Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1831: Brother Feng, the best education

Hearing what she said, Zhang Feng was very pleased. From her words, she knew that she was very enlightened. If it were in the war era, she should be a heroine.

"I really didn't see it, you said this at a very good level!" Zhang Feng said affirmatively.

"That is necessary, don't look at who I am!" Bai Jiajia's beautiful chin rose up.

"But you know that when a war breaks out, it is the best way to use your life as cannon fodder. It is the best way to win the soldiers without fighting. This is what your father did!" Zhang Feng said, "Now it is. In the era of peace, war is everywhere. The enemies around us are besieging us. Now we have buckled and made them feel uneasy. They are afraid. They must unite to encircle us. It is a war without gunpowder. ."

Bai Jiajia listened quietly.

"You have also read the latest news. These are just plain and hidden wars. Their coveting me is immortal. Our ancestors used their flesh and blood to create this peaceful world for us. If we do not work hard, we will be ashamed of our ancestors and our descendants will be enslaved..."

Zhang Feng has said a lot, and Bai Jiajia also knows these principles, but the persuasiveness is not enough.

"Weapons, the biggest function of weapons is deterrence, making them afraid of us. Your father did such an effort. Don't blame him for not being a good father!"

Bai Jiajia said in a deep voice, "I won't!"

"Without the efforts of people like your father, I wouldn't have come back! It's okay to show you!"

Zhang Feng said that he would take off his shirt.

"Yeah..." Bai Jiajia exclaimed, covering her eyes with her hands, "Brother Feng, what are you doing?"

"Haha!" Zhang Feng smiled and took off his shirt. No one was around here.

Bai Jiajia saw it between her fingers, she saw it.

"Ah, Brother Feng, why do you have so many wounds on your body?" Bai Jiajia was frightened, letting go and looked at it seriously.

The dense scars on Zhang Feng's body are shocking, especially the scars on the chest. Bai Jiajia can see that they are gunshot wounds and knife wounds.

She can imagine what kind of battle it has gone through to have such scars.

Touching her hand, Bai Jiajia's tears came out.

"Woo..." Bai Jiajia cried: "Brother Feng, you..."

Zhang Feng put on his clothes and said: "We are not strong enough now, so our soldiers still need to be cannon fodder. I can't remember how many comrades in front of me, behind me, and around me fell. The shroud of horse leather is no longer returned, no name is left in this life, Jiajia, you should be lucky that you have a pen!"

"Hmm!" Bai Jiajia swallowed.

Zhang Feng said again: "Whether we are ahead of them in weapons or in any field, they will be nervous and they will find ways to destroy or engage in competitions. For example, you are now Professor Bai’s daughter, you know How many institutions and departments in this world, private, official, want what is in your father's mind? Of course, we also want it, so we have to keep Professor Bai, and you are the key person, so I will protect you Up!"

"There are several agents around us now, do you know? They will not attack you now, but if the situation is uncontrollable, they will take the risk, understand?"

Bai Jiajia nodded and did not speak, what else could she say? Now I understand.

"Our current research needs your father's help, we need it very much, otherwise we will lag behind them, and then I will really be a cannon fodder, the horse leather shroud is useless, because the body is gone!" Zhang Feng said.

Bai Jiajia said, "Brother Feng, can I help?"

"Of course you can, stay well, don't give them a chance, I will protect you! This will help me!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, I will, I can convince my dad!" Bai Jiajia said.

Zhang Feng said: "Don't force it!"

"No, our family can't be a traitor!" Bai Jiajia said.

"It can't be said to be a traitor, he is also serving the country now!" Zhang Feng said.

Bai Jiajia: "That's not okay. I know the research institute he is in. I'm studying all the messes all day long. I'll find a chance to convince him!"

"Haha!" Zhang Feng smiled.

Bai Jiajia said, "Brother Feng, can you tell me how your injury came from?"


"Okay! This is your secret!"

"The same can be said!"

"However, I still think it makes sense to be like you!" Bai Jiajia said: "Brother Feng, you just said that there are agents around us, is it true? Where is it?"

Bai Jiajia looked around and saw no one.

"If you can see, those people should go home and grow sweet potatoes." Zhang Feng said.

"That's right!" Bai Jiajia didn't seem to take Zhang Feng's words to heart, feeling that there was nothing wrong with Brother Feng.

Zhang Feng said: "Since you are not in class, then I will take you to a place!"

"Okay, okay!" Bai Jiajia jumped up happily.

Zhang Feng took her out of the back door on the path of the school, where Zhang Feng parked a small eDonkey, and the nearest tram could carry a person.

At the same time, Guo Xinghui turned around on the campus and did not see the goal, but Bai Jiajia on the school's honor roll.

"Haha, the results are pretty good!" Guo Xinghui smiled.

After walking around the school a few laps, he found several agents, and he was a little puzzled. Why are there agents here?

So he is still very careful.

According to the class on the Hall of Fame, Guo Xinghui found Bai Jiajia's class.

Walking past the classroom, Guo Xinghui did not see Bai Jiajia, and one of the places in the classroom was empty, and that should be Bai Jiajia's place.

He just passed by, just took a look and left immediately, no one saw his face.

Guo Xinghui was a little puzzled, didn't he come to class?

This is possible. My brother said that she was a bad girl, and it was common not to come to class.

Now that you know her classroom, it's easy to handle.

When Guo Xinghui walked out of the campus, he found several secret agents who were well hidden.

They came for Bai Jiajia. Guo Xinghui didn't care about this, and he didn't bother to pay attention to them. What he wanted was Bai Jiajia, and her father Guo Xinghui was not interested.

If you move them, it will cause a commotion.

Guo Xinghui lurked near the school. She would come to the school in the afternoon, if not, at night, anyway, he has patience.

At this moment, Bai Jiajia followed Zhang Feng to a boxing club under the Red Star Club.

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