Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1974: The work of uncle Luo

That was what Hu Xintu waited for. After his mother said this, Hu Xintu stopped talking about Zhang Feng.

It's just talking about other things, it's called the end, and it can be regarded as helping Zhang Feng.

Kalani sat beside him without talking or moving, unconventionally.

When Hu Xintu had dinner, he ate at home, and his mother cooked it herself.

When eating at the table, Kalani used chopsticks. Although he was slow and not very skilled, he was able to pick up dishes and eat.

This makes Jiang Ping very happy, and she has a lot of admiration for her.

For this moment, she practiced for many days, peanuts, mung beans and the like.

The meal was very enjoyable, and it was Hu Xintu's wish.

They went to check immediately after returning to Kyoto. There was no virus in Hu Xintu's body. The blisters on his body before were caused by poisonous insects and maladaptation.

Fortunately, Kalani did not carry any viruses.

Before Hu Xintu, Kalaniko hadn't had anything with any man, because she was the chief's daughter, who would dare?

Now Hu Xintu has no obstacles with her before, of course, apart from communication, the language is not clear.

But after more than half a month of intimate communication, the other person can often know what the other person means with just one look, and if it is a little more complicated, use gestures.

Kalani is working hard to learn Chinese, and has been able to meet a little bit in the past half a month.

It took Hu Xintu two days to join a company specializing in exploration. He was supernumerary.

As for whether it is supernumerary, he doesn't care.

Then, after preparing for a week, he drove a second-hand 90% new parental version of Wuling God car and set off.

This vehicle cost less than 20,000 yuan, except for some equipment necessary for exploration, less than 2,000 yuan.

There is also a refrigerator in the car.

In addition, solar panels are installed on the roof.

Drive west.

Kalani naturally followed.

After the departure, Hu Xintu sent a message to Zhang Feng: Brother Zhang Feng, thank you, I have gone to the west with Kalani now, and my mother said I owe you a favor! \"

Zhang Feng did not reply to this message until the evening. It was very simple, just one word: OK!

Hu Xintu doesn't know where Zhang Feng is going now, I guess he is very busy.

Everyone is busy, all kinds of busy.

Only Hu Xintu has no self in his heart and has very little funding.

Non-staff members have hard and tiring work.

After returning to Kyoto, Hu Xintu called his cousin and reported his safety.

Hu Xinting didn't bother to pay attention to him, and she hung up after responding. Hu Xintu knew very well that her cousin was cold on the outside and very warm at heart.

Ordinary people can't feel it. Some people in the family don't know her temper, and some are not treated. They are all cold and don't come near.

Only Zhang Feng in this world knows what kind of passion she is.

Turn off the light, and she entered the situation towards me, and she was a match for Sharapova, but Sharapova was more bold, and turned on as bright as possible, even during the day.

Of course it is also possible in the wild.


The base of Huangquan Team is in the jungle hundreds of kilometers northwest of Kyoto.

There is a military base, and most people cannot get there.

Although the Huangquan team was disbanded once before, and the leader of the team was no longer there, there was always someone standing there, and the base remained unchanged.

The gate of **** is still there.

Huangquan Road is still there.

Huangquan Road reopened, and a lot of troops came here to guard.

And the news has been distributed to the major military regions.

They were able to run for nearly three months.

There are five people in each district, and in the end there is only one person, and in the end, it is the king of Hell that has the final say.

This time the selection is different from the previous ones. Before, it was selected from the special forces in each district, but this time it was directly selected from all the districts.

From bottom to top, one stroke to top.

Old Long is no longer there, but someone has to take care of him, and the burden fell on Roche.

Luo Qi, that is, Uncle Luo in Zhang Feng's mouth, the person who brought Zhang Feng to change his fate.

He was a captain a few years ago, now he is a major.

He is now living in the base.

There is another person above him, a general, who is not at the base now.

A general was sent to take care of it, which is enough to show that the above attaches great importance to Huang Quan.

Roach also knew that the burden on his shoulders was heavy.

He has been here for half a month, and the construction here has changed a lot from before, just to adapt to Hell Gate and Huangquan Road.

Those selected from below must be selected for the first time. Only one person in each district can enter the gate of hell.

Only after passing the gate of **** can you enter Huangquan Road.

The whole process will take one month.

The rules are simple and clear, and the specific implementation must be strict.

At this moment, Roach is looking at the selection of various districts, which is very intense.

The computer displays the information of each winning fighter.

Those who are eliminated are not necessarily not good.

Although the Huangquan team requires all-round fighters, each fighter needs to have an outstanding skill, for example, the judge is a sniper, the student is information and so on.

Now Roach wants to see those fighters with special skills.

Specialty is difficult to cultivate, perhaps it is talent.

Bring these people together, and then proceed to system selection.

Comprehensive ability can be cultivated in the later stage, such as physical fitness and so on.

How many people are there in the army? A few million, there are many people who can pass on one floor, and every floor must be seen.

From every class, every platoon, every company...

Of course, Roach has an assistant. After halfway through the assistant, he will be sent to him after finishing.

There are also a lot of personnel, with a total of 20 to 30 thousand.

To select one or two hundred people out of these many people is a huge workload.

But Roach will do it seriously, and can't let any talents go, otherwise not only the capable will be buried, it will also be a loss in the army.

The best Liezi is the judge.

If the judge is not found, maybe he is just a working man now, maybe he is farming in the village, now there is no hunting, and there are fewer wild boars.

Is to make a living.

What a loss that would be.

Roach didn't dare to neglect, after the two hundred people were elected, he would choose himself.

Although the Huangquan team was created by Old Long, Roach watched the Huangquan team grow up.

When the Huangquan team was disbanded, he had been running for it.

I don't know if he was approved by the above, or if he had no ulterior motives, he was rebuilt anyway.

The future Huangquan team will be clean and will not have similar problems.

Huangquan Road once every three years!

Roach will be working late tonight again. He is almost forty this year and he is still single.

He is good enough, but he doesn't have that thought yet.

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