Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1998: Torture, good time

Chapter 1998 Torture, Good Times

He couldn't stand it after a dozen strokes on Brother Yuan, and then knelt down and begged for mercy. His face was crying and there were seven or eight bloodstains on his face, which looked terrible.

\"Don’t fight, don’t fight, please don’t fight, it hurts, it hurts, don’t fight, ah, don’t fight~~~\"

Even if he knelt down, Zhang Feng still drew his face, squirting his face.

Da Da~~~

Brother Yuan put his hands on his face, Zhang Feng twitched his stomach, and when he let go, he twitched his face.

\"Ah, don’t fight, don’t fight, I know it’s wrong, I give money, give money~~~\"

So Zhang Feng stopped.

\"Five hundred thousand, self-breaking arms, I don't want your woman!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Ah? Self-breaking arms?\" Brother Yuan seemed to hear clearly, or felt that the other party was serious about breaking his arms.

No, you can't break your arms even if you are killed.

\"It's okay to continue, you can buy your arms for half a million!\" Zhang Feng said.

Brother Yuan didn't speak, he was too domineering, he was even more domineering than himself, so he paid for his own arms? How can there be such a reason!

But now he has to agree. He can feel that this person is true. If he doesn't buy it, he will really destroy his arms.

Brother Yuan is rich and can earn it back in one month, unwilling? Money must also be paid, one million!

\"I give, I give~~~\" Yuan Ge kept saying:\"But I don’t have so much cash!\"

\"I only need cash!\" Zhang Feng said.

Brother Yuan said: \"I let people take it, let me take it!\"

There was a bank nearby, and Yuan Ge asked two of his men to take it, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, he still didn't arrive. Yuan Ge endured the intense pain on his face and called, only to find that he could not pick up the two men.

\"No, it's broken, these two get **** out of town!\" Yuan Ge said angrily.

He said he was going to chase after him.

\"Wait, where's my money?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Brother Yuan was in a hurry: \"Brother, my money was taken away, I want to get it back!\"

\"Who is your brother, I will pay interest if I don't take it again!\" Zhang Feng said angrily.

\"You~~~\" Brother Yuan wanted to curse, but he didn't dare to curse.

Brother Yuan only had to ask Brother Leopard to take it, Brother Leopard took the injuries, and at the same time he called his little brother to chase the two out-of-town little brothers, they were the little brothers who had just received it!

One million was brought, and the bank gave a suitcase.

Zhang Feng took the money and gave 10,000 yuan to the restaurant. The restaurant was so happy that he gave half of it to the employees, and Zhang Feng donated the money.

Fund for Zhuo Chaoyun.

Is this robbing the rich and helping the poor?

Brother Yuan disappeared here soon. He went to the hospital. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong. What happened?

Two million gone?

The two **** didn't chase them back either.

\"Brother Yuan, I can't just let it go, I ask someone to stop them!\" Brother Leopard said angrily.

\"Blocking? How to block? He can kill more than twenty of us with a single branch, just like playing, if he holds a knife in his hand?\"

\"This~~~\" Brother Leopard stopped talking.

\"Send someone to stare at them first!\"


\"Ouch my face~~~\"

\"Doctor, tap it!\"

\"Do you want to treat it?\"

\"To cure, to cure~~~\"

\"Then don't talk, a big man!\"


Zhang Feng drove Zhuo Chaoyun away in the van, and it didn't take long to see two cars behind him. Zhuo Chaoyun said: "We are being followed!"

\"This Brother Yuan really doesn't give up!\"

\"If I don’t give up, I will be cheated by you for a million, oh no, it’s two million. If he can’t find those two men, he will put his anger on you and become two million Now! \" Zhuo Chaoyun said.

Zhang Feng said with a sullen face: "I originally wanted to leave him a way to survive, but it seems that I can't keep it!"

\"How do you want to deal with him?\" Zhuo Chaoyun said.

In fact, the two of them didn't have much grudges with this brother Yuan, just a little conflict, and they couldn't put people to death, but he did a lot of evil and harmed the village, so he couldn't stay.

\"Let Mike help!\" Zhang Feng called Mike as he said.

The matter was resolved quickly, and within half an hour, the two cars behind were gone.

At this time, Brother Yuan was still in the hospital. The doctor had just finished the medicine on him. He was waiting for the news to see if he had killed the man and the woman.

The subordinates prepared two large trucks to kill them in a traffic accident.

But he had to call people back, because his company was investigated, and the officials used Thunder tactics, and all the things he did were stabbed out, and the fish he had paid a lot of money for several years didn’t work. Pretending as if he didn’t know Brother Yuan, someone told him that they are being investigated now, and they are hard to protect themselves. How can they manage the life and death of Brother Yuan, and asked him if he offended some power. All the **** are covered.

Upon hearing this news, Brother Yuan was scared into a cold sweat and he was going to die!


Then he pulled his own mouth, gritted his teeth in pain!

At this time, Zhang Feng and Zhuo Chaoyun drove back to Kyoto. They drove slowly and slowly, at a speed of seventy to eighty. Anyway, Zhang Feng was not in a hurry.

He has been the most leisurely recently and has nothing to do.

The old beggar didn't have any arrangements. That day, he said that Zhang Feng would have a good rest and there would be tasks.

For this, Zhang Feng didn't care. During the six months in the 01 base, Zhang Feng didn't feel too depressed or bored. This is all due to the period when he was in Wuji, like practicing in retreat.

In the base, he also practiced in retreat, so he lived very well inside.

Counting one year of retreat, he has cultivated.

Do people need to be quiet after the noise, quiet? How quiet? Quality quiet.

One of the most basic skills he learned in the Wuji view was meditation and meditation. He also learned some Taoist boxing and so on. Half a year was very short and he learned a lot of things, but Zhang Feng felt that he just learned a little bit of fur there .

\"When are you going back to work?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "I don't have to go to work, I leave everything to the people below, and there is nothing important recently!"

\"Then dare to love it!\" Zhang Feng said.

In fact, Zhuo Chaoyun has a lot of things. She just wants to spend more time with Zhang Feng. After all, in the past few years, she has not had much time alone with Zhang Feng, almost none.

This is hard to accept for a girl in love, and even harder than living in two places.

It's not easy.

So why should Zhuo Chaoyun stay with Zhang Feng a little longer, she was the happiest today, punishing evil and promoting good, and did a very meaningful thing.

\"Have your bachelor apartment sold?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"No, it's still there, I will go there for one night every month! \" Zhuo Chaoyun said.

How can it be sold? That's where she and Zhang Feng started!

\"We will live there today!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Okay!\" Zhuo Chaoyun was so happy.

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