Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1988: Happy moment, be a Taoist priest?

Usually, Xu Qiuping is a little cold, except for his colleagues, there are no other male friends, and even the male students from the previous university have no contact.

She is two years older than Zhang Feng and two years older. She is also Hu Xinting's elder sister. She graduated from the School of Aeronautics of Southwest University and was also a college graduate.

\"Do you have anything else to do?\"

This is what Xu Qiuping is most concerned about now. If Zhang Feng has other things, it will be troublesome.

\"There is something!\" Zhang Feng said.

Knew it!

Xu Qiuping's face darkened like a deflated ball.

But she was not disappointed, Zhang Feng is the one who handles important matters.

\"Then you go, I asked for leave today, and went home to rest!\"

Xu Qiuping's tone is very bad, sadly sad.

\"Good!\" Zhang Feng said:\"I will take you home!\"

When Zhang Feng said this, he felt uncomfortable.

Xu Qiuping nodded without speaking.

After leaving the airport, Xu Qiuping sat in Zhang Feng's car.

\"Do you remember where my home is?\"

Xu Qiuping asked.


At that time, Zhang Feng also sent her home and drank water, but her father was at home.

Zhang Feng drove smoothly, neither of them spoke, and didn't know what to say.

When approaching home, Xu Qiuping suddenly said: \"Can I not go home?\"

\"Of course, I will send you where you want to go!\"

Zhang Feng's relaxed tone made Xu Qiuping want to cry.

\"You can go anywhere, when you want to do your business, just put me on the side of the road!\"

Xu Qiuping looked ahead, holding back the tears.

\"Good!\" Zhang Feng unexpectedly responded.

Zhang Feng jumped his direction and went outside the city.

\"Drive faster!\"

Xu Qiuping knows Zhang Feng's car skills.

\"Grasp the handrail!\"

Zhang Feng accelerated, and the car sprinted up suddenly, Xu Qiuping clutched nervously.

One hundred and five!

One hundred and six

It is steady at one hundred and eighty.

Xu Qiuping's tears came out, her eyes were a little confused, or she saw the illusion, in which there was Zhang Feng and a girl.

They live happily together.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng stopped the car on the side of the road.

Xu Qiuping couldn't react for a long time. The drag racing was very enjoyable. She had never experienced such a drag racing.

A minute later, Zhang Feng said: "You wait a moment, I'll go shopping!"

There is a supermarket nearby!

Zhang Feng did not go to the supermarket right away, but went to Xu Qiuping's side to open the car door and took out a hand towel to wipe her tears.

After wiping, close the door and go to the supermarket.

Xu Qiuping was a little stunned. He was so caring and heartwarming. All the unpleasantness just disappeared.

A smile appeared on his face, it was beautiful.

When are women the most beautiful?

When in love!

After a while, Zhang Feng took back a lot of things, and the trunk of the car was full, all of which were outdoors.

Xu Qiuping thought, he really has something to do.

\"You ask the company for a long vacation!\" Zhang Feng said in an orderly tone.


The clever Xu Qiuping understands, is this going to travel?

Great, it’s the most wonderful to travel with the people you like, and it’s still a self-driving tour!

She called immediately, and it was easy for her to ask for a leave. Excellent old staff, one sentence.

\"where are we going?\"

Zhang Feng said: \"Go to the mountains!\"

\"it is good!\"

\"Are you not afraid that I will sell you?\"

\"Are you willing to?\"

\"Not always!\"

All the way to the west, the scenery along the way is very good, and Xu Qiuping is in a good mood.

After a few hours, they stopped by the river and camped!


They spent the evening together, Zhang Feng did not cross the boundary, very honest, but Xu Qiuping's heart was not happy.

Is it just that?

Can't you go up on your own initiative? In other words, he didn't want to have anything further with himself.

Thinking of this, Xu Qiuping was sad.

Early the next morning, Xu Qiuping said: "Let's go back to Southwest City!"

\"Good!\" Zhang Feng actually agreed: \"I want to go to the Promise View!\"

Xu Qiuping was stunned, what is this going to do? \"

\"Oh!\" Xu Qiuping didn't ask much.

Zhang Feng said: "I went there to study, I guess I won't go down the mountain so quickly!"

\"Study? Are you going to be a monk?\"

Xu Qiuping thought a lot.

\"Maybe!\" Zhang Feng said.


What Xu Qiuping couldn't think of, was unexpected, what happened to him? Why did you think of becoming a monk?

\"How is it possible?\" Xu Qiuping couldn't figure it out.

Zhang Feng smiled and didn't say a word, which was a tacit understanding in Xu Qiuping's eyes.

And he didn't say what happened or what happened, or need not say.

Xu Qiuping lowered her head without speaking, her heart was extremely complicated.

No wonder he is rejecting himself!


Why did he go to become a monk when he first met him?

How could this be?

Xu Qiuping's tears came out again.

\"Have you been to Wuji Temple?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Xu Qiuping shook her head.

\"To play together, it is a trip!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"it is good!\"

Now she listened to what Zhang Feng said.

Two hours later they reached the Wuji View on the top of the mountain.

This is one of the holy places of Taoism, with simple and elegant architecture.

Surrounded by mountains, this Wuji Mountain seems to be immortal.

People will sink down when they come here.

There are no tickets here, except for Vipassana, others can enter.

Vipassana is not really impossible to enter, you need to ask for instructions, only if you have a Taoist or a layman to bring it in.

Promise is the important place.

There are many tourists and pilgrims, and they are prosperous.

There are many people sitting on the futon in the Sanqing Hall, meditating!

And Zhang Feng went in too, and closed his eyes while sitting cross-legged.

Xu Qiuping naturally sat there too.

Time passed slowly. After half an hour, Xu Qiuping couldn't stand it anymore, but Zhang Feng was still motionless.

She persisted for another half an hour and was about to faint her.

At this time, Zhang Feng said softly: "Qiu Ping, you can do it yourself now!"

Xu Qiuping was finally able to stand up, and moved his muscles and bones outside.

She looked at Zhang Feng very sincere, Xu Qiuping's heart was like a knife, did he really enter the empty door?

Oh, that's not right. Didn't it mean that a scholar can also marry a wife?

dont know if it is like this.

Wait for him!

After standing outside the door for another half an hour, Zhang Feng still did not move, Xu Qiuping went outside and walked.

Walking outside, Xu Qiuping's heart seemed to calm down a lot, and she didn't have such strong obsession.

A few hours later, Xu Qiuping still saw Zhang Feng sitting there still, and it was already evening. The tourists and pilgrims had already left, and he was the only one in the hall.

At this moment, a Taoist priest came over.

\"Female layman, please go to the cafeteria to use the fast food!\"

Xu Qiuping was a little surprised, but still responded: \"Thank you Master!\"


Xu Qiuping went with him.

The food here is very simple and delicious, and it is the first time she has eaten such delicious greens.

After eating, she saw Zhang Feng was still there.

It's been more than five hours.

That's amazing, how can I go to the bathroom?

Waiting until nine o'clock, the Taoist priest came again and asked her to rest in the wing.

Xu Qiuping wanted to ask the Taoist priest about Zhang Feng, but did not ask.

Zhang Feng came in today but didn't have any communication with any Taoist priest.

It's not like it has been arranged.

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