Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1987: Longing for college life, I met Xu Qiuping by chance

This is Hu Xinting's thoughts and has never told anyone.

She slept until the night, and after having dinner with Zhang Feng at night, she changed Zhang Feng's hand to go shopping.

It was a date. The first time I dated Zhang Feng, she let go of the cold look of the young lady.

Wearing a loose skirt and sunglasses at night.

And Zhang Feng is wearing a peaked cap.

Shopping, eating delicious food on Zhongshan Road, Hu Xinting is as happy as a little girl.

Zhang Feng is also happy in her heart, or this should be the state of mind she should have.

She had said before that if possible, she didn't want to be born in Hu's family, just be born in ordinary people's homes.

This is destiny. Everyone has their own destiny, and a wall is played out.

People inside want to come out, people outside want to go in.

But Zhang Feng didn't want to go in.

At nine o'clock in the evening, they went to Southwest University for a walk, and no one recognized them.

After staying in a dark corner for a long time, they didn't leave until a security guard patrolled them. They fled away, and Hu Xinting smiled excitedly.

This is the best time, Zhang Feng likes it.

\"Why don't we go to a university where no one knows us together?\" Hu Xinting suddenly came on a whim.

Zhang Feng said: \"Yes, just call me when I go!\"

It would be the best if Hu Xinting could be in a school.

\"Why did you go to Wuji Temple?" Hu Xinting asked.

Zhang Feng said it today.

\"The old guy told me to study there, and I don't know what to learn!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Well, study hard, there are many things to learn there! And they are all useful!\" Hu Xinting said.

Zhang Feng nodded, and Hu Xinting said so, it must be a good study.

Early the next morning, Hu Xinting took the morning flight back to work.

After this time, the relationship between the two of them has improved a lot, and Zhang Feng felt that way anyway.

After sending her to the plane, Zhang Feng walked out of the airport. At the exit, Zhang Feng was stunned.

There was a man standing in front of him, wearing the costume of a stewardess, holding a small box behind him, standing there slim.

\"Uh, what a coincidence!\" Zhang Feng spoke first, somewhat embarrassed.

Because it is the tears of others.

Tears fell, she couldn't walk anymore, and the person she missed day and night was just ahead.

How long? It's been two years.

This big bad guy, who is still smiling hippie, is still laughing there.

Zhang Feng did not wear a peaked cap today.

Zhang Feng came up and stood in front of her, only one step away.

\"Don't cry, so many tears, my face is spent!\" Zhang Feng said as he took out a pack of hand towels from his pocket and took it out to wipe her tears.

Xu Qiuping was crying: "Can you hug me?"

"A lot of people? How about we go there?" Zhang Feng looked a little embarrassed, and pointed to the corner.

Zhang Feng saw a team of flight attendants not far away.

But Xu Qiuping didn't care about this, put down the box and stepped forward and hugged Zhang Feng tightly.

She is about the same height as Zhang Feng, so holding Zhang Feng doesn't have much advantage.

Xu Qiuping used all his strength to hug him, holding his neck tightly with her arms.

It is difficult for Zhang Feng to breathe.

The fragrant breeze in Zhang Feng's nose is her body fragrance.

At this time, Zhang Feng's mind was thinking, such a girl, how can he be?

Peach Blossom Tribulation!

I hope to survive this catastrophe.

Let's go to Wuji Viewing for a repair! Zhang Feng thought so in his heart.


Ten seconds later, someone called her, she was a colleague.

\"Yo, who is this person?\" Colleagues came up and saw them hugging tightly:\"Is your dream girl?\"

Zhang Feng's clothes are very ordinary, clothes do not exceed three hundred yuan, shoes are more expensive, more than one hundred pull back flat shoes.

Looks like a young man in his twenties who just graduated and is looking for a job with nothing.

If you don’t know Zhang Feng, or don’t look at Zhang Feng’s eyes, this is the case.

Xu Qiuping quickly let go of Zhang Feng, blushing, lowered his head and said: "It's my friend!"

\"Oh, my friend still hugs so tightly!\" The colleague took out the phone and took a picture.

Zhang Feng's brows clenched. This is not good. If hers were posted online, many people would know.

\"It’s been a long time!\" Xu Qiuping said:\"Keqing, can you ask for leave for me?\"

\"Yes, yes, but I am worried that the director will not approve, because this flight is very important and there is no shortage of people!\"

The flight attendant named Keqing has been looking at Zhang Feng with disdain in her eyes. She does not understand that a girl like Xu Qiuping is the lover of young talents in the entire Southwest City. At least there is a group of people who pursue her. .

It's just that she has a special status and no one dares to think about it.

Do you like such a man?

Xu Qiuping said: \"Then I will resign. If I disagree, I will resign automatically. I will bear all the problems!\"

Ke Qing was taken aback, it seemed to be real.

\"Then, let me help you!\" Keqing said quickly.

If Xu Qiuping resigns, the company will be lost, and Xu Qiuping is usually very good. She takes care of many things, especially the passengers who make things difficult for her. She can do nothing without her.

\"Thank you!\" Xu Qiuping took Zhang Feng's hand to leave.

Zhang Feng stopped and said to Keqing: "Miss Keqing, can you please delete the photo you just took? I don't like this!"

\"Oh, yes, yes, I'll delete it in a while!\" Keqing turned and left.

Her mind is spinning, is it so secretive?

It seems that it is not simple. As a stewardess, she has seen too many invisible rich people. This person is probably enough, otherwise Xu Qiuping's eyes will not be blinded.

\"Keqing, thank you!\" Xu Qiuping said at the time.

\"It's okay, it's okay, I'll tell the director in a moment! You guys have fun!\"

Ke Qing left after speaking.

Zhang Feng looked at Keqing's back and said: "Your colleague is very interesting!"

\"It is interesting, except for a little gossip, she is good at everything, let's go!\"

Xu Qiuping is very happy. As for work or something, she has long been out of the blue.

\"Wait, do you have her phone number?\"

\"Yes, do you want to date her?\"

\"I'm not that stupid, you are enough!\"

\"Hey!\" Xu Qiuping smiled with tears on her face.

The woman's face became so fast.

Xu Qiuping took out his mobile phone and found out the clearable number to Zhang Feng: \"This is it.\"

He didn't ask Zhang Feng what he wanted this to do.

The phone is from three years ago and is very old.

Zhang Feng took out his cell phone and called Mike.

\"Mike, delete everything in the phone with this number! 134~~~\" Zhang Feng said the number immediately.

Xu Qiuping was shocked when she heard this~~~

\"How much do you want?\" Mike said arrogantly.

\"Always delete!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"How about scrapping this phone?\"

\"All works!\"

Zhang Feng doesn't care about her clear cell phone, she has already reminded her just now.

A gossip girl, when encountering such a thing, would she delete pictures?

Within a few seconds, Keqing, who hadn't walked far, answered the call, and then yelled. The phone in his hand fell off and fell to the ground, smoking.


Immediately after the mobile phone ignited, Zhang Feng clearly saw the foreign brand of her mobile phone.

Xu Qiuping saw this scene and was so shocked to speak.

Then he smiled and said: \"Zhang Feng, your method is so powerful!\"

\"I'm very good at other methods. Would you like to try?\" Zhang Feng smiled.

\"Yes, I am looking forward to it!\"

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