Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1822: Thirty people, one million

Guo Yongbing hung up the phone, he was a little worried, but he was not afraid, no matter who the other party was.

"Xiao Li, go to the police station to fish them out!"

Guo Yongbing called his secretary.

"Okay, boss!" The secretary went to do it.

Guo Yongbing continues to think about how to rectify this man, let him know how good my Guo family is.

Ten people are not enough, so thirty!

Yes, thirty!

So he started looking for someone again, but he still didn't know the person, so he asked them when they came out tomorrow, and then asked someone to invite this person, and then ask him to do this.

Early the next morning, Guo Xingheng had not seen the person who beat him, and he immediately broke into trouble. He said that he was unwilling to go to the doctor and did not cooperate with the doctor. This made Ma Meijing not know what to do and complained that her husband was useless.

Guo Yongbing became furious: "Look at how you are used to your son. It's fine if you don't get killed this time, brat, if you don't cooperate with the doctor, then you will be in a wheelchair from now on!"

Then he left.

He knows the temper of his son better than anyone else, but what about it? He is his only son.

As long as he is well, no matter what the price is, there is no problem.

After Guo Yongbing left, Guo Xingheng and his mother watched for a while before he was willing to cooperate with the doctor to examine him.

Guo Yongbing was going to eat breakfast and take a rest. He didn't sleep all night. He was tired and hungry.

There is a morning tea restaurant near the hospital, which is pretty high-level.

While he was eating breakfast, the secretary came over and said that all the bodyguards had been released on bail, and a lot of money had been spent, which was counted in the company's account.

"Good job, let's have breakfast!" Guo Yongbing was very satisfied with his secretary, and he was reassuring in his work.

"Thank you boss, I have already had breakfast!"

Guo Yongbing nodded without reluctance, and the secretary said: "Boss, at seven o'clock in the morning, the police suddenly went to inspect our warehouse in the Fourth Ring!"

"What?" Guo Yongbing was eating, as if he didn't hear clearly.

The secretary repeated it again, and Guo Yongbing asked suspiciously: "Why would there be a policeman? Did someone accuse it?"

"No one will sue out, because the people there are connected, and there is their dividends. They passed by suddenly, without any signs. Boss, how do we respond!" The secretary said worriedly, "Presumably they got it. With the evidence, the warehouse will be mad, and our chain will be broken!"

"let me see!"

Guo Yongbing thought while eating, but the secretary sat beside him without speaking.

It has been many years, most of their core employees' interests are tied to the group and the Guo family, such as dividends and shares.

Using this in exchange for the enthusiasm and loyalty of employees, there have been no incidents for so many years, so Guo Yongbing has always sit back and relax.

Now something has happened, something big.

What to do

Why did it happen at this time? Isn't it related to that person?

Guo Yongbing asked: "Has the person who beat Xingheng been found?"

"Yes!" The secretary took out his work tablet and found a photo.

This was taken at the foot of Dragon Mountain last night, the angle is good, the light is just right, and the face can be seen clearly.

That is Zhang Feng's face.

It is impossible to say that no one takes pictures.

The secretary bought it at a high price.

"Give him to the people on the road, one million will make him disappear!" Guo Yongbing said fiercely.

The secretary twitched his brows and said, "Yes, boss!"

One million, but really willing!

Yes, I am willing to pay for his precious son.

Guo Yongbing ate a few steamed dumplings and said, "I will invite Director Wu to dinner at noon!"


The secretary immediately went out to call. He was already at work during this time period. He soon returned and said, "Director Wu said there was a meeting at noon. I also asked about the evening and said that I was not free at night!"

Guo Yongbing picked up the chopsticks and the bun fell on the table. He picked it up and ate it.

"Where is Feng Ting?" Guo Yongbing asked.

He knows that the secretary is very eye-catching.

"Mi Tang said Feng Ting went to investigate, and I saw him yesterday!"

Guo Yongbing looked up at the secretary and said in a deep voice, "Have you all made calls?"

"Yes!" the secretary said guiltily: "Sorry boss, I am incompetent!"

"No, you did a good job!" Guo Yongbing said.

"thank you boss!"

"Let's go!"

Guo Yongbing looked weak, his heart ached, he was angry, he had fed the fish for so long, and all ran away after a rain.

If the worst moment comes, Guo Yongbing will poison the upper reaches, and all the fat fishes will die together.

"Go to the Sihuan Warehouse!" Guo Yongbing said.


Due to the traffic jam, it took them three hours to arrive, and they kept answering calls in the car.

They thought it was just a matter of this warehouse, but they didn't expect that other branches also had an accident, and there was a tax evasion problem, and the amount was still large.

The police cast a net on him, and at the same time they shot his group's companies, and it was all thunderous methods.

It seems that they all have the same evidence, and they have to get the right one.

There is a big problem here, to say that no one pays special attention to him, and he would not act like this.

Now Guo Yongbing almost thought of who it was, it was him, it was him!

Is his energy that great?

Guo Yongbing is really a headache now.

"Boss, that one million reward?" the secretary asked quietly.

Now the group can't have any more troubles, and it is very short of money.

"Go, and as soon as possible!" Guo Yongbing said.


The secretary didn't understand, but he knew that the boss was right to do this. The more at this time, the more he caught that person. Even the secretary could think that all these things were probably done by that person.

As long as he is subdued, all problems can be solved.

One million to solve this crisis of the group is too worthwhile.

The boss is indeed the boss!

Guo Yongbing did not go to the Sihuan Warehouse again but turned to the headquarters. He wanted to sit in the headquarters to deal with this crisis!

When he arrived at the gate of the headquarters, he saw dozens of reporters blocking them with long guns and short cannons.

"Go the back door!" Guo Yongbing said.

But when the car was about to turn around, it was discovered. The reporters sprinted up to 100 meters and blocked the car.

This is their job. They have to fight.

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo, is there a lot of tax evasion and tax evasion in your group? Will you pay taxes?"

"Mr. Guo, is there a lot of seriously substandard food in Guo's Food?"


These reporters asked very sharp questions one by one, and Guo Yongbing could not answer none of them.

"Let the security come!" Guo Yongbing said coldly.

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