Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1830: Harmonious relationship, superb

Zhang Feng is waiting for her to leave get out of class. Zhang Feng has been very leisurely since yesterday. She went to school and then sent home. There is a room of Zhang Feng in her home.

Anyway, it was a personal bodyguard. To be safer, Zhang Feng gave her a beautiful watch with a locator in it.

Zhang Feng will know wherever she goes, unless she doesn't wear this watch.

Now Zhang Feng has a good relationship with her, at least talking and laughing, just yesterday Zhang Feng went to her house to apply for a bodyguard, and her father Bai Chen was also there.

Bai Chen didn't say anything. It was all her daughter chose. Unexpectedly, Bai Jiajia was excited when Zhang Feng appeared. Before Zhang Feng introduced herself to Bai Jiajia, he said, "Yes, it's your big brother. I'm willing to let you Be my bodyguard."

Bai Chen was a little puzzled, her daughter was a little abnormal, how could she agree so quickly?

However, it is a good thing to be able to agree. Bai Chen knows Zhang Feng's identity, and his daughter is relieved to give him.

But it's time to take care of 01. Once you enter there, it will become a machine. It is not that free, but it is not in a hurry.

There are still many people around my daughter all day long, some foreign intelligence personnel, at present they do not have any malicious intent towards the daughter, but if they are in a hurry, they will not do anything unusual.

Bai Chen was worried about this, and now it's still up to the bodyguard to protect his daughter.

For his daughter’s love and care, Bai Chen did a good job and was a qualified father, but because he was usually very busy, he didn’t manage his daughter well at ordinary times. Sometimes he spent ten and a half months in the research room. And the daughter is still young, she has to support herself.

Now Bai Chen is the chief researcher in a third-level research institute under the Chinese Science and Technology Institute. The third-level research is very common, and the first-level is the most powerful.

The research in 01 is of special grade, and everything involved is kept secret at the national level.

Although it sounds glorious, a glorious thing, which is the yearning of every scientist, Bai Chen didn't think so.

The level there is too high. In fact, he is worried that he is not good enough and he has missed major events in the country.

There is a little different kind of self-esteem and unconfidence in his heart.

Now her baby girl, Bai Jiajia, is in class. She has no intention of attending class, staring at the delicate watch on her wrist.

She checked this watch. It is very expensive and can't be bought with money. It is limited in the market. This is not important. The important thing is that it looks good and was given by Brother Feng.

That's right, now Bai Jiajia is called Zhang Feng and brother Feng.

It sounds very numb, Zhang Feng doesn't care, she can call it whatever she likes.

"Bai Jiajia, what are you looking at? Listen to class!"

Suddenly, the teacher on the stage said loudly, pulling Bai Jiajia's mind back.

"Ah, oh, good!" Bai Jiajia was frightened, and quickly responded.

Then she smiled in her heart, very sweet.

"Bai Jiajia, what are you giggling? Tell everyone!"

Bai Jiajia is the most troubled student among the teachers of all subjects. The bad girl is the daughter of a scientist. The key score is still very good. She is the first in the class, far behind the second place, and always ranks first in the entire grade. Third, as long as she wanted to get the first place, she could get it. In the final exam last semester, one of the subjects was dropped because of sleeping, but she still got the first place, with full marks in other subjects.

Called a girl of the evildoer level.

Good grades will naturally overshadow many of her shortcomings, and the teacher still takes it seriously.

Now the teacher is a little puzzled, why are you so behaved today? She even put her hands away and sat down to listen to the class.

This is a good thing anyway.

Although Bai Jiajia was sitting in distress, she couldn't hear what the teacher said.

Just thinking about dismissing get out of class quickly.

Bai Jiajia glanced at the watch on his wrist again, and there was still half an hour before the get out of class ended. The point was that there was another class later, and Bai Jiajia really wanted to escape.

No, hehe, a little uncomfortable!

So she raised her hand.

"Bai Jiajia, what's the matter?" The teacher is the head teacher, and the head teacher is not angry about her interrupting her lecture.

Bai Jiajia made a somewhat painful face and covered her belly and said, "Teacher, I'm a little uncomfortable. Can I take time off for two classes?"

"Yes, yes, do you need me to take you to the school infirmary?" the head teacher asked with concern.

Bai Jiajia said: "No, no, I can do it myself!"

"Well, you go!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

Bai Jiajia slipped out as she spoke. She held her belly and went out, but when she got outside, she ran fast.

She took out her mobile phone and called Zhang Feng: "Brother Feng, I am out, where are you?"

"On campus, aren't you in class? What are you doing out?"

"Class is too boring, I come out to get some breath." Bai Jiajia said.

"Come here, I'm by the lake!"


At this moment Zhang Feng is reading by the lake, reading Bai Jiajia's book.

It was a physics textbook, which was given to Zhang Feng to help her before the class. Zhang Feng looked at it with gusto. There were also her notes on it. The handwriting was very beautiful, unlike the scientist's daughter.

Back then, Zhang Feng was also a master student. These textbooks were so well-developed, they still look very flavorful now.

"Brother Feng!" Bai Jiajia came with a gentle cry, like a shy little girl.

Zhang Feng closed the book, stood up and said, "Why don't you go to class?"

"You asked me the same way! The same as that old scholar." Bai Jiajia said while sitting beside Zhang Feng, pouting.

Zhang Feng said: "There is always a reasonable reason for not attending class, this is not a good habit!"

"I know, I know!" Bai Jiajia was not angry or disgusted.

If someone else said it, she would be disgusted even if her father said it.

This is how people are, especially girls who are beginning to love each other.

Zhang Feng opened the book and said: "You write a good word, at least better than mine!"

"Hey, no, Brother Feng, wouldn't you write chicken feet?" Bai Jiajia smiled.

"Uh, uh, almost, I was too lazy before, always fighting outside, my hand holding a weapon, not a pen!" Zhang Feng said domineeringly.

Bai Jiajia said: "Then I want to take a weapon too! What a nice idea to take that pen."

"You should feel lucky that you can hold a pen instead of a weapon!" Zhang Feng said something very philosophical.

"Really? Isn't it fun to take a weapon?"

Bai Jiajia asked him.

"Take a weapon with your life, do you think it is enjoyable?" Zhang Feng asked her back.

Bai Jiajia didn't understand the deep meaning of this sentence, but literally understood that she said: "It is natural to spend my life to invest in the army and defend the country! What's the point!"

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