Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1986: Pick up, go to Hu's house next year?

More than a dozen flight attendants walked out side by side to form a beautiful scenery, attracting all eyes.

Every flight attendant is very beautiful, and one of them is even more beautiful, she stands out from the crowd.

Xu Qiuping, she is Xu Qiuping, and she is a noble girl who can be overthrown by Zhang Feng at any time.

But compared to Hu Xinting, who was walking towards Zhang Feng, it was not enough.

Zhang Feng didn't compare them with them. They are not comparable. Xu Qiuping is better than Xu Qiuping.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Feng thinks Xu Qiuping is better and easy to handle, because her identity background is much lower than that of Hu Xinting, the key is that there are not so many rules.

And Zhang Feng is even closer to each other.

But Hu Xinting, Zhang Feng is offended, he is going to the end.

As for Xu Qiuping, Zhang Feng still wanted to keep a little distance.

So Zhang Feng did not say hello to her.

At this moment Hu Xinting had already walked over, and Zhang Feng held the flower over.

Hu Xinting came over to catch the flowers, and said with a smile: \"Who learned to buy flowers from?\"

\"I always know it, don't I? It's just that I don't need flowers most of the time! \" Zhang Feng is a bit dazed, don't I think Zhang Feng is very old fashioned and doesn't understand romance?

Hu Xinting said: "Yes, you really don't need flowers!"

\"Where are we going?\" Zhang Feng asked.

The two turned and walked out. Zhang Feng glanced at the flight attendant who had already walked in another direction, Xu Qiuping in the flight attendant group.

\"You lead the way!\" Hu Xinting said: \"Xu Qiuping is not on my flight, she flies internationally!\"

Zhang Feng said: "Oh, I haven't seen her for a long time!"

This is very honest, indeed it's been a long time since I saw him.

What Zhang Feng didn't know at this time was that Xu Qiuping felt very strange for the sixth. She stopped and walked out of the team to look back, and she didn't see anything unusual.

I just saw a group of lovers walking together affectionately not far away. The woman changed the man's hand while holding flowers in one hand. The flowers are really beautiful.

But that man is like her dream lover.

It would be great if he was here too!

Xu Qiuping was sad, wondering where he was?

\"Qiuping, let's go!\"

A female colleague came over to hold her.

\"What are you looking at?\" The female colleague said:\"Is your man here?\"

\"What are you talking about, how can there be any men~~~\" Xu Qiuping's face turned red, and she turned and left with her colleagues.

Fate is like this, God can really make fun of people.

Zhang Feng drove to the hotel. At the hotel counter, Zhang Feng intentionally stopped for a while.

\"What's wrong?\" Zhang Feng said: \"Look if there are any rooms!\"

\"Didn't you book the room?\" Hu Xinting asked.

Zhang Feng said: \"I want to change to a bigger room!\"

\"No waste!\"

\"Good too!\"

Two went up.

Hu Xinting's peerless beauty is hidden by her, otherwise it will become the focus of many people.

Avoided a lot of trouble.

Unlike some celebrities who wear masks when they show up at the airport, are they worried that others will recognize them?

No, on the contrary, I am worried that others will not recognize him or her, because if you don't wear a mask, others will not recognize them. Real people are far from photos and videos.

Of course, there are some celebrities who do not wear masks. They are real celebrities.

After entering the room, Hu Xinting posted it~~~

Afterwards, they took a shower. The two of them lay there. Hu Xinting leaned on Zhang Feng's chest. She felt very stable and could relax.

\"Are you tired these days?\" Zhang Feng asked.


Hu Xinting responded softly.

\"No matter how tired I am, I have to do this well!\"


This is Zhang Feng. He doesn't say anything like he won't do it when he gets tired, or change someone else, or ask someone to help.

\"My grandpa's 90th birthday next year, are you going?\" Hu Xinting asked.

\"Just call me then!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"it is good!\"

In fact, Zhang Feng felt a little bit frustrated when he heard this. This is not the same as going to Yunqian's house. Zhang Feng can go to Yunqian's house in a big way, but Hu's and Zhang Feng are still very cautious.

Because he has other women, if the Hu family asks about this, how will he answer?

So far he still can't think of a solution.

And I don’t know what attitude the Hu family has towards him having other women, does it have zero tolerance?

\"Don't worry, I will take care of it, don't worry, just go!\"

Hu Xinting, a considerate and high IQ.

Zhang Feng kissed her forehead and said: "Sister Hu Xinting, how can I meet you, Zhang Feng, how can I?"

\"No, this is the result of your hard work, how about you can call me senior sister in the future?\" Hu Xinting said.

The two talked so wittyly when they talked about love.

Hu Xinting is indeed a senior, but Zhang Feng is one and a half years older than her.

Call her senior sister? This is a bit interesting, and now I hold my senior sister even more.

It seems to have a unique sense of accomplishment.

\"Yes, Senior Sister Hu Xinting!\" Zhang Feng smiled.

Called this way, there seems to be a distance between the two, but they are hugging each other.

Distance produces beauty.

\"Call the senior sister directly, don't add a name!\" Hu Xinting said.

\"Yes, senior sister!\"

Hu Xinting said: \"I want to rest for a while, can you press my shoulders for me?\"

Zhang Feng stood up and lifted the quilt, gently pressing on her junior.

\"Hmm!\" She responded softly.

It's like just now.

These days, Hu Xinting is really tired. She hasn't had a good night's sleep, and now she can have a good rest.

Relax physically and mentally, thinking about nothing.

In less than ten minutes, Hu Xinting fell asleep.

After changing her air-conditioning quilt, Zhang Feng put on her pajamas and went outside to smoke on the balcony.

Here is a fifty-story building, you can see the bright neon lights of the city, it is very beautiful.

Ever since Hu Xinting asked him to call herself Senior Sister, Zhang Feng felt a little uncomfortable, because he still had to call Senior Sister to go to her house.

Zhang Feng thought that Hu Xinting's younger brother went to Hu's house. It was a pure classmate relationship.

In the past few years, Hu Xinting has been working hard to get Zhang Feng in her family, but things have changed so fast. Zhang Feng has several women and has a son, which is even more difficult.

When Zhang Feng first arrived in Kyoto, he was just a yellow-haired boy. He didn't even have a place to live. He lived in other people's houses and made a joke. Later, he had a villa, and Zhang Feng never lived.

Hu Xinting never blamed Zhang Feng for having other people, such as Yun Qian. If there was no Yun Qian, Zhang Feng would have died.

Chen Wanru, Zhang Feng's actions would be very difficult without Chen Wanru's help.

Where is Sharapova?

At the Halberd of Wars training camp, hundreds of people have gone to train there. The results have been remarkable, and more people will go there in the future.

Of course, these were obtained by Zhang Feng desperately.

So Hu Xinting doesn't blame it. To blame, she should be his first woman and marry him earlier, but if she wants to get married, she will be desperate because it is impossible for her family to agree.

And he didn't want to get married so soon.

It's just that Hu Xinting didn't expect Zhang Shengeng to have such a woman.

It shows that he is good enough.

If you Hu Xinting can't make it, others can.

Where can I find such good meat this year?

There have been many times when Hu Xinting wanted not to marry forever. It was enough to be Zhang Feng's little lover. As for marriage, she didn't care.

Other men? Forget it, Hu Xinting's heart is set.

Either Zhang Feng, or lonely for life.

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