Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1999: Artificial intelligence, talent

Zhang Feng has gone to Xiaoyao these days, 01 is still so busy, the old beggar came to the club to find Chen Wanru in person, she didn't appear here many times, and she wouldn't come here three times a year.

Chen Wanru was not there when I came here, but the assistant was there and left after a while.

He came to explain the task in person, and said that he wanted artificial intelligence talents. The assistant was surprised because Mr. Gusu could solve it with a single phone call. Why did he come in person? It shows how important this task is!

Before Chen Wanru came back, the assistant went to work.


Chen Wanru has always been very busy, but she will enjoy her life. Her recent work focuses on talent search, and she will dig corners when she finds it. As for the students who have just graduated, she will not be stingy with money.

As for where Zhang Feng went, she wanted to know a rough idea. For example, Zhang Feng went to find Zhuo Chaoyun today, but she didn't know.

In terms of intelligence, Chen Wanru sent a lot of people to follow Hu Xinting. Hu Xinting personally called before. Chen Wanru was obliged to do so. With Chen Wanru’s intelligence, Hu Xinting could be said to have opened his eyes there and fled for everything. But for her, things went well, but it was not over yet. She was promoted when she was in charge and was the person in charge.

Chen Wanru appeared in a cold and beautiful image and acted decisively. When she got there, she calmed her opponent and achieved remarkable results.

\"Miss, there is a doctoral student in Kyoto University, we can't hire him, a little stubborn!\"

Now the assistant came in and said softly.

\"Is the money given enough?\" Chen Wanru said.

Recently, many people have been recruited and the cost is huge, but for Chen Wanru, money is not a problem, it is just a number.

\"Already given nearly three million, he has a rare opponent in terms of artificial intelligence in China and even time!\" said the assistant.

\"What are you waiting for? How much does he want, give it to him!\" Chen Wanru looked at the information in her hand, very ordinary, a handsome boy, wearing a pair of glasses, like a hard-working programmer.

The assistant said: "He said he didn't want money! He didn't say what he wanted. What's even more difficult is that other countries also extended an olive branch to him, and they gave him a lot of money!"

\"Since he doesn't want our money, nor those people.\" Chen Wanru was thinking.

The assistant said again: "We urgently need talents in this area! Mr. Gusu also said twice."

\"I want all his information!\" Chen Wanru said.

The assistant said: \"I have sent it to your desktop!\"

Chen Wanru nodded, and the assistant went out.

Only with this assistant's ability to work can be Chen Wanru's assistant. You must know that such an assistant already has a single-family house in Kyoto, and the ability to do things is extraordinary. He has been with Chen Wanru for many years.

Chen Wanru is now looking at this information.

Zhang Dazhuang, a very native name, focuses on the doctoral dissertation of Kyoto University, which is classified as confidential, and Chen Wanru can obtain it.

Although Chen Wanru hadn't read any books and didn't understand these things, she knew the importance of these things.

She decided immediately.

\"Come in!\" Chen Wanru was called an assistant.

After the assistant came in.

Chen Wanru said: "Go and arrange it and take me to see this person!"

\"Yes!\" the assistant answered:\"Miss, you can go see him now!\"

\"Okay, get ready for the car!\" Chen Wanru said:\"Oh, no, don't see him first, go to his hometown!\"

The assistant responded in a daze: \"Yes!\"

\"Prepare more gifts!\"


Zhang Dazhuang’s home is in the western mountainous area nearly 2,000 kilometers away from Kyoto. It takes a long time to drive there. Chen Wanru flew to the provincial capital airport and arrived at his home in less than half a day.

This is a mountainous area. It is rare that there is a cement road going in. Chen Wanru's two cars passed by and immediately attracted the attention of the village. Many people and children came around. Chen Wan got in the car and immediately stunned the bachelors and even the farmers in the village. , They have never seen such a beautiful woman, even in a big city.

Chen Wanru walked past the cigarettes of the old men with a pack of cigarettes in her hand.

\"Hello everyone, I'm from Kyoto. I'm here to find Zhang Dazhuang. It's a good thing. Don't worry, come and smoke!\"

Chen Wanru said that she ordered one and asked the assistant behind to smoke. There were two bodyguards behind. The tiger shark was in the car. The image of the tiger shark would make people afraid that Chen Wanru would let him stay in the car.

Faced with such an easy-going beauty, everyone was shocked, flattered than the big leader smoking.

Chen Wanru squatted down and took out a large amount of candy to a child and said: "Little guy, do you know where the big house is?"

\"I know, I know, I will take you there!\" Five or six-year-old children do not live and can speak Mandarin.

\"thank you!\"

Chen Wanru followed, and then said: "I will entertain all the fathers and villagers in the village for dinner in the name of Da Zhuang for a while, and please show your face!"

The assistant at the back took care of it and called the strong man in the village to move things. The other car was a small truck filled with things.

This village has a population of dozens of households, about 300 people, most of whom are old and weak, seven or eight young people.

They didn’t bring enough things. The assistant bought a few pigs and two cows in the village at a high price, and they slaughtered them. They also sent people a lot of things from the county town. , It's still good smoke.

The village was boiling, the village officials came, and the leaders of the county also came. It was very lively, and they all gathered in Da Zhuang's house.

Naturally, his family can't hold so many people, but there is a lot of open space outside, a large shed is set up, and running water seats are lined up.

Da Zhuang’s parents are there, grandpa’s interior, etc., Chen Wanru’s stuff filled the old earthen house at home, and can’t put it down, refrigerator, washing machine, etc., and Chen Wanru has already decided to build a third for Da Zhuang’s family. All the small western-style buildings, Bao Gong, let the engineering team from Kyoto come and set off immediately.

This confuses the big and strong parents. I don't know why it is a lie. It is not true. The leaders of the county brigade are here. How can they be fake? Moreover, a staff member in the county said that it was from a large state-owned enterprise in Kyoto, which has been confirmed.

Zhang's father was flattered and asked his intentions. Chen Wanru didn’t mean to say, "Da Zhuang, we are here for Da Zhuang. Didn’t he graduate this year? He wanted him to come to our company, but he didn’t agree. I I’m here to beg you to be old. We offer him an annual salary of 3 million, plus a house in the third ring road and a registered permanent residence in Kyoto!\"

\"What?\" Zhangfu was surprised.

Chen Wanru said: "Thanks to the Zhang family for nurturing such a capable offspring. I feel very honored. It is a talent that we need very much. I hope that he will serve the country and the country and people will not treat him badly!"

\"What's the matter?\" the county leader nearby asked.

Everyone is also at a loss. They don't know the situation of Da Zhuang. Even Zhang's father doesn't know. He just knows that his son's grades are very good, and the school fees are all exempted, and there is no pressure at home.

Chen Wanru said: \"Da Zhuang studied a subject with his mentor in school. This subject can change our country’s deficiencies in artificial intelligence and lead the world. Other countries have discovered Da Zhuang. We are very anxious. When they get strong, we are passive. In the past few decades, they have been able to lead us a lot because they are looking for talents all over the world~~~ So I came, I know I am abrupt here, but I can’t help it. , Da Zhuang can't go abroad!\"


Someone slapped the table and shocked Chen Wanru.

It was taken by Zhang's father, and the plates on the table jumped up. He said angrily: "He dare, see if I don't break his leg, if he goes abroad, he will be a sinner of the country, it is for my Zhang family Shame~~~ Madam, you call him right now, hurry up, call him right away!\"

\"Uncle, it's not that serious, just ~~~\" Chen Wanru said.

\"You don't have to comfort me, I know!\"

Zhang Mu was also shocked. This is all related to the national level. How can she be a woman to understand?

\"What if he doesn't come back?\" Zhang Mu asked.

Zhang Fu said: "Just say I'm sick, very serious!"

Speaking of Zhangfu, he took a sip of wine to calm his anger, this unbelievable thing!

\"This, this~~~\" How can Zhang Mu say that, isn't this cursing his own man?

Zhangfu said angrily: \"If you ask you to fight, fight, so much nonsense!\"


Zhang Mu hurried out to fight, Chen Wanru didn't speak, she wanted this effect.

At this moment, Chen Wanru added another fire. She asked her assistant to bring a red book, which was a real estate certificate, and put it on the table.

Chen Wanru said: \"Uncle, you see, I am ready, as long as he signs, this house will be his.\"

Zhangfu glanced, he didn't understand either!

\"Tang Ji, take a look!\" Chen Wanru showed this to Secretary Tang nearby.

Secretary Tang took a serious look, nodded and said: "This is true, one hundred and fifty square meters, according to the price of the house, the value of this house is nearly 10 million!"

"What? Ten million?" Zhang's father was stunned. He couldn't calm down for a long time. He took a cigarette and smoked, he was thinking!

Tang Ji said in the sidelines: "This is the national welfare, it is a policy for special talents, and it is a real deal!"

\"Uncle, after all, our funds are tight. There is only so much we can give. We really need him. To be precise, the country needs him. I know that other countries may give him more~~~ \"Chen Wan stopped talking like she wanted to.

\"Girl, you don’t need to say, don’t give it to me, just don’t give it, he will give me to go to work in your company, if he doesn’t go, I will abolish him!\" Zhangfu came from that era Yes, as long as it is needed by the country, his brains and brains will be wiped out.

\"Uncle, you are serious!\" Chen Wanru did not expect Zhangfu to be so principled.

At this moment Zhang Mu came back and she said: \"He said he will be back soon!\"

\"Then wait for him to come back!\" Zhangfu Clubhouse.

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