Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1979: Research results, start to implement

Sure enough, someone came to him in less than half an hour. The person who came and showed his ID, Ma Rentao was stunned. It was the person above.

The visitor was very straightforward. Just turn on a computer and let Ma Rentao watch it.

Ma Rentao looked more surprised, sweating profusely and hands shaking.

The computer shuts down after a few minutes.

"Dean Ma, you are the world's first expert in this field, what do you think?" Someone asked.

Ma Rentao wiped the sweat on his forehead: "It is feasible, but clinical trials are needed, but there is a problem!"

Someone said: \"You say it!\"

\"The patient's consent is required, after all~~~\" Ma Rentao did not continue.

The person here is very straightforward: \"I know, do it yourself, if it doesn't work, please send me this research back, you have never seen it!\"

\"it is good!\"

\"Dean Ma, I'm leaving now!\" Someone got up and left.

\"Please stay here!\"

\"What else can Dean Ma do?\"

\"Is it Mr. Gusu?\"

Someone smiled: \"You think that is it! Do you have any questions?\"

\"No more!\"

\"Then goodbye!\"

Dean Ma froze for a few minutes on the spot, shocked in his heart.

If this thing is feasible, it will be the welfare of all mankind, Mr. Gusu is really mysterious, they are doing research.

And Mr. Gusu believed in himself and bypassed the above to reach himself.

Ma Rentao suddenly felt that his responsibility was heavy.

Ten minutes later, Ma Rentao was there looking at the computer, but the person just didn't take it away.

Ma Rentao took a look and found that there was a research result in it, which was very detailed, very professional, confidential and could not be copied.

He called the assistant in and explained: "No matter who comes in a few hours, don't bother!"

He must take a closer look at this thing.

In this regard, looking at home and abroad, he Ma Rentao is the most qualified to watch, and Mr. Gusu's point is very accurate, and he is sent here.

How to do it? It is an art.

Ma Rentao was racking his brains, thinking about it, and an inspiration came out.

He couldn't do this alone, he had to ask other people to help, and he had to go to the old dean.

He took the computer and went to the old dean’s house. The old dean is 70 years old this year and has retired, but he has not retired. Tough.

The old dean was also excited when he saw this thing, and said: "It is feasible, there is always a price, as long as the gain is greater than the price, you can let it go!"

\"I know the master!\"

\"Rentao, you have been with me for decades, and there will be more and more researches like this in the future. If we are not bold, others will catch up with us and clamp our necks!\"

When Ma Rentao just graduated from school, he went to the old dean's door. For decades, he turned from a hairy boy to a master in the medical field.

\"Yes, Master!\"

\"You arrange a meeting in the afternoon and let them all come, I will listen, Gusu sent this to us, we can't let people look down upon it!\"

\"Yes, Master!\"



During the meeting in the afternoon, Ma Rentao called Yun Qian to listen.

This is what he did deliberately.

Just for her to see.

Sure enough, Yun Qian found Ma Rentao after the meeting.

\"Can my grandma do it?\" Yun Qian asked directly.

Ma Rentao said: "Ms. Yun Qian, you saw it just now, I am not sure, because this is the first case! You are also studying medicine, you understand!"

\"Yes!\" Yun Qian said:\"Thank you doctor!\"

\"I'm waiting for you!\"

Yun Qian paused, said nothing, and went out.

Tangled, Yun Qian was tangled, she didn't know whether to do it or not.

How do you tell grandma?

Think of grandma as a guinea pig? Can this be?

There is a morality in it, helping everyone, that's why Ma Rentao doesn't talk directly to Yun Qian.

At night, the old beggar came to the house to look for Yun Qian, and said to her that the technology was researched by the world's top scientists facilitated by Zhang Feng, and it was highly reliable.

Hearing this, Yun Qian's heart was settled. If Zhang Feng was here, he would agree to do it himself.

She was about to send Haohao to a nearby kindergarten to take Huimeizi, and she went to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, my grandma hadn't slept and was still receiving fluids. The nurse had just come to change the medicine.

\"Granddaughter, what is on your mind? Is it my condition?\"

The old man saw Yun Qian sitting there without speaking, very abnormal.

The old man continued: "I should have died long ago, it's worth living for so long, granddaughter, do you understand? How many battles!"

These shallow clouds have been heard from childhood, so naturally they are clear.

\"Grandma, now the hospital has a treatment plan!\"

Yun Qian said it after all.

The old man is a very good listener. When Yun Qian said this, he knew that this plan was extraordinary, or it was no longer as simple as success or failure.

\"Recently researched by the top scientific research department of our country, several scientists were invited by Zhang Feng desperately abroad. They have no on-the-spot experience. I went to audit today. I am shocked, proud, and proud. We can have such research, leading the world~~~\"

Yun Qian's tone was calm.

A smile appeared on the old man's face as she spoke, and she looked very proud.

After a while, Yun Qian finished speaking and looked at the old man quietly.

Waiting for the old man to speak.

\"Shallow, you call Dean Ma!\" said the old man.


Yun Qian's tears came down.

\"Granddaughter, at my age, you can still do such a meaningful thing for the country and the people, shouldn’t you be happy and proud of me?\"

The old man's eyes gleamed, as if returning to the light.

\"I see, grandma!\"

Yun Qian walked out with tears in her eyes, and she knew that grandma would make such a decision.

The old man dedicated his life to this country.

The next day, several experts from the hospital formed a treatment team to do this.

The operation was put on the schedule.

It takes more than ten days of observation, and the doctor also needs time to prepare.

Other family members also came. They didn't know some of these things. They only knew that it was a treatment plan, together with the top doctors, with very high standards.


Time flies quickly, ten days have passed, and the old man is about to usher in surgery.

At this time, Zhang Feng called Yun Qian, just missing it. He didn't know that the old man had to undergo such an operation, nor did he know that 01's research could make such a breakthrough.

He said he came back.

Yun Qian is naturally very happy, but she said: "No, please train hard, I am here!"

\"It's okay, wait for me!\"

It was night when Zhang Feng called, and he immediately returned from the mountain trail with Sharapova.

A few hours later, Zhang Feng appeared in front of Yun Qian, all in a mess, and Sharapova behind was also a little embarrassed.

Yun Qian's heart suddenly became as soft as something, and she hugged Zhang Feng when she went up, and she was moved.

No matter how strong she is, Yun Qian is a woman after all, and at this time she needs a man to give her a sturdy shoulder.

\"Zhang Feng, thank you!\"

Zhang Feng smiled: \"Little things!\"

\"How did you lose weight?\"

Zhang Feng is a little thinner, but his shoulders are stronger.

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