Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1972: Worship, extreme training

Sharapova felt that she had only half her life left.

It only took a few minutes, and it was horrible that they could train for such a long time.

How did they do that?

Zhang Feng helped her unload the load, and it took a minute for her to relax.

"Feng, why didn't you talk about this training method at the training camp? I think it's very effective!" Huang Sarapova said.

She didn't blame Zhang Feng for hiding her private life.

\"I didn't think of this, it was created by Yan Wang.\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Oh, they are amazing!\" Sharapova said: \"Can this method be used in the training camp? As a training program for students!\"

\"Of course, this is not our exclusive!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Well, I will add this item when I go back.\" Sharapova said.

Zhang Feng smiled: "You take a break here, I'll go down and play!"

\"Good!\" Sharapova responded, and she failed to prove that she was great.

No need to prove anything, no.

Sharapova looked at the water. Just now, Zhang Feng jumped into the water and didn't come up for more than ten seconds. Although she knew Zhang Fengming was fine, she was still worried.

Twenty seconds later, Zhang Feng came up, 20 meters upstream from the take-off location.

He was swimming there, not sinking, looking relaxed.

Sharapova ran up, secretly surprised, how did he do it?

He has a weight of fifty kilograms!

\"Feng, you are amazing!\" Sharapova shouted.

Zhang Feng raised one hand and waved to her, which scared Sharapova, worried that he would sink.

I didn't expect to swim up so easily.

And Sharapova followed, she walked along the shore.

Sharapova could see that Zhang Feng's movements have some skills, speed is fast, and his body is like a fish.

The fish goes upstream, that's it.

Even if it is a waterfall, fish can go there. Why?

In less than twenty minutes, Zhang Feng caught up with them and shouted behind them: "Why is it so slow?"

The people in front have the urge to sink and die. I don't want to treat you to abuse people like this. It's simply too cruel!

\"Fengzi, can you save us some face, Sharapova's sister-in-law is watching over there!\" Li Jian said with difficulty.

The mouth is full of water.

\"Do you still need face? After practicing for two or three months, it is still at this speed, which is not too shameful!\"

By now Zhang Feng had already swam up, and he was about to surpass them.

The others didn't talk, because there was no idleness at all. They had to adjust their breathing, if they didn't breathe smoothly, they would soon be defeated.

So they dare not be distracted.

When a man is exercising, if there are beautiful women watching from the side, men will be more motivated and can stimulate their potential again, let alone a beautiful girl like Sharapova, although she looks a little embarrassed now.

There is a leader!

That is their direction, Zhang Feng.

With direction and motivation, their speed is instantly lifted.

Suddenly found that it was not so hard and could come up quickly.

Zhang Feng kept a distance of only ten meters from them, so that they could see, but could not catch up.

This kind of disrespectful state made them speed up.

This is true even in the upper reaches of the river with poor water conditions.

This is the furthest place they have reached since training for so long.

Two hours later, Zhang Feng got up and rested. He did not remove the load on his body and stood there to move around.

They are all wearing only a pair of short pants, and their muscles are undoubtedly revealed.

The muscles are very toned and the body fat is very low. It is simply a girl killer.

"Feng, come and take a break!" Sharapova said.

Sharapova looked very caring, and she went to get water for Zhang Feng to drink, but she didn't give it to them.

They watched eagerly. They didn't lack water, but it was good to have clean water.

Soaking in the water all day does not lack water.

\"What are you looking at? If you have the ability, let your women come!\" Zhang Feng said while drinking.

\"Crazy man, count you cruel, let's go!\"

Li Jian went straight away, really can't stand it anymore

Zhang Feng said: "Don't, Tyrannosaurus, let Sharapova give you some water to drink!"

\"Hmph...\" Li Jian snorted coldly, and jumped into the water to continue training without a break.

The others followed and stopped talking to Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng became a public enemy of the whole people.

Zhang Feng smiled helplessly.

Looking up at the sky, the weather is very hot and the sun is good, but it is not hot in the mountains, especially in the water.

\"Do you want to go down?\" Zhang Feng asked Sharapova.

Sharapova said: "Yes, I want to train!"

\"Remove the load on your body, take it slowly, and pay attention to your breathing. I have taught you many times, whether it is in the water or running, the breathing is the same!\" Zhang Feng said.

Sharapova nodded vigorously, now that she has found the reason, she must understand that breathing otherwise will be very tired.

\"Then go down and try!\" Zhang Feng said.

Sharapova went down. This time she didn't carry any weight. Although the current was a bit turbulent, she didn't sink because of her swimming skills.

\"Slowly adapt!\" Zhang Feng said and jumped off, swimming beside her: \"You are swimming here, I am up!\"

Sharapova said: "Okay, you go!"

She has a little sense of accomplishment here. She is working hard to keep herself from sinking while being washed away by the current.

In this way, their training was like this one morning. Sharapova was training on the spot, and Zhang Feng went up to lead them.

At noon, there are two hours for food and half an hour for rest.

The food is still beef.

Sharapova didn't help them to find food in the mountains, because it would waste a lot of time and she still had to train.

Knowing that it was very late in the evening, they only finished their day of training, and everyone went to find food together.

It’s getting harder and harder to find food in the mountains now, because in the past two months, he has searched for everything that can be eaten nearby. If you want to find fruit to eat, you have to climb several mountains. It took an hour to go.

Today they caught a lot of fish in the river, and they caught them and threw them to the shore while swimming.

Fish and beef will be solved at night.

The next day Zhang Feng did not train, but went to find food for them, and found a village with dozens of households fifty kilometers away.

That's it.

Zhang Feng bought a lot of rice and potatoes, salt and so on.

Give them three times the price on the market.

The villagers were so happy that they wanted to help Zhang Feng get it back.

How can Zhang Feng let them carry this thing on the mountain road?

Just take a copy and call them back.

There are nearly two thousand catties of rice, two bags per person, two hundred catties.

There are a thousand catties of potatoes.

The two went back and forth, and the villagers didn't see it in this place, otherwise they would be scared.

Of course Zhang Feng has no cash. There is a small village official in the village. Zhang Feng directly transferred the money to her, and she went to the county to get cash out to the villagers.

Everyone can get a lot of money.

Zhang Feng has done a good job.

There is only such a village within a radius of 70 or 80 kilometers, but there is still a cement road coming in.

This made Zhang Feng had to admire the local area.

Training is much easier with food.

Zhang Feng also bought a big pot to cook rice in the village. He cooked 50 catties of rice at noon and added beef gravy. It was not too much to eat.

In the afternoon training, I have a lot of energy and energy.

How can there be no carbohydrate intake? The body will have problems over time.

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