Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1994: The van was hit, actual combat experience

Maserati stepped up and down a girl who was pretty good-looking and wearing red non-lens glasses. When she saw her car was scratched, she immediately became calm. It turned out to be a Wuling van that had her car scratched. , And the man who looks rubbish.

There was a stunning beauty beside this man, a woman more beautiful than her.

This made her even more uncomfortable, so she yelled at Zhang Feng: "Who caused you to hit my car? Can you afford it? None of you can go! Lose your bankruptcy~~~\"

The woman took out her mobile phone to make a call. Instead of taking pictures with her mobile phone, she called first.

\"Husband, the car you gave me was hit by someone, oh, it's a van, good, good, come on!\"

Zhang Feng wanted to walk away but was held by Zhuo Chaoyun, saying: "It's really bad luck, let's go to dinner after finishing it!"

\"Listen to you!\" Zhang Feng was very patient and let Zhuo Chaoyun stand behind.

Zhang Feng looked up at the neighborhood and saw several cameras. He didn't bother to take the phone out to take pictures.

\"Hmph, you wait, if you dare to run, dig three feet to find you out, is this a place you can come to? You look at the cars around, one wheel is more expensive than your car! \"

The woman saw Zhuo Chaoyun behind Zhang Feng, her heart was extremely unbalanced and she was very jealous.

Why? Why is she so beautiful, sitting in a van with a man like this, let your life be called later!

\"Don't worry, we won't go!\" Zhang Feng said calmly.

At this moment, the security guard of the restaurant came. When he saw this scene, he knew what was going on. A pair of eyes gave Zhuo Chaoyun a thief, looked at Zhang Feng, looked at the car, and finally put on a smiling face and went to Maserati. The woman said: \"Miss Lin is here!\"

\"You can see clearly, they hit my car!\"

The girl named Miss Lin pointed at the taillights and said angrily.

The taillights of the car were hit, and the van was just scratched. It is not about the quality of the van or how brittle the car is, but the angle is wrong.

\"Yes, yes, I saw clearly just now that this van hit your car!\" The security guard looked at Zhang Feng pitifully.

He was thinking in his heart, it's over, they're done, this time they are going to accompany a ruined family, dare to come here in a broken van?

Even if you don’t hit someone else’s house, just like you, the money you get from selling this car can’t be spent in the restaurant.

However, that girl is really beautiful. The important thing is her noble temperament. How could she follow such a man? The world is getting more and more weird, and it is becoming more and more incomprehensible.

After a while, two cars came, and seven or eight people came down. The headed man was a potbellied man with a cigar in his hand and seven bodyguards behind him. He had a decent boss temperament.

\"Woo, darling, you are here, we were bullied by him and ran into our car~~~~~~\"

When the fat man came, Miss Lin cried and posted it.

\"Today I came to have dinner with my cousin, and wanted to make my cousin open his eyes, but I did not expect to meet a hillbilly, dear, you have to call me the shots!\"

The fat man did not speak, a pair of small eyes swept over, and his eyes immediately stopped behind Zhuo Chaoyun behind Zhang Feng, and a smile appeared on his face.

Such a woman, and such a man, there is a sacred love between them. It is too simple to break them apart. If you have money, you can do it with two hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, one hundred. Million!

After thinking about it, he went to look at the car, then stared at Zhang Feng and said: "Boy, what do you want to do with this?"

The fat man looked at Zhuo Chaoyun behind, really wanting to look more, his eyes couldn't move away.

\"How to deal with it is how to deal with it!\" Zhang Feng said calmly.

I really didn't expect to encounter this when I went out on a date with Zhuo Chaoyun today. It was really unlucky. I had to get out of this bad breath.

\"Very good!\"The fat man was very satisfied with the answer: \"Do you know what kind of car I am?\"

\"Maserati!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Do you know how much it is?\"

Zhang Feng shook his head.

\"2.5 million!\" The fat man said:\"Your car should be second-hand, right?\"

\"Yes, this van is indeed second-hand, starting with 15,000!\" Zhang Feng said.


The people around laughed. This is the car. Every car light is more expensive than yours, and it is so reasonable to say that this person has a brain disease?

The fat man suppressed his smile: \"Then do you know how much you have to pay for hitting my car?\"

\"I don't know!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhang Feng does not know this. He is not a car repairer, not a 4s shop.

\"Then I tell you, the cost of repairing a car is not 200,000 yuan! \"The fat man said: \"200,000 yuan, take it, take it, and you can go!\"

\"Oh, I forgot to tell you, maybe you still don't know who I am, my name is Bao Jiantian, and everyone on the road calls me Brother Leopard!\"

Then the fat man reported to himself.

\"Brother Leopard? On the road?\"

Zhang Feng is puzzled, just such a fat guy is also on the road?

The younger brother behind Leopard came up and said angrily: "Boy, hurry up, otherwise you won't be able to eat and walk around. Our Leopard is the manager of Antenna Entertainment, and if we know it, we will lose money!"

\"What if I don't give it?\" Zhang Feng said.

\"No?\"Brother Leopard laughed loudly:\"Show him some color!\"

His company is not simple in this area, and it is very easy to open.

However, in the eyes of the public, this company is a cancer.

A few bodyguard boys went up, wanting to teach this indifferent guy a good lesson.

\"Hit him, hit him, go up and hit him!\"

Miss Lin was shouting excitedly. She liked this scene very much because it could show their strength.

You can do whatever you want.

Two little brothers came up, and they felt that two little brothers were enough to solve Zhang Feng.

\"Zhang Feng, what should I do if my hands are itchy?\"

Zhuo Chaoyun behind this moment said.

\"Uh, leave it to you!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhuo Chaoyun is overjoyed: \"Really?\"


Zhang Feng is sure. She will definitely not get hurt if she is here, and the most important thing is that she can have actual combat experience. Zhuo Chaoyun has practiced taekwondo when she was in school. When she first met Zhang Feng, It was against Zhang Feng.

After working with Zhang Feng, she practiced more. As long as she has time to practice, she has been practicing for many years, and it is estimated that she has the black belt qualification, but she lacks actual combat and does not know how the actual combat is, but she is not facing these little gangsters Next.

So Zhang Feng gave her the position, and she stood in front of her.

Everyone was stunned, what kind of trick is this? Even the two **** who came up stopped, their eyes fixed on Zhuo Chaoyun's beautiful face and figure.

\"Beauty, we don't hit women!\" said one of them, showing his generosity and demeanor.

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