Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1993: How is this going? dislike me?

Chapter 1993 What is going on? dislike me?

Then Tang Yuhai was confused, what's going on?

Impossible, he is a member here, and the annual membership fee is 100,000.

\"I am a member here, you have no right to drive me away!\" Tang Yuhai said.

Han Ruohua said very proudly: "Yes, we are a member here, you are the watchdog of the clubhouse, get out of here!"

The security personnel of Red Star are of very good quality. They will not get angry because of any bad words from the guests. Instead, they will say in harmony: \"All membership fees will be refunded to you, please leave, otherwise we will take strong measures! \"

Speaking of this, the security guard took out a stack of money, which was one hundred thousand, and all of it was returned to him.


Tang Yuhai didn't take the money, his mind didn't react, he was stuck, he couldn't figure out what happened, and what happened to his company?

\"Why, why are you doing this?\" Tang Yuhai cried.

The security guard didn't argue with him so much, and two people came to drive them out.

As the woman scolded, they went outside, and the security gave him the money. He didn't pick it up and put it directly on the ground, but didn't lose it. This is the quality of a red star.

\"You, you~~~\" Han Ruohua was furious.

\"Stop talking, let's go!\"

Tang Yuhai suddenly thought that he should not make trouble here. He didn't pay attention to where Zhang Feng went inside just now.

Is it because the club does not want him to be a client for such a person? He spends no less than 100,000 here every month.

do not understand.


Tang Yuhai thought about his cell phone, but the manager called.

\"Boss, our warehouse was sealed up, just a minute ago, please come back soon!\" the manager said anxiously.

Tang Yuhai realized that the problem was serious and had to go back quickly.

At this moment, two people came out of the clubhouse, a man and a woman. The first thing I saw was Chen Wanru, the top lady in Kyoto, known as the eldest lady. If she could get along with her, she would be very successful.

But isn't the person beside her Zhang Feng? She also came out with Zhang Feng's hand, this, this~~~

When Han Ruohua saw Chen Wanru naturally, she didn't dare to shout any more. She felt ashamed. In front of Chen Wanru, she couldn't even count as an ugly duckling because the ugly duckling had a cute side.

When Chen Wanru's powerful aura pressed over, she took two steps back, and a few security guards at the door said a word to Zhang Feng, causing Tang Yuhai's sky to collapse.

\"Brother Feng, go slowly!\" Several security guards said respectfully.

This is the Red Star Club, the site of Chen Wanru. Why would the club's security guard treat Zhang Feng so respectfully instead of saying hello to Chen Wanru?

Any fool can figure it out.

Tang Yuhai finally realized that it was Zhang Feng, it was him, and it was his phone call that was real.

But if he wants him to go up and beg Zhang Feng now, he, he can't do it!

Seeing Zhang Feng and Chen Wanru were about to get into the car, Tang Yuhai still couldn't pass his own level.

The woman on the side is unbalanced: "This little white face, eating soft rice, is still a waste, huh~~~\"


A slap suddenly slapped Han Ruohua's face with great force. There were blood stains from five fingers on her face. This was not the most serious. The most serious was that her pointed nose was crooked.

\"You, you, do you dare to hit me?" Han Ruohua looked at Tang Yuhai incredulously.

Tang Yuhai burned with anger: \"I'll kill you girl~~~\"

Tang Yuhai directly violent his hometown's swearing, and he was about to hit him with his hand, only to notice that Han Ruohua's nose was crooked, which was very ugly. He had kissed many times before and didn't know where to make it. When he thought of this, he felt sick. I got up and vomited: vomit~~~

Han Ruohua touched her nose with her hand in doubt, found that it was crooked, and suddenly became angry. She splashed and grabbed and bitten at Tang Yuhai: \"Ah, ah, you, you pay for my nose, pay for my nose, I got it with fifty thousand yuan, you pay me and stay with me~~~\"

\"Bahla girl~~~\" Tang Yuhai fought with her.

At this moment, the people in the club came out to watch the excitement, and some took photos with their mobile phones, and someone called the police.

It's no longer under the control of the club outside, and it's up to them to make trouble.

They were taken away quickly. It was a tragedy. Tang Yuhai couldn't go back to deal with the company's affairs. His company was investigated, so there was no need to arrest him anymore.

He didn't know who Zhang Feng was after he was killed, compared to his classmate who always overwhelmed him.

It has become low-key now, terribly low-key.

Zhang Feng and Chen Wanru came home for dinner, and Yun Qian called just now.

After the meal, Zhang Feng drove to pick up Zhuo Chaoyun by himself. Zhuo Chaoyun had not seen Zhang Feng for more than half a year, and posted it as soon as he saw Zhang Feng.

\"Hehe, there will be such things in the future, you call me again, hehe!" Zhuo Chaoyun smiled satisfied.

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Hehe, that is a high school classmate of mine, who came to Kyoto to develop. Seeing him like that, you know that the company is a bit wrong, but you can't be fooled by him!"

Actually Zhuo Chaoyun doesn't care about this, but cares about being alone with Zhang Feng.

This kind of opportunity is too difficult, too difficult, and I don't know when Zhang Feng will go where to stay for a year and a half.

She wants as many opportunities as there are at the moment.

A woman is such an animal.

Zhang Feng didn't expect Zhuo Chaoyun, the cold-faced president, to be so enthusiastic.

\"How is the company's business now?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Now that I asked it today, I will ask again.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "Business will be good, with my mind, can business be good?"

\"This is also true!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhuo Chaoyun's company, the old beggar has shares, used the money to support Dragon Warrior's research.

And Chen Wanru's information will be provided to Zhuo Chaoyun, and business is naturally very good.

At present, it has entered the world's top 500, ranking high, and is the world's most valuable and youngest top 500 company.

\"It seems that you have lost a lot?\" Zhang Feng asked with concern.

\"Is there? You will not dislike it?\"

\"Yeah, I hate it!\"

Zhuo Chaoyun lowered her face: \"What? Do you dislike me? Huh, I, I~~~\"

\"It’s okay if you don’t dislike it. If you eat more food, grow more meat, sleep on time, etc., don’t dislike it!\"

Hearing what he said, Zhuo Chaoyun's face immediately changed, and she smiled: "Hey, why do I love you so much? Then I will grow a little meat!"

\"But it can't grow too much!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Hey!\" Zhuo Chaoyun smiled and posted it again.

Zhuo Chaoyun is a skinny beauty. She is 1.75 meters tall, but she is just over a hundred catties and she is very thin. No wonder Zhang Summit said so.

Before Zhuo Chaoyun thought that men like different styles, she was the thinnest among Zhang Feng's few women.

Now Zhang Feng said that he was caring for her by letting her grow flesh.

\"Hey, let's go to dinner!\"

\"it is good!\"

After a lot of exercise, both of them were hungry. Zhang Feng drove to find a quiet and tidy restaurant.

Through mobile phone navigation, Zhang Feng found a very high-end restaurant, and appointments must look like appointments.

When I got to the parking lot outside the restaurant, I was hit by a Maserati as soon as I parked the car.

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