Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1818: Feng Ge is mighty, a generation of affairs

Chapter 1818 Feng Ge is mighty, a generation of world affairs

After Sister Li left, Chen Wanru whispered in Zhang Feng's ear: "This is Li Zhi, the chairman of Zhicheng Group!"

"Oh!" Zhang Feng responded.

Speaking of Zhicheng Group Zhang Feng, you know that a very low-key and powerful company cannot be underestimated.

It is a very positive company that has done a lot of public welfare, but in recent years it has rarely appeared in the public eye.

Such a company, not only has not been eaten by others, but has grown stronger, which is inseparable from the efforts of the chairman.

Zhang Feng stood up and picked up the wine glass. When he was about to speak, Brother Robe first shouted: "Quiet everyone, let Brother Feng speak!"

Only then did everyone know that his name was Brother Feng, at least he knew the name.

Zhang Feng said: "When we meet for the first time tonight, everyone eats and drinks well, it's all mine!"

"it is good!"

"Brother Feng is mighty!"


A lot of people shouted excitedly, with such a capable person, are the rivers and lakes in this area about to change?

Although they didn't know what Zhang Feng came from, they felt that Zhang Feng was a good person and would not suffer from him.

Zhang Feng sat down and continued drinking, and now Brother Guang came to sit and drink.

"Come on, brother, drink!" Brother Guang held up his glass.

The title has changed!

It was a ‘little brother’ at the beginning, but now it’s a ‘brother’. This is the essential difference.

It shows that Brother Guang recognized Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng didn't dare to despise Brother Guang when he first saw him, because Zhang Feng could see that Brother Guang was baptized by war.

Although he is well hidden, most people can't see it, only people who have been baptized by war can.

And who is Li Zhi? Come here to help, it's not easy to see the relationship between their eyes, can Brother Guang be an ordinary person?

"Thank you Brother Guang!" Zhang Feng should drink a full glass of wine.

They were drinking here, and didn't say anything, didn't check each other's identity or what they had done before.

Maybe they all know what the other bird is.

Chen Wanru sat there for a while and then went to help. Following Li Zhi, the two were as close as sisters.

The two of them have different life experiences, and Chen Wan is so grass-rooted, with an old beggar.

Li Zhi is different. He grew up in Ya Nei since he was a child, and he was the upper class.

The Red Star Club of Chen Wanru is the gathering place of the upper class in Kyoto, and Li Zhi has also been there to meet Chen Wanru.

But Li Zhi didn't know Chen Wanru's true identity, only that she was an ordinary businessman and a strong woman.

"Sister Li, you haven't been to my place for a long time!"

They sat there skewered leeks while talking.

"I'll go again sometime, I've been busy recently!" Li Zhi said.

"Yes, Sister Li is a busy person, she has a problem, can I help?" Chen Wanru said.

Li Zhi said: "There is no problem, but it takes time. Several freighters were detained when going out, and many cargoes could not be moved, and there was even more trouble!"

"Sister Li, I know about this. I guess Zhang Feng can help. After the cargo inspection, you can change to a safe freighter to continue sailing. The crew must be registered with reliable safety records, so it will be fine. !"

Chen Wanru gave her a trick. Li Zhi paused and looked up at her with a meaningful smile and said, "Thank you girl, I know how to do it!"

"Sister Li is polite, I am also happy to be able to help Sister Li!" Chen Wanru smiled.

In fact, when Chen Wanru said this, Li Zhi's heart was already shocked, because the matter involved too much. In the past few days, she went to many places and consulted many capable people, but there was no way.

However, Chen Wanru was able to hit the point in one word and gave a solution, which is not simple.

Li Zhi couldn't help wondering Chen Wanru's identity, is she really just the owner of a club?

Also, the famous Red Star Club in the Kyoto circle has gathered all the celebrities and nobles all year round.


Li Zhi seemed to want to understand.

"Sister Li, don't get me wrong, I have good intentions. Sincere Group is a good enterprise and a national enterprise. Within the scope of my duties, I will spare no effort!" Chen Wanru said.

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Thank you girl, I have accepted your kindness."

From Chen Wanru's words, Li Zhi could almost guess Chen Wanru's ability.

"Sister Li, you can actually let Brother Guang help!" Chen Wanru said.

Li Zhi said: "No, I don't want him to participate!"

It was Chen Wanru's words that made Li Zhi a little jealous of Chen Wanru, she actually knew so much!

I have been withdrawing from the arena for many years. A few years ago, I went from Jiangbei to Kyoto just to calm down.

"It is estimated that Zhang Feng will be like Brother Guang in a few years!" Chen Wanru said.

Li Zhi said: "He is still young, so he is not in a hurry!"

She didn't say that she could do it. The world always needs someone like that to stir the muddy water, let the stench radiate, let the people above smell it, and then solve it.

Brother Guang is such a person, a little different from Zhang Feng, but the essence is the same.

Its essence depends on their heart, the heart is right, the essence is right!

Obviously, the hearts of both of them are right.

The two of them didn't talk about this too much because they were too sensitive.

After a while, another woman came, riding a traffic police motorcycle, and a woman in a traffic police uniform came down.

Well, yes, it is a woman, not a girl.

The robe beside Zhang Feng said in a low voice, "That's Brother Guang, the patrolman in the Fifth Ring area is called Officer Hu. I don't know the specific name!"

"Are you off work?" Li Zhi came over and asked.

Officer Hu said: "Yes, I heard that tonight is very busy, I'll come and help!"

"Are you hungry? Eat something first!" Li Zhi said.

"Not hungry!"

Officer Hu went to the counter and put down the police cap, skillfully took out the apron from under the cabinet and wrapped it around himself.

Then he yelled at everyone: "You guys eat and drink well, enough food and drink tonight!"

"Okay, Sister Hu!"

"Sister Hu, you are so beautiful today!"


The diners shouted loudly, thinking that they often saw this female traffic policeman and knew her temperament.

"What? Could it be that I was not beautiful yesterday? Fine wine and fine wine..."


The atmosphere was brought up by her all at once.

Although everyone has seen this female traffic policeman, it is not uncommon. She does not come every night.

With her, more people will come here to eat, and Li Zhi.

Zhang Feng had been eating silently, the more he realized that Brother Guang was not easy.

Because Zhang Feng can see that this female traffic policeman is not ordinary, is it just a small traffic policeman?

They are discussing life very ordinary, and they can hide in the city.

This may be the rivers and lakes.

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