Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1973: Speed ​​up training, Zhang Feng's favor

In fact, Zhang Feng can be sent by someone, but that would be a big move. Should he send it by helicopter?

As long as you have rice, you can find other food in the mountains

There is a village there, and it can be solved in one morning.

After a few days, Sharapova was not tanned. This is amazing.

why? Because of her good health, melanin can be excreted from the body during bedtime at night.

In addition to sleeping time, most of the day is soaked in water, so it is difficult to get tanned.

They have accumulated a lot of experience, such as soaking in water for a long time, the skin will not be able to stand it, how can it be avoided?

Simply apply butter all over your body.

They collected beef and used lard if there was no butter before, which was very useful.

If the wound is injured, it is more troublesome. Simply deal with it. With their strong physical fitness, the wound will not get worse.

After a few days, Sharapova has made great progress and can carry ten kilograms.

She is too aggressive.

What can Zhang Feng say? Support it.

With Zhang Feng, Yan Wang was faster and more tired before they improved.

And since they had rice, they saved the time of going up the mountain to find food, and all the time saved was spent on training.

Cook once a day and eat for one day.

All the meals are prepared in the morning, and the cook takes turns.

After you are done, you can go to training.

Caldera eats four catties of rice for each meal, twelve catties a day, which is terrifying.

And they cost two catties for each meal, Sharapova one catty.

I have a lot of appetite because of too much exercise.

Zhang Feng did not expect that after a month, Sharapova would actually gain weight and have more flesh than before.

Women are really amazing.

Her improvement is the fastest, and her physical fitness is up to a level.

And she actually said that she likes this sport, really a magical woman.

Is this sport so good?

It is naturally good for Sharapova, because it can make him stronger.

She has always had the mentality to become stronger since she was a child

Before meeting Zhang Feng, she thought she had reached a bottleneck, but now she felt that she still had a great improvement.

The key lies in the method. Now this method is simple, original and effective.

Swimming is a sport with very good intentions, and it is still going against the current.

The training is very hard. Sharapova is having a lot of joy, pain and happiness.


Hu Xintu has a house on the fourth ring road in Kyoto. It is not big, only 90 square meters, but it is worth several million.

Since returning to Kyoto, he has gone home twice, both with Kalani.

The attitude of the family was within Hu Xintu's acceptance range, and neither accepted nor opposed.

Just consume it like this first.

His life is very good now, he is almost like a fairy, because Kalani is very well-behaved and smart, and everything is centered on him, which makes Hu Xintu's male chauvinism to the extreme.

I really fell in love with this black woman.

Kalani is trying hard to adapt, she seems to have come to another world.

It takes time to adapt to everything in this world.

She is a little taller than Hu Xintu and doesn't wear high heels.

Every time you go out of the street, the return rate is 100%.

It is common to see black women on the boundaries of Kyoto, and it is also common to see black women and men of the yellow race, but they have never seen such a beautiful black woman.

But Hu Xintu seemed frustrated, and was regarded as a black rose inserted in the cow dung.

Hu Xin's picture is cow dung!

Only cow dung can make black roses grow well.

Now Hu Xintu faces a problem, that is, self-reliance, how to make money, she also wants to go to the world to explore, this is his hobby, but also the real name.

Kalani is a girl who can endure hardship, so there shouldn't be a big problem with him.

He took this idea home and told his parents.

Said that it was my ideal, and I had to do something for the country.

Hearing this family, the family looked at him with admiration, the Hu family needs such a junior.

The family supports him very much.

\"My son has grown up!\"

Hu Xintu's mother Jiang Ping said with satisfaction.

Father Hu Xiaoli looked at him without talking. They had such a son, who always loved him.

Now that the son is sensible, it is naturally a good thing.

And the changes are fast, and I am responsible.

This should have something to do with this black girl. In this case, the family will not object.

\"Mom, I won't go abroad now. I want to visit the west. I think our land is vast and rich in resources. There will be many things I want!" Hu Xintu said.

Jiang Ping said: "Well, that's right, you haven't finished our own place!"

Speaking of Jiang Ping, he stretched out to pull Kalani's hand. This move scared everyone. Jiang Ping smiled and wanted to pull again. Kalani was not afraid.

\"Hehe, this is the first time I shook hands with a girl far away in Africa. This hand looks very soft in black, very good, and a hand that can endure hardship! \" Jiang Ping was very satisfied.

Jiang Ping is a lady of everyone, with an open mind, and there is no discrimination in her eyes, otherwise she can't come to Hu's house.

Kalani couldn't understand what she was talking about, but when she saw her smile, she knew it was harmless and smiled.

\"Mom, do you like her?\" Hu Xintu took the opportunity.

Seeing his son's expectant gaze, Jiang Ping didn't want to hit his son.

Just said: \"I don't hate her, I think she is a good girl, this is enough, as long as you can be good, I have no objection!\"

He said that he agreed, but Jiang Ping also left room for opposition.

But this was already a gift to Hu Xintu, he went up to hug his mother very happily.

\"Thank you, Mom!\"

Jiang Ping said: \"Don’t thank me, when you grow up, you have to walk by yourself. You choose what kind of person you choose. Your dad and I are just a suggestion. In the future, we are not worried about the issue of pension. So whether your other side is good, good or bad has little to do with us, do you understand?\"

\"I understand mom!\"

Hu Xintu said in a deep voice: "Yes, Mom, do you know my cousin's boyfriend?"

\"I know, his name is Zhang Feng, in the army, what's wrong?\"

"In the army" is a simple statement. Jiang Ping does not know Zhang Feng's specific identity, only that he is a soldier.

\"This time if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to come back!\" Hu Xintu said.

This is a bit exaggerated.

Without Zhang Feng, he could come back, but Kalani could only come out with Zhang Feng's help.

Half-truth and half-false are to highlight Zhang Feng's tremendous role.

\"Well, then we owe him a big favor!\" Jiang Ping said.

\"Yes, what does he need in the future, I will definitely help! \" Hu Xintu said: \"Mom, don't worry, I will not do anything illegal!\"

\"That's good, our Hu family don't owe others!\" Jiang Ping said.

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