Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1985: Study, Hu Xinting is coming

This is a jungle. Although there are many trees and water, the heavens are not beautiful. Today is very hot and sultry. There is heat coming up from the ground and the hot sun in the sky.

The whole thing seems to be uncomfortable in a steamer.

They dare not move, otherwise they may be brushed off or be underestimated.

Unless you can't stand it anymore.

Some people couldn't help being unconscious, they watched them being carried away by the doctor with sympathetic eyes.

At this moment, they finally knew that Huangquan Team was Huangquan Team, and they never played cards according to the rules, which made people unpredictable and exposed their ability to respond to emergencies.

A night attack last night could bring them back to their original form.

Arrogant? Jiao Bing? nonexistent.

He used the trick to treat them subdued and convinced.

In the afternoon, Zhang Feng drove away lonely.

In the middle of the road, Zhang Feng called the old beggar.

\"Old guy, if you want me to do something, let's talk!\"

Zhang Feng still said that.

\"I am your master, what old guy! \" The old beggar is still not satisfied with this title.

\"Don't tell me, I'll hang up! \" Zhang Feng said that he was about to hang up.

The old beggar hurriedly said: "Tomorrow you go to a place to study, and I will send you the address in a while!"

\"Yes, send it here!\" Zhang Feng said:\"What else is there?\"

The old beggar said: \"After you have studied there, you will return to the headquarters. There will be work arrangements at that time. As for whether you are willing to do it, it depends on the situation!\"


Zhang Feng hung up, almost every time he hung up first, the old beggar couldn't say more.

Learn? Back to headquarters?

Zhang Feng didn't ask too much, just to execute.

Back to the headquarters, Zhang Feng seemed to be able to think of what he was going to do.

As for learning, Zhang Feng really doesn't know. What else can the old beggar ask to learn by himself?

After a while, Zhang Feng received the address from the old beggar.

Sanqing Peak, the main peak of Lianhua Mountain, Wutong County, Southwest City.

Zhang Feng was a little dazed, Promise?

Do you have to learn Taoism by yourself? The old beggar didn't say exactly what to learn.

Ordination? Impossible, how can the old beggar be willing?

The lay disciples are pretty much the same.

Just go!

Zhang Feng called Yun Qian and said he was going to Wuji View.

\"Ah, where do you go?\"

Yun Qian was very surprised. Her mood improved a lot in the past two days. Her grandma's condition improved a lot and she was able to sit up and eat by herself.

The doctor said, this is not a glimpse, the body's various functions are being repaired.

It can be said that it was an initial success and a miracle occurred.

All this is confidential.

\"To study there, the old guy called it!\" Zhang Feng said.

Yun Qian had quite a bit of criticism about Zhang Feng's calling Master an old guy. He had said it many times before, but it was useless, so I won't talk about it anymore.

\"Oh, go study!\" Yun Qian breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, it was not going to fight.

\"Yes, it is estimated to be a monk!\"


Yun Qian was shocked.

\"This, how can this be?\"

It is impossible for Zhang Feng to become a monk. You have a family, a wife, and so many women.

Besides, the country also needs you, how can you become a monk?

\"I don't know either, the old guy said, he often cheated me, you don't know! Hahaha!" Zhang Feng smiled.

\"stop laughing!\"

Yun Qian was so anxious to death, how could he still laugh out? Could it be that he really wanted to become a monk?

Stop him!

This was the first thought in Yun Qian's mind.

Haohao can't live without his father, he can't be a widow, and be as graceful as them.

Zhang Feng said: \"Why don't you also become a nun?\"

\"I don't want it, just what you think, huh!\"

How could Yun Qian not know the thoughts in Zhang Feng's mind?

\"How long will it take?\" Yun Qian asked.

\"I don't know, months, or years!\"

Zhang Feng does not know.

\"Can we visit you?\"

\"You come if you want!\"

\"I know!\"

Yun Qian hung up.

You can't see him, study, and you can't be disturbed.

At this time Zhang Feng jumped to the front of the car and went south.

Driving from Kyoto, it takes a day and a night, passing scenery.

Zhang Feng was able to settle his thoughts on this section of the road.

But at this moment Hu Xintu called.

\"What are you doing?\" Hu Xinting came.

When a girl asks you the first sentence, it means that she misses you.

Not to mention that this girl still likes you very much, indicating that he misses you very much or you need you very much.

What are you going to do at this time?

\"While driving, the old beggar told me to study in Wuji View!\" Zhang Feng said: \"How are you there?\"

It is afternoon time, listening to her tone and environment, it should be lunch break now.

\"Fortunately, it's just a bit troublesome, I can handle it!\" Hu Xinting said.

\"That's good, I will say when I need to take action, I am very free now, Huangquan Road will not let me participate!\" Zhang Feng said.

"You have a more important task, and learning is also a task, you have to complete it!" Hu Xinting said.

\"That is a must!\" Zhang Feng said: \"Hu Xintu and his wife went to the west!\"

\"Don't worry about him!\"

Hu Xinting said coldly.

\"I think he is very motivated!\"

Hu Xintu's actions are worthy of respect, and Zhang Feng admires him very much.

\"You wait for me in Southwest City and fly to Southwest City tomorrow!\" Hu Xinting said.


\"You drive!\"

Hu Xinting hung up the phone.

She is a little abnormal in this way, why did she come to Southwest City? Are you here for yourself?

Should it be? Otherwise, what is she doing in Southwest City.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng increased his speed, and the car ran on the high speed towards Southwest City.

Southwest City can be regarded as Zhang Feng's hometown. He has lived in a county under its jurisdiction for more than ten years, and he does not want to return to that place.

Southwest City really wants to go, because that is the starting point of dreams and a place to change destiny.

If Uncle Luo did not come to him, his destiny would be to go to university, find a job after graduation, and then find a girl to marry and have children.

It's that simple.

As for Sister Hu Xinting, forget it.

And now? Everything is possible, and fate is in your own hands.

It's just that Zhang Feng still has a pity in his heart, not having a college life.

The best time in life is the time in college.

People always have regrets, and Zhang Feng will have them too.

In the early morning of the next morning, Zhang Feng arrived in Southwest City as soon as it was light. He found a place to rest until noon when he received a message from Hu Xinting.

That is flight information.

More than an hour later, Zhang Feng came to the airport and wanted to pick him up.

At the exit, Zhang Feng was wearing sunglasses and holding a bunch of lilies bought on the side of the road.

Hu Xinting likes lily.

Like many pick-ups, he waited quietly.

More than ten minutes later, Zhang Feng saw Hu Xinting. She was wearing a peaked cap, and she wore long hair behind her. She was dressed in ordinary streetwear, white sneakers and loose clothes that could vaguely show her graceful figure.

The height of 1.78 meters attracted the attention of many men.

These men have thief eyes, and they can see that this woman is very beautiful.

She glanced over, Zhang Feng waved the flower in his hand.

At this moment, Zhang Feng saw a group of flight attendants coming out of it, and there was a familiar figure among them.

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