Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1989: Female layman! It's fixed!

The night was very quiet, there were no lights in the wing, and no electronic products, only scented candles.

Xu Qiuping slept peacefully. She knew Zhang Feng was outside.

She has never slept so peacefully, nor dreamed.

When I got up in the morning, I was in good spirits.

Someone led her to wash and eat breakfast. Breakfast was very simple, two steamed buns, a bowl of porridge, and a little pickles.

Xu Qiuping thought that Zhang Feng was no longer in the hall, and when she went outside the hall, she saw Zhang Feng there.

It's been ten hours, how can it be?

She walked in and wanted to see what happened to Zhang Feng? Is there something wrong with his body? I am worried about his safety.

But as soon as she walked in, someone stopped her, thinking it was an older Taoist priest.

He whispered: \"Lady woman, please come here!\"

Xu Qiuping went to the side hall with him, and the Taoist priest said to her: "Female layman, what are you worried about? Is that gentleman's safety?"

\"Yes, Master, it has been ten hours, what's wrong with him?

Xu Qiuping is very anxious.

\"He is fine, he is in good health, please don't disturb him!\" said the Taoist priest.


\"Lady woman, what are you still worried about?\"

\"I, I~~~\" Xu Qiuping doesn't know how to say it. Should I tell a Taoist priest that I like him very much and not let him become a monk?

The Taoist priest said: \"If the female layman is not at ease, you can first stay in the Wuji Temple and stay with this gentleman! However, please do not disturb him, try not to show up in front of him or talk to him!\"

\"Oh, well, thank you Master!\" Xu Qiuping responded.

Now it can only be so.

Then Xu Qiuping stayed here. She stayed for a week. She wore a simple and elegant robe and robes, her hair curled up, and a hat.

In order not to eat and drink for nothing, she is responsible for cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.

There are many lay children in the Wuji Temple, male and female, which is normal.

But she is the most beautiful female layman.

After staying here, she called her family to report her safety.

Then she sealed the phone in dust.

Every day she can look at Zhang Feng, and she is satisfied. After a few days, her heart has really calmed down. She can really support people here, without cosmetics, and her skin is still so good.

Zhang Feng entered Vipassana, and thought that the old Taoist learned morality and justice.

This study lasted for a few months. Zhang Feng's hair had grown and he would tie up everything with a rope.

Until one day the old beggar came, the old beggar was a little surprised when he saw Zhang Feng.

A lot has indeed changed.

On the way back, the old beggar said: "How is it?"

\"How about what?\"

Zhang Feng didn't seem to have changed much, but when he looked closely, he had changed a lot, and his heart became even deeper.

The old beggar could see this, and it was right to let him go there.

The heart is repaired!

\"Haha, nothing!\" The old beggar laughed.

The old beggar came here in his busy schedule, but it didn't come in vain.

There was also a brother and a girl beside her, all dressed up, sitting there quietly.

He didn't look like a Taoist aunt, as if he had cultivated a real fairy in the dust.

\"Xu family girl, are you going to work tomorrow?\" The old beggar is asking someone else's idea.

Xu Qiuping said: "Master, I don't know if I want to go to work or not!"

\"Well, no hurry, take your time!\"

The old beggar didn't want to provoke the girl much.

She is too clean and should live like a normal person.

Zhang Feng, he is destined to not be able to live an ordinary life.

Everything about him is for the sake of the masses.

The same is not true for old beggars, there are too many people.

In Southwest City, Xu Qiuping went home. She hugged Zhang Feng for a while, and then put it home.

Before leaving, Zhang Feng stopped her and said: "Qiu Ping, this dress looks so beautiful on you!"

Xu Qiuping smiled: \"Thank you!\"

Then she went back.

Hiding in a corner, Xu Qiuping was still laughing, smiling happily, but not crying.

Zhang Feng returned to Kyoto and went to 01 after staying at home for a long time.

I went to the hospital to see Yun Qian's grandma before going.

The old man can already walk out of the hospital bed and is very healthy.

This shocked Zhang Feng, and specifically asked Dean Ma if there were any adverse reactions or sequelae, and whether it was reflective.

Dean Ma said that it is very stable at the moment, and it is not a return to light. If there is no accident, it can be maintained for seven or eight years.

Hearing this Zhang Feng was relieved, seven or eight years was enough.

You must know that the old man is now ninety-five years old, and he has passed the one-hundred-year-old threshold, and he has a long life.

And the seven or eight years that Dean Ma said is just a conservative figure.

But one thing is that the elderly need to stay in the hospital often, at least once a month.

The old man was very happy, and she wished to be guinea pigs for those experts at the research institute. She was happy to study as she should.

Dean Ma also said that with this technological breakthrough in medicine, we have taken the lead in European and American countries, and have had a subversive change in patients' cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

what does this mean? Zhang Feng can think of it without much thinking.

\"Is it expensive?\"

Zhang Feng is most concerned about this.

If it's too expensive, it won't work. You can't survive a single shot like others.

How many people can there be more than ten million?

\"If it is expensive or not expensive, it depends on the patient’s condition. In fact, it is not the point that it is expensive. The point is that we did not think that a doctor like me could perform this operation. What is lacking now is people, talents!\"

Dean Ma said: "Moreover, all the old Chinese doctors and old Chinese doctors across the country have been invited away by Gusu Xianqing, and there are only five of them. No more, it is very difficult to do!"

This is too helpless.

Zhang Feng also understands that he can't change it either.

I also used an old Chinese doctor, and I had to admire Mr. Gusu's methods.

This research is unique in the world.

People who want to imitate can't imitate it, because only we have old Chinese doctors.

Zhang Feng went to 01.

When I arrived at the door, I saw Zhang Feng seeing his father sitting there watching the door, squatting at the door and smoking a cigarette, like a bad old man squatting in the village. Who would have thought that this is the top ten in the world. Where's the agent?

Zhang Feng took a thermos and squatted down in front of him and said: "Dad, there is tea in it, you can drink it!"

\"Okay, you go in!\" Zhang Dashan took the thermos.

\"Yes!\" Zhang Feng stood up and left.

This is the way the father and son are. They usually don't talk much. Zhang Dashan is like this. He spends most of his time thinking.

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