Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1829: Brother wish, catch Mr. 2

"What is this person's name?" Guo Xinghui asked.

"I don't know his specific name, just listen to them call him Brother Feng!"

"Very good! Where's that girl?"

"His name is Bai Jiajia, his father is a scientist!"

"Yes, scientist, but she doesn't care much about her, this woman is very energetic, she is also the security officer of the street team!"

As Guo Xingheng spoke, his eyes couldn't help shining, and a picture of Bai Jiajia's figure appeared in his mind.

"I will take her to take care of you!" Guo Xinghui said.

Guo Xingheng didn't seem to hear clearly and asked, "Brother, is this true?"

"of course it's true!"

The Guo family, this is the nature of the Guo family. It protects shortcomings. Guo Xinghui has such a trash brother, he has a strong desire for protection in his heart, to show his great noble and powerful strength.

"Great, great, hehe!"

Don't mention how happy Guo Xingheng is, this time he can finally fulfill his wishes.

He chased Bai Jiajia for half a year, and he hadn't chased any girl for so long before.

Bai Jiajia is not only beautiful, but also a young student. Guo Xingheng likes this tune. Bai Jiajia satisfies all his fantasies about girls, so he is determined to win.

This wish was once suspended for a few days due to the collapse of the family company, but now it has rekindled.

It can't be too burning! He was so happy.

With the strength of my brother, I can definitely do it.

"Seeing you are happy, isn't it just a woman!" Guo Xinghui said.

Regarding such gentle words, Guo Xinghui has not said since he was free, so he seems to feel some warmth of family affection.

This is what he desires.

When he sees others embracing relatives, he feels very uncomfortable.

"Brother, don't you know how beautiful she is!" Guo Xingheng was excited.

"Okay, I will bring her to you!"

Guo Xinghui's face was stern, he didn't dare to say any more, his brother is moody, he still needs to be careful.

"Let's eat something!" Guo Xinghui said.

There were several white steamed buns in the white bag on the table. Guo Xinghui picked up one and ate it without water.

Guo Xingheng was really hungry, but when he saw this cold bun, he didn't have any appetite at all. It's not as good as instant noodles.

I want to come to him to be dignified, but he fell to the point of eating cold steamed buns. A few days ago, there were delicacies from mountains and seas, but now it is cold steamed buns.

This is really from heaven to hell.

For Guo Xingheng, cold steamed buns were already hell. Seeing that his brother had such a taste, he quickly ate all these steamed buns, leaving two of them.

Gu Gu...

Guo Xingheng's stomach cried, he was really hungry.

\"Would you like to eat it?\" Guo Xinghui asked.

There is only one in the bag.

"Is this edible?" Guo Xingheng wondered, wouldn't it have gone bad?

Guo Xinghui reluctantly shook his head and picked it up to eat, but Guo Xingheng snatched it away and bit him desperately.

He was choked while eating, and Guo Xinghui didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"You stay here, don't go out there, remember my words, don't go anywhere! Someone knocks on the door and doesn't open it!"

Guo Xinghui told him this before he left home, and Guo Xingheng was choked and speechless.

I can only say nodding.

Guo Xinghui didn't bother to pay attention to him, and made a call in a corner downstairs.

"How's it going?"

"Guo James, the device is already in Shuiquan City, you can start the device at any time!"

"Hide it, wait for my order!"


The purpose of coming to Shuiquan City was to avenge Zhu Shanmao and to catch Mr. 2.

But now he has to deal with some personal matters, so let's move aside other things first.

"Mr. said we want to catch Mr. 2 as soon as possible!"

"I am free!"


Only Guo Zhanmu dared to respond to Zhu Shanmao in this way, and now Zhu Shanmao has no powerful people except Guo Zhanmu.

Now is his critical moment, and he needs a fighter like Guo James.

After hanging up, he became Guo Xinghui, the son of Guo Xinghui.

He walked to the No. 2 Middle School of Kyoto, and when he encountered surveillance cameras, he always avoided them cleverly, or just gave him a back monitor.

Every time he goes out, his image is different. This time he is dressed in youth, a casual outfit, with a bag on his back. He looks like a student, looking a little hunched.

His figure is a little lean and looks like a student.

Nowadays, students can keep up with nutrition, and they can be of any height. They look a little immature.

Guo Xinghui can pretend it.

He soon arrived at Kyoto No. 2 Middle School and was able to integrate into it all at once.

No one looked at him too much, not even the security guard at the door looked at him, so he let him in.

The campus is very big, like a university, he walks on the campus.

Guo Xinghui did not have a childhood. When he was a child, he was full of blood, escape and even serious survival problems.

When other people's children were playing, eating the birthday cake prepared by their parents, and receiving blessings from the people around him, he was struggling to die, holding a rusty knife to defend his life.

If there is a childhood, it is a **** childhood, a **** childhood of himself.

Not to mention being able to study in the school, the environment of these students is simply blessed to him.

I hate them, if he can, he will take all these people away, make them cry, make them bleed, make their parents shed tears...

However, Guo Xinghui's heart has not been perverted to that extent, and he will not cause so much boring trouble for himself.

Now come here to find out the girl first, and find a chance to start.

"What is Mr. 2 like? Haha, I am really looking forward to it. I can catch Mr. Zhu and force a confession. It is a personal thing. I want to fight you!"

Guo Xinghui is thinking this way now.

But before that, Guo Xinghui wanted to satisfy his younger brother's wish, which was regarded as a meeting gift for him.

To be honest, walking here, he likes it here, it is quiet and peaceful, it is so happy to be able to study here.

I want to come to my younger brother is also happy. After more than ten years of carefree, let him continue to be carefree. When this matter is finished, we must revive the Guo family.


At this time, Mr. 2 Zhang Feng was walking on the campus of Kyoto No. 2 Middle School, holding a book in his hand, which was Bai Jiajia's book.

Bai Jiajia has already gone to class.

"Hello teacher!"

At this moment, two students passed by and greeted Zhang Feng.

"Hello!" Zhang Feng smiled.

He has been treated as a teacher more than once, and he still feels very good.

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