barbecue stall, a river and lake

At this time, Zhang Feng and his group had already arrived outside the Fifth Ring Road. Under the leadership of Brother Robe, they arrived at a small or small barbecue stall, where the floor was wide and there were twenty or thirty tables.

The arrival of so many people made the boss a little busy, and he usually asked them to sit down and call someone to help.

Brother Robe is very familiar with the boss named Guang.

The boss threw two cigarettes over and said, "Come by yourself, I'm going to make barbecue, you find a place to sit on your own!"

There are not so many tables and chairs, and soon a thin guy drove a small three-wheeled drive to pull a lot of tables and chairs, a very quick boy.

It took him two trips to settle everyone down, and then a dozen people came to help, including five barbecue chefs.

After Zhang Feng sat down for half an hour, Brother Guang came over: "Brother, come, smoke me!"

Speaking, Brother Guang took out a box of cigarettes that Zhang Feng hadn't seen in many years.

"Really big front door!" Zhang Feng exclaimed.

"Brother has good eyesight!" Brother Guang smiled: "Come on!"

"Come on!"

The two of them were smoking here, and Zhang Feng noticed that Brother Guang didn't smoke Brother Robe, so he gave him one.

Brother Robe has a strange look in his eyes. Why is it?

"Brother Guang just call me Xiaofeng!" Zhang Feng smoked.

"Okay, see if you are not in this area often!" Guang Ge asked.

"I went to sleepy Longshan to play with itchy hands tonight!"

"It's better to go there rarely, and people often die, young people still have to cherish it!"

Brother Guang's words are for education. He is nearly forty years old, but he is actually thirty-seven-eight.

"Thank you brother, don't go there in the future!" Zhang Feng smiled: "No, I'm going to start a round and leave! There is nothing fun, and I have to play with my life, really!"

"That's right!" Brother Guang looked at Chen Wanru, who was sitting next to Zhang Feng and wearing sunglasses, and said, "Is this a younger brother and sister?"

"Haha!" Zhang Feng just smiled and said nothing.

"Hello, Brother Liu!" Chen Wanru said: "Just call me Xiao Chen!"

Brother Guang narrowed his gaze, then smiled: "Haha, good!"

He just smiled. Now the atmosphere is a bit wrong, and Brother Robe can also see it. Why is Chen Wanru's brother Zhang Fengguang's surname Liu?

Brother Robe didn't introduce him just now, no one said.

"I often come here to eat in the future, you should do it first!" Brother Guang stood up and left.

Chen Wanru naturally knew Brother Guang.

Now Brother Robe has re-examined Chen Wanru and Zhang Feng. The two are really not easy. Brother Guang actually came to talk in person, not counting, and gave Cigarette back.

Brother Guang's cigarette is not something you can usually give. He thinks he can see that Zhang Feng is not easy.

No wonder this person can completely abuse Guo Xingheng.

Bai Jiajia was sitting at the table next to Zhang Feng. She had already paid attention to Chen Wanru again. This woman was very attractive.

Yes, it is a woman, Bai Jiajia can see, and she is very beautiful, wearing sunglasses, the delicate nose and chin under the sunglasses, the mouth is very sexy, so that no man can stand it.

There is also a figure, it is very enchanting.

Wearing a set of seemingly ordinary clothes, most people can't see much, because there is no sign, but Bai Jiajia can see that this is not ordinary clothes.

To earn a man with such a woman, Bai Jiajia is playing a drum in her heart. She has only one point of capital, and that is age. She is younger than this woman.

Isn't there a saying that is good, young and invincible? No matter how charming, **** and rich you are, you will be abused at your age.

Thinking of this, Bai Jiajia felt confident a lot.

She didn't come to this place too often, and she had heard a lot about Brother Guang. This brother Guang is not easy.

He should have seen Zhang Feng's abilities, right? Those powerful people like them don't need to ask at all when they look at people, and they can see a person's abilities with their gestures.

At least it can be seen that this person is not simple.

It must be like this between Zhang Feng and Guang Ge.

Bai Jiajia's focus was on Zhang Feng, ignoring what the people around him said.

It didn't take long for it to be hot here. They were drinking and making punches, as well as the one-five-tenth and one-five-twentieth drinks among the girls. They were very happy.

There are three or four girls at each table.

Most people are under the age of twenty, just squandering their youth.

When they reached the age of Brother Guang, they began to miss youth, and the youth missed was just the youth that was spent.

The person who appeared in youth.

Years later, I will miss the person in youth, not the present of that person.

People's hearts will change.

The person back then is different from her now.

When she stands in front of you, you only like her back then.

Bai Jiajia saw such words in a book.

She didn't want to have no one in her youth.

At this moment, a luxury car came over, and a super woman got off the car. Everyone looked over.

She is very beautiful. She is in her thirties. In fact, she is already forty years old. She is dressed in crisp clothes and skirts. She looks neat and looks like a strong woman. Her hair is set up high. A star is completely original, showing noble temperament.

Her temperament is as good as Chen Wanru.

She came over to the counter, picked up her apron and tied it to her body, and then went to help.

"Are you hungry?" The busy brother Guang asked back.

"I'm not hungry!" The woman continued to be busy as she said.

The black luxury car drove away, with a driver.

This woman brought up the grilled skewers and so on, acting as a waiter.

There is such a waiter, everyone's heart is not to mention how happy, some boys' eyes never leave her figure.

Zhang Feng looked at her twice. She was indeed a very attractive woman. Such a woman could do this. There is a big story between her and Brother Guang.

She should be Brother Guang's woman, she can't be her sister!

At this moment, the woman came to Zhang Feng's table with a plate.

"Come on, your skewers are here, eat slowly, and say anything else!" The woman's voice was very nice.

Chen Wanru said suddenly: "Sister Li!"

The woman looked over, and Chen Wanru took off her glasses. When she saw Chen Wanru, she paused, showing her surprise, and then smiled: "It's you, I didn't see it just now!"

"Yes, Sister Li, just call me Wanru!" Chen Wanru said.

"Good!" Sister Li looked at Zhang Feng and said, "This is Xiaofeng, right?"

"Hello Sister Li!" Zhang Feng responded, he didn't know this woman.

Sister Li smiled and said, "Well, well, you are welcome to come here, and come here often!"

"Okay!" Zhang Feng responded.

Zhang Feng was also a little bit surprised, because she recognized herself, but she didn't know her.

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