Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1980: Big things, shopping

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "It's okay, it's not easy to get fat? How is grandma?"

\"I just took medicine and she is in stable condition now!\" Yun Qian said.

Zhang Feng looked in through the transparent glass on the door of the ward. The old man was lying there with many machines and many tubes beside the bed.

\"When will surgery begin?\"

\"The day after tomorrow!\"

Zhang Feng nodded.

He didn't understand medical matters and couldn't give any advice, so he could only stay with her here.

Sharapova stood behind and did not speak, she walked over and took Yun Qian's hand, and then gave a hug.

This is the best, enough, and gives Yun Qian strength and care.

Yun Qian said: "It's nice to have you!"

Sharapova said: "We are all here!"

\"Let me find Dean Ma!\" Zhang Feng walked over.

What Sharapova and Yun Qian did not know was how much effort and resources had been put in to obtain this research result.

It is a project that serves the Dragon Warrior, but it can be used with technological breakthroughs in other fields, such as the medical field.

Technology is related to the rise and fall of a country.

So it's very confidential.

Zhang Feng went to see the old man after he got out from Dean Ma.

The old man's spirit is very good, even better than before. Yun Qian just said that the old man is happy because he feels that he still has a great effect.

The spirit of the old man made Zhang Feng's younger generation ashamed and inferior to the old man.

But knowing and understandable, because he is working hard, the value of life is nothing more than this.

Where is Zhang Feng's life value?

He has been thinking about this problem during the recent training. Of course, this is not a psychological problem, nor is it a depression.

Zhang Feng's mentality is normal.

He is looking for himself.

\"Zhang Feng, you are here!\"

The old man opened his eyes and saw Zhang Feng standing there with a smile on his face.

\"Grandma!\" Zhang Feng knelt down and cried.

The old man stretched out his trembling hand to hold Zhang Feng's hand, and Zhang Feng quickly stretched it out.

Holding it, the old man feels a lot more at ease, and it takes a lot of effort to raise his hand.

But the speaking problem is still not big.

\"Zhang Feng, you have done a good job, everyone in the world will thank you, oh no, all mankind!\"

The old man's words are simply unselfish.

\"No, grandma, I just tried my best, hoping to make a difference!\"

What Zhang Feng said was right, because he was just an errand runner, so he invited two key figures.

As for the research, I don't know anything.

\"Very good, well done!\"

The old man is very pleased, Zhang Feng's mind is very high, let her rest assured, not arrogant or impatient.

\"Grandma, take a good rest, and when you get better, I will take you to play and see the world!\"

Zhang Feng saw that the old man was a little tired.

\"it is good!\"

The old man let go of Zhang Feng's hand.

Zhang Feng came out of the ward and felt much better. The elderly are in very good condition. Perhaps they were too worried.

\"Don't worry, grandma will be fine!\" Zhang Feng said.

Yun Qian said: \"But I can't do anything!\"

"I can't do it either, we just wait here! It's time to eat and drink!" Zhang Feng said optimistically.

Yun lightly nodded.

\"Let’s go get something to eat!\" Zhang Feng stepped forward.

No one's hands were pulled, because pulling either alone was not good. Pulling all of them would be too swagger.

But Sharapova took Yun Qian out, how could she not worry?

That is the person who loves her most and has the greatest influence on her.

She believes in Zhang Feng, because what Zhang Feng has said has been realized and can do it. I hope it is still possible this time.

When the three of them went out, they still attracted all the eyes on the road, and the turning head rate was 100%.

Yun Qian is a beauty from Jiangnan.

Sharapova is the best of the fighting nation.

How can such a match not attract them?

As for Zhang Feng, forget it, he is passer-by C.

Because he is still walking ahead, four or five steps behind.

There is a commercial street more than a thousand meters away from the hospital.

They walked for more than ten minutes, and Zhang Feng didn't walk slowly.

There was a small noodle shop ten meters in front, and Zhang Feng strode up, regardless of the two women behind.

They also went in and saw Zhang Feng sitting there, there was an empty seat.

Sharapova asked Yun Qian to sit there, opposite Zhang Feng, he was waiting.

And Sharapova went to find a chair by herself.

The shop was very quiet, it was originally noisy, but when the two women came in, it was quiet. They stopped their movements and watched madly.

It is not impolite, but because it is involuntary, so beautiful.

The key is how to get to this small place?

That white girl is so tall, so tall.

Why do you want to be in front of that man, and there is no space in the shop?

None of them spoke.

At this moment the boss reacted. He was a middle-aged man, and he looked at them two with greedy eyes.

\"Two girls, what do you want to eat?\"

The boss is very happy. He has already taken a photo just now, and after a good operation, the business in the store will skyrocket.

In fact, the boss does not need to order the food himself, but the customer orders at the counter.

Yun Qian said: \"No need!\"

When eating out, Zhang Feng usually ordered them first and ordered them all.

Sharapova also knew that Zhang Feng was like this, and she was satisfied every time.

These are all solved by Zhang Feng.

The boss was taken aback, and suddenly thought that the man on the other side ordered three, wouldn't it be for them?

Are they sitting together?

Doesn't it have anything to do with him?

Maybe he just errands?


After a while, the boss personally served the three noodles that Zhang Feng ordered.

Zhang Feng picked up his chopsticks, and ate with a loud voice.

Eating noodles must look like eating noodles, and the sound must be loud, so that you can feel.

The strongest person is a bowl of noodles with a long piece of noodles, and then he can inhale all of it in one mouthful.

This is skill.

Of course, Zhang Feng couldn't achieve this skill now.

And Zhang Feng's skill can't be mentioned here.

They ate too, Yun Qian had a bad appetite, but she ate slowly.

Sharapova also eats quickly. This noodle is delicious, much better than the food in the mountains.

In the mountains for half a month, although she was a little darker, her genes were white, and overall she was still white.

Zhang Feng had eaten half of it and went to add chili.

At this moment, a young man in his twenties came over and asked Sharapova to add WeChat.

And I still speak English very much.

Sharapova said in Chinese very politely: \"Sorry, I don't add strangers, and I'm eating, please don't disturb me!\"

The boy was snatched, he was brave just now.

Zhang Feng came over without being angry, and said to the man: "Brother, it's not like this!"

\"What about?\" the boy asked.

Zhang Feng asked him back: \"Do you think I know them well?\"

\"Where do I know?\" The boy said again:\"It should be unfamiliar!\"

Because the boy's brain wasn't on Zhang Feng's body just now, and he didn't know that Zhang Feng ordered them food.

\"you like her?\"

\"of course!\"

Sharapova in this life is eating noodles.

Zhang Feng said: \"It is necessary to be simple and direct to the person you like, and forget about the stupid action of adding contact information. If people don't like you, adding it is useless!\"

\"How do you prove that he likes me?\"

Zhang Feng found that this kid's brain was a little bit twitchy. Did she twitch it when she saw beautiful women?

\"Simple and straightforward!\"

\"How simple and direct?\"

Zhang Feng said: \"Look at me!\"

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