Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1823: The boss was caught, the strongest undercover

Even through the window of the car, you can hear the questions of reporters outside. Guo Yongbing was very angry, but he still pretended to be calm.

The secretary called the Security Section and asked them to come.

A dozen security guards were dispatched to drive these reporters away. The reporters were still following. Who got these reporters? You don’t need to ask.

He avoided the reporter, but was unable to hide from a car parked in front.

A policeman in a police uniform stretched out his hand to stop the car, and the car stopped. The reporter behind saw that there was a policeman in front of the case and was afraid to rush forward. He pressed the shutter desperately from the side and stretched his spear as far as possible, hoping to catch it. Some useful things.

Guo Yongbing sat in the car with his eyes closed. The secretary went down to negotiate with the police. Guo Yongbing thought to himself that they had been waiting here for a long time and they were already ready.

Are they going to catch themselves? Are those things discovered by them? impossible!

The secretary opened the car door and said to him: "Boss!"

The secretary didn't say much, but the meaning was clear. Guo Yongbing got out of the car.

A policeman showed his documents and the warrant for arrest, and Guo Yongbing's heart fell to the ice cave.

"Mr. Guo Yongbing, we suspect that you are related to a bribery case, please go back with us to assist in the investigation!" The police officer's voice was like the roar of Hong Zhong from the sky, hitting his Tianling Gai.

He just felt that the sky was spinning, he looked up at the sky, why was it dark?

"Boss..." The secretary hurried over to support him.

This scene was recorded by reporters, broadcast live on the Internet, and soon overwhelmed.

Soon he was taken to the hospital and supervised by four police officers!

When the stock market opened the next morning, the Guo Group’s stock price plummeted. In less than three days, the Guo Group, which has a market value of hundreds of billions, faltered...

When the lawyer invited by the secretary saw Guo Yongbing, he turned his head overnight.

"Boss, our group was hit hard and was ordered to suspend operations for rectification..."

The secretary explained the situation to him. Guo Yongbing was very calm. He had expected such a situation yesterday.

"Has that person been found?" Guo Yongbing asked.

"Boss, not yet!" said the secretary.

The money has been spent, and the secretary took out the money before the company's accident, and it was more than one million.

"Hmm!" Guo Yongbing just responded softly, "How is Xingheng?"

The secretary said: "His operation went well and he needs to cultivate slowly, but..."

"Did the girl run away?" Guo Yongbing said solemnly.

The secretary did not speak.

"Are they all driven?" Guo Yongbing asked again.

"Yes, pull out the radish to bring out the mud, and also bring a tiger by the way, we are still good!" said the secretary.

"Haha..." Guo Yongbing laughed wildly.

He had expected such a day for a long time, but he didn't expect it would be so fast and it would end like this.

It's ridiculous, he laughs at himself!

Only now did he know that he had been stared at a long time ago, and he had been stared so hard that he would be beaten to death as soon as he shot!

Once the net is so big on the head, no one can run away.

Too naive, he was too naive before laughing at himself, too self-righteous, thinking that only God knows you and I know!

Yeah, God knows!

That's the sky!

No one can escape!

"Haha..." Guo Yongbing laughed wildly again.

"Boss, boss!"

Guo Yongbing looked at the secretary and said in a deep voice: "Fang Qingming, I don't blame you, go!"

The secretary's name is Fang Qingming.

"Boss, did you know it a long time ago?" Secretary Fang Qingming was surprised.

"Haha!" Guo Yongbing sneered.

Fang Qingming said, "Since you already knew it, why?"

"I admire you, even if I drive you away and deal with you, there will be a second you, why bother!" Guo Yongbing said.

"Sorry, boss!"

Fang Qingming said.

"Haha, it's just meat, just meat, just meat on someone else's chopping board. It has nothing to do with you! Is there anything else you want to say? Go back if you don't!"

Guo Yongbing stood up and left.


"Let's talk!" Guo Yongbing was weak.

Fang Qingming said: "Xingheng is not your biological son. At that time, his sister-in-law was stillborn when she was giving birth. The sister-in-law asked someone to go to the orphanage and stole it. The baby who happened to be born less than two days ago was lost by a pair of students; the sister-in-law bought it. Doctors and nurses, the child who died is not yours, but the sister-in-law and others..."

"Sneez..." Guo Yongbing spurted blood.


Guo Yongbing swayed, and the prison guards came in and stopped him.

"Xiao Fang, thank you for telling me this, let me understand!" Guo Yongbing was taken away with his mouth full of blood.

Fang Qingming said to the lawyer: "Let's go, and go back to Missy!"

"Good!" the lawyer responded.


In a deck of the Red Star Club.

Chen Wanru sat there holding boiling water.

"Miss, it's all done. Guo Yongbing can't get out. The bank will auction the debts of the Guo Group, but Ma Meijing is gone! I will find her!"

Fang Qingming is very loyal when reporting to Chen Wanru.

Chen Wanru's personal charm has conquered a handsome man who can die for it willingly.

"Well done, you worked hard, this is for you!" Chen Wanru said.

The woman standing behind Chen Wanru took out a card to give him.

"Miss, I'm ashamed!" Fang Qingming didn't even look at the card.

Chen Wanru said: "This is what you deserve, take it, go home to see your family, find a girlfriend, there is no task for you for the time being!"

"Miss, I am not afraid!" Fang Qingming understood that the lady was not trying to drive him away, but for his safety.

Chen Wanru said: "That's OK, I'll give you a week off the day after tomorrow, what should you do?"

"Thank you, Miss!" Fang Qingming smiled.

"Card, take it, this is the rule!"

"Yes!" Fang Qingming took the money.

Danger, there is danger.


On the Kyoto Expressway, a very humble bus was driving.

There are very few long-distance buses that can sleep now, but there are still some, and there are always people in need.

Guo James lay in the rearmost position, closed his eyes and rested.

"Brother, do you smoke?" A greasy middle-aged man handed a cigarette to him.

Guo James was motionless.

"Oh, what a weird person, I haven't moved since I got in the car, I thought he was dead!" The big man muttered and smoked a cigarette.

Someone over there objected: "Hey, brother, can you please stop smoking?"

"Okay, okay, it's so boring!" The big man pinched out the cigarette, put the cigarette in the cigarette case, and received it in his suitcase.

When he arrived at the rest area, Guo Zhanmu fell asleep without getting out of the car to put water to eat.

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